Chapter 6

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Jungkook POV

Sighing softly to myself, I bite my lip as I glance over at Yoongi. We're about to start practicing for the day, but I'm still extremely tired. I hardly got any sleep last night, waiting up to hear Yoongi come home. Which, I know he came home later than usual, not helping the fact that I didn't sleep well in general. As much as I should've been fast asleep, all I could think about was Yoongi and the argument we had last night.

"Alright! Everyone ready to get started?" Hoseok asks with a clap, snapping me from my thoughts as I toss my bag to the ground. I glance back over to Yoongi, finding a small smile on his lips surprisingly. I frown in confusion as I slowly move to get in place, wondering why he's suddenly in an decent mood. Is he really that happy to have gotten rid of me?

I try not to think about it too much as Hoseok begins to get us started with practice. Trying to follow his moves as perfectly as possible. It works for a short while, pretending my attention is fully on him as he gives instructions and shows us what the hell to do. However, every facade falls sooner or later, seemingly messing something up as everyone stops and turns towards me. My eyes widen a little in surprise looking around in confusion with a small pout.

"You missed the move, Kookie. It's like this." Yoongi giggles lightly with his beautiful gummy smile, repeating the move I apparently messed up. I look at him curiously, still wanting to know what's suddenly gotten into him as he finishes the move and looks back over to me expectantly with a cute light smile. Glancing over to Namjoon, I can see a tad bit of confusion in his eyes, though still seemingly waiting for me to repeat the move to show I understood and got it correctly.

"Uh-umm, can you do that again?" I ask quietly, rubbing the back of my neck shyly as I give him a tiny smile. He giggles, nodding his head before repeating the move for me. I force myself to try and actually pay attention, repeating the move myself once he's finished. He smiles contently, nodding his head once I've repeated it properly.

Sighing quietly to myself, I run a hand through my hair. Biting my lip, I try to focus more on what's happening, but I can hardly manage it.

All I can think about and focus on is Yoongi though. It truly worries me how quickly he's suddenly turned his attitude and seeming emotions around. He's been so cold for the last few months.

I just... I wish I knew what to do. I wish I knew what was going on, but I don't. He keeps pushing me away and won't let me close enough to figure out what's happening anymore. All I know is that he's clearly struggling, and the fact that he suddenly seems to have turned around over night is extremely worrisome.

My attention gets dragged back to the harsh reality when I suddenly trip over someone's feet, both of us tumbling to the ground, most likely due to my lack of focus on my surroundings. My eyes widen as I land on top of my gray haired hyung, catching myself above him with my hands splayed out on the hardwood floor beneath us on either side of his head. Stunned by what's just happened, I don't automatically move off of him, noticing the lack of any sort of smile or happiness on his face. Instead, his beautiful dark brown eyes dim with a sort of sadness, lips pushing into a pouty thin line as he gently places his hands on my chest to push me off of him. Heart shattering at his reaction, I fall limp to the side where he pushes me so that he's able to get up. Not being able to really say or do anything, I just watch as he stands, dusting himself off from the not so clean floor beneath me as he walks away from me silently.

"You okay, Kookie? You seem kinda out of sorts this morning." Hoseok questions gently, bringing all the attention onto me if it wasn't already there. Sighing, I run a hand through my hair as I shrug, letting my gaze fall to the floor.

"Not feeling too hot this morning, I guess." I answer quietly, knowing my lack of normalcy has nothing to do with physically feeling sick, but at the dread and worry that fills my body from Yoongi's cold and mixed behavior.

"Why don't you go take a breather, yeah? Go get some water and just relax for a bit." Hoseok suggests kindly, giving me a small smile. Taking a deep breath, I just nod my head unsurely.

"Yeah. Yeah, okay."

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