Chapter 14

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Jimin POV

Sitting on the edge of Jungkook's bed, I squeeze my hands between my legs tightly, waiting nervously for him. Despite having warmed up a little in the bath, he doesn't seem to be doing a whole lot better, still seeming fairly weak as he moves around. I'm not really sure what to do to help him, other than continue taking care of him as much as I can, trying to help him around and make things as easy for him as possible.

Getting dragged from my thoughts, I feel my phone buzz in my front pocket. Frowning at the feeling, I pull the device out and check my notifications to find a text from Namjoon hyung.

Joon: If you haven't yet, don't tell Jungkook about Yoongi's condition. Don't tell him about the fact that they found out there was drugs in his system and shit. He seems pretty affected just by what he witnessed, we don't need to traumatize him anymore than that.

I frown at this, feeling conflicted over the fact that they want to hide it from the younger. Jungkook was always closest with Yoongi up until Yoongi started pushing everyone away. While I do agree that it would probably traumatize him more to know that Yoongi had been doing some form of drugs and I don't hurt or worry the younger even more, I don't feel that it's right to be hiding shit from him either.

Groaning quietly in frustration, I run a hand through my hair as I lean forward to rest my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands. It's hard enough on me as it is, having tried to talk Yoongi down from where I was afraid this was going for the last two months. Now it seems like I'm the only one taking Jungkook's well-being into consideration, the only one looking out and paying attention to him. And then they want to add on to everything by making me hide this fact from them.


My head snaps up at the sound of Jungkook's voice, spotting him leaned against the doorway of his bathroom fully dressed now. His voice is quiet and scratchy as he speaks, making me think that he'll be needing some tea and honey when he wakes back up.

I give him a small smile, standing up and walking over to him with no hesitation. Reaching the taller boy, I wrap an arm around his waist and do my best to support as much of his weight as I can. He doesn't say anything, silently following my actions as I lead him over to his bed and help him down onto it.

Watching him pull the rest of his body into his bed and under his covers, I simply stand here with a small smile and watch him slowly work to get comfy. Though, he stops seemingly in the middle of what he's doing, looking up at me with a pout.

"What, Jungkookie?" I ask softly with a small smile, reaching out and ruffling his hair lightly.

"Will you lay down and cuddle with me? Please, hyung?" Jungkook requests quietly, eyes not wavering from mine. I frown a little, confused by the request.

"Don't you just wanna get some rest on your own, Kookie? You've gotta be exhausted by now." I question worriedly, brushing his hair back gently. He sighs softly, nuzzling his head into my touch a bit.

"I am tired, hyung. But I can't sleep. And... I don't wanna be alone right now." Jungkook whispers softly, gaze falling down to the sheets covering around half of his body. I purse my lips, my heart aching for the younger as I give in and nod my head.

"Okay, Kookie. Are you gonna be warm enough like this? Or do you want a few extra blankets?" I check in a gentle tone, not wanting him to feel like he's freezing to death instead of sleeping.

"Could you grab some of hyungs blankets please?" He asks shyly, his voice softer than it had been before. I give him a small smile, my heart clenching at the pain he must be feeling right now as I nod once more.

"Okay, Kookie. I'll be right back with those, okay? Is there anything else you need right now?" I offer softly. He just shakes his head, laying himself back down properly in a small slump.

Biting my lip, I turn and walk away from him, exiting his bedroom as I go to the one right across the hall from his, looking around Yoongi's bedroom. My eyes widen though, spotting a package on top of his dresser. Frowning at the sight, I walk over to it without a thought, peaking inside. My heart sinks though, spotting a vial of what I'm fairly certain is cocaine, as well as a bottle of some sort of pills. Pursing my lips, I pull the bottle out and read it, my heart sinking lower as I recognize the name all too easily.

Shaking my head, I return it to where I found it and go over to his bed, grabbing his blanket off his bed as well as the one out of his closet before making my way back to our youngest member, not wanting to be near those drugs any longer.

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