The Only Solution

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One day for the first time, I was preparing fresh lime water. While preparing, I ended up adding five time the lemon juice amount than it needed. Resulting lime water was a disaster. It was so sour that no one could even take a sip of it. Now, I had to make it right anyhow. I wish I could remove extra lemon juice from the water but some things can never be undone. There is no way to remove the lemon juice from the water. So what is the solution? The only way to correct it was to add another four more glasses of water to the already made lime water and dilute the lemon juice to make five glasses of fresh lime water.

Now, if we think about life, it's the same. Sometimes we do things which cannot be undone. Some wrong decisions, wrong choices, wrong doings, wrong actions can never be undone. So what is the solution? When we cannot undo things and correct whatever wrong happened, we should not waste more time over it. It would be like trying to remove lemon juice from lime water. Instead, if things get wrong and cannot be undone, then we should get busy in adding so many right things in our life that wrong seems insignificant. We all have negative sides to ourselves and we may not be able to correct all our negativities but we can definitely try to continue adding positive thoughts, actions, people in our lives and dilute negativity. We all have been through lows in our life and we cannot change that but if we add new highs in our life, we will be able to dilute lows is not it? In the end, life will seem "mostly high". We all had mistakes in our life and have bitter memories but we can get busy making and adding new merry memories today. We should try to do a lot of good things and concentrate in making life more positive now so that we can dilute bad things which ever happened or done by us in the past.

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