Chapter 3

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Two weeks be for U.A's entrance exams
Izuku Pov
I was doing my usual routine when these two guys come up to me. "Sorry to be a bother but you are izuku are you not." The said the first guy. "Yeah who's asking. "Who I am is not important but who sends me is." He says. "Are boss wants to talk to you personally." Says the second guy. "Ok so who is your boss and why dose he want to see me?" I ask. "We are not aloud to say and we don't know why he wants to talk to you." Guy 1 Says. "Ok so when dose he want to meet?" I ask. At the cafe down the street from here at 6:40."Guy 2 says. "Alright tell him that as long as I don't feel threaten I will talk with him." I tell them. They thank me an leave to god knows we're. I pull out my phone and message Katsuki.
( K= Katsuki and Iz= izuku. It's straightforward.
Iz- Hey I'm gonna need your help later.
K- Why?
Iz- I'm meeting someone who I think might be dangerous later.
K-Why the fuck would someone like that want to talk to you?
Iz- I have no clue I'll I know it's I'm meeting him at the cafe down the street the beach is on the at 6:40.
K- to be honest I want to see them try to touch you.
Iz- what do you mean.
K- one your quirk is op as fuck and two our mother.
Iz- ok that's true. Would you be able to just camp out near there just Incase something goes wrong and I need to get out.
K- yeah I'll be there.
Iz- k thx
K- ur welcome
I put my phone up and continued like nothing happened. While heading to lunch I see Momo so I walk over to her. I see she's talking to some other girl. As I get closer I decided to scare them. As I sneak up to them the girl with her turns around and faces me. I think she knows what's going one because she gives a small smirk and turns back around. I sneak up and when I'm about a good 7 inches behind her I yell " BOOO!!" She jumps forward and screams. She turns around and sees me. "IZU WHAT WAS THAT FOR!!" She yells at me while I'm on the floor with her friend dousing from laughter. The two of us kept laughing she got a little irritated and smacked me on the back of the head not hard though. "Why did you do that?" I ask her. "That's for scaring the crap out of me." She says. The girl next to me stoped laughing and was giggling a little. I looked at her She then stop and looked at me then turned her head quite fast for some reason. I turn back to Momo and ask "what's wrong with her?" I then realize that Momo was doing the same thing. I look down to see that I didn't have my shirt on. "Were the fuck is my shirt!" I yell freaking out trying to find it. "Don't tell me that I left it at the beach again!" I yell at myself. Then people around me started to giggle or laugh. One person came up to me. "Is this your shirt and towel." He said laughing. "Yep that's my stuff thanks." No problem by the way how old are you?" He asked. " well I'm 16." I answer him. "Your 16 what the fuck." He says shocked. What the hell did you do to get your bod like that man?" He asked " I cleaned up the beach" i answer. "Ok now I know what I'm doing." He says running off to probably to finish what little is left. I turn around and hear the girl with Momo ask "so Momo whose the Hottie over there."I blush at the comment though I hear similar every day. I see her cover her face and say "Kyoka don't say things like that." The girl named Kyoka was wearing a black leather jacket with a navy blue shirt and really dark purple pants. She had earphone jack for ear lobes and dark purple hair with a light shade of purple in the form of a sound wave. "Yo Mr.muscles what's your name." Kyoka Asked. Oh I'm Izuku bakugo but u you can call me izuku or izu and I know your name Kyoka." I say. How do you know my name even though I don't tell you." She said. "I heard Momo say it." I told her. " where are y'all going?"I ask. "Heading to eat lunch want to come along izu?" Momo Asked. "I don't see why not I'm starving anyways." I say. As I start to turn around Momo Says "your taller than me know." She says out of no were. "I am?" I ask and sure enough I was taller by a few inches know how tall are you?" She asks. "I'm 5'9." I tell her. "Can we just go eat I'm starving." I say. "Fine,fine let go eat." She says. "Is he always like this?" Kyoka Asked. "Only after a few hours of nonstop training yeah other wise he doesn't eat a whole lot. Momo answer her. "Well I eat a lot so I can gain the energy to train again." I say defending myself. We then begin to walk to the cafe. We were having a fun time. We order food and sit down waiting for it to arrive. About 7 minutes later our food comes out. We eat and hangout till I look at my phone and I see three missed called. "I wonder who called." I whisper. I look at the name it said but it said unknown number. "I got to call someone really quick give me a sec." I tell the two girls. As I walk out I call the person back.
"Hello?" I ask. The voice then answers "hello I'm wondering if this was Izuku Bakugo."  "Yeah whose asking" I say. "I'm the same guy from earlier just wanting to let you know that our boss has movies the meeting to 4:30 this afternoon." He answered. I look at my phone to see it was only 1:56. "Ok thank you." I say. He then hangs up. Wonder why he moved it up. I walk back in tell the girls I'm heading back to training  I pay for my meal then walk out.
Time skip to 4:25
"What's taking them so long to get here." I say to myself. I then see a black suv pull up. Then a huge bulky guy came out. "Dame you are huge." I said unknowingly. He looks at me and asked. "Are you Izuku bakugo?"  " yeah that's me and you." I say. "Me I'm non of your concern." He states. "Ok then." I say. As I say this another person exits the Vehicle. This man was shorter that the other guy but taller than me. "I guess your the boss then." I say. "You have guessed right young man." He said. "My I ask why you Brought me here?" I ask. "I will tell you I'm due time." He says. "Ok then sir and may I ask how you are?" I ask. "I can be your biggest ally or I can be your worst foe depending on what happens tonight." He says. This creeps me out. We then walk inside he orders us both drinks. "I'm not allowed to drink I'm underage." I tell him. "Oh my bad not used to doing this with kids." He says. That statement makes me really worried. As if he can read my thoughts he says "nothing bad is going to happen to you." I calm down a little. He then sighs. "I guess it's hard to calm down completely when a stranger knows your name but you know nothing about them." He says more towards him self than me. "Yeah it's a little nerve wracking." I say. "That's understand able." He says. "So why am I hear exactly?" I ask. "I need your help." He says. "WHAT?" I yell. Everyone around us start to stare at me with angry or annoyed faces. "Sorry" I say to them.  "I need your help with a cleaning job." He says. I look at him confused "what do you mean cleaning job?" I ask him. "Well ever scene I saw you use your quirk a few months ago I was curious about it and I want to see it up close and personal to understand it." He says. "This still doesn't explain why a cleaning job." I say. "Well i now you are probably thinking I'm some mobster or something but I'm just an rich man that's fascinated by people's quirks." He says and as he finishes I fall out of my chair. "Your a rich man that's fascinated by my quirk." I say "yes that is it." He says. "That's kinda anticlimactic." I say. "Oh by the way my daughter won't shut up about you and your quirk." He said with a small sigh. "Who is your daughter?" I ask. "Well she's a friend of yours for starters and her name is Momo yaoyorozu." He says. I then spit out my drink onto the table. "Your Momo's dad." I say. "Yes I am and I also came here for another reason." He said. I then start to sweat a little. "Well why else did you come here." I ask. "To see how you would act when you didn't know who I was." He says. "Well that's not as bad as I thought." I say. He then laughs a little. "To be honest your a well mannered kid but you lack in some places but that's to be expected no one can act perfectly." He tells me. "Well you can thank my mom and dad for that they raised me well or at least I like to think." I say. "They did raise you nicely." He says. " thanks." I say back. "So back to the cleaning job I was curious if you would like to help me clear some trees in my back yard." He states. "Sure I don't mind." I tell him. "Ok that's good, so how much do you want to get paid for each hour?" He asked. I almost fall again. "You don't have to pay me." I said. "Are you sure you don't want to get paid." He said. "I don't really need the money besides I bet you have your own money problems." I say. "Well to think you were this generous she was right when we said you were generous." He said. "But money is not an issue I have tons of it so I'm fine financially." He says. "Do you not have maids or butlers or someone like that to do it?" I ask. "Yes but like I said I am curious about your quirk so I want to see it first hand." He states. "Ok then." When do you want me to start and am I able to use my quirk?" I ask. "You can start tomorrow morning around 8:00 and you can use your quirk of course." He says. "alright then I will see you tomorrow." I say while starting to leave. As I was about to pay for my drink Mr.yaoyorozu said "don't worry about it I will pay for it." "Are you sure?" I ask. "Yes know go home and get some rest it's 5:50." He said. "Thank you sir." I say while leaving. I walk home. As I open the door to my house I hear my mom ask "Katsuki is that you?" "No mom it me izuku."  I answer. She then walk to me. "Why are you home a early?"  She asked. "I got a job to do tomorrow morning so I'm gonna head to bed early so I can get my morning exercises in." I tell her. "You got a job we're." She says. "At mr.yaoyorozu place." I say. "What are you going to do there?" She asked. "Clear out some trees." I answer her. "Ok The you get some sleep then." He says. "Ok then goodnight." I say while heading to my bed.
Katsuki Pov
"Hey mom I'm home!" I yell out. "Hey keep it down your izuku is asleep." She says firmly. "What is he doing home early?" I ask.  "He gotta get up really early for some job he got." She says. "He got a job!" I accidentally yelled. "Yes now keep it down so you don't wake him up." She said. Yes ma'am." I say. "Dad working late again tonight?" I ask. "No he had to pick a friend from work up at the airport." She says. "Oh when he getting home?" I ask. "He should be here any minute now." She said. As if on cue I hear my dad pull up. I go to the window to see that my dad was getting out of the car with some Radom woman. I walk outside. "Hey dad who's the chick?" I ask. "Well she's your moms sister." He says. "What!?" I yell. "She's my aunt?" I ask. "Not really but you can consider me that." The woman says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Well I'm a close family friend and I'm basically your mom sister." She says. "Hey Katsuki what's with you yelling didn't i tell you not to yell izukus asleep." My mom says loudly as she walk to me. "Well I would of Yelled If dad didn't confuse me a saying that she was my aunt." I tell her while pointing to dad and the chick. My mom looks at them and her face lights up. "Yonama when did you get back to Japan!" My mom yells. "Today a actually." She said to mom. "How long you staying?" My mom asked. "Well I'm moving back to japan and was was also wondering if I could stay till my stuff get back here." She says. "Yeah that will be fine." My mom says to her. "Hey Katsuki what's going on?" I hear a tired voice behind me. I turn around to see izuku there in his underwear and a muscle shirt. "Nothing much bro just one of our mom close friends is hear." I answer him. "Oh izuku what are you doing up I thought you were sleeping." Mom says. "I was until I hear yelling and loud noises." He says to mom. "Hey Mitsuki I thought you only had one child not two." Said Yonama. "Well after some unfortunate events that happens to izu we ended up adopting him."mom says. "Yep and I'm glad that he's my brother." I say with pride. "Now why would that be." Yonama Asked. "Cause it's never boring now and I have some one to wrestle with." I say. "Ok you guys have fun talking I'm gonna head back to bed." Izuku Says tiredly. "Ok see you tomorrow." Me and mom said simultaneously. "Goodnight then." He says while heading back to his room. "Well who was he exactly?" Yonama Asked. "You remember Inko?" Mom Asked. "Yeah how could I forget her she was always nice to us." She answers mom. "Well that's hers and Hisashi son." Mom says. "Wait is he the kid from that hero killing incident 10 years ago?" She asked. "Yep that's him." I answer her. "Poor kid how has he been holding up lately?" She asked. "Well it took him some time to get used to not have it his parents around but otherwise he hasn't had many problems to my knowledge." Mom says. I look at mom with a face that could be read as should I tell her or not. I then decided what the hell and tell her. "Well there are sometimes were he will wake up in a panic and will be drenched in sweat." I tell her. Mom looks at me surprised then she gets a little angry at me. I do the what look. "Well that doesn't surprise me thought what would you expect he's problems dramatized." Yonama says. "Let's talk more inside" my dad suggests. "Yeah I agree." I say. We then walk inside. You could hear Izuku snoring from his room. We then start to talk about different things. We talk for a few hours. We then discussed where Yonama will be sleeping. "She can use my room." I suggested. "There's no need for that I can just sleep on the couch." She says shaking her head. "We have an air mattress out can use." My dad said. "I will use that if that's fine with you guys." Yonama Says. "It's fine." my dad says while walking to the closet to grab it. Dad was looking through the closet for the air mattress. Then all of a sudden we all hear izuku yell out but not from pain. "Well I guess it's that time of year again." I say. While slowly getting up and everyone else ran to his room to see if he was ok. Hen I get there he looks even worse than last year. He was drenched in sweat and silent tears were going down his face. Mom rushed over to him and was saying things were ok and what not. "Yo you gonna be alright?" I ask kinda worried. He isn't answer. It was as if he was still asleep. I walk over to him and tap his shoulder. He jumps and looks at me. Then he sighs in relief. "Did it get worse or something?" I ask him. He sat there for a second and he then answered. "You could say that but it wasn't my parents this time it was mom,dad,and you this time." He says. "How often has this been accruing?" Mom Asked. "Only happens about 3 times a year." I answer her. We then hear snoring. We all look at Izuku who is asleep in moms arms. "Well let's go get some sleep." My dad said. "I agree." We all say besides my dad. We the go to bed.

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