Chapter 20

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Katsuki Pov

After the whole situation had some what detailed down and us students were in are rooms that we were staying in, I Finally was able to get some actual report on my dumbass brother. His prosthetic was fucking destroyed had some broken ribs, a fucked up leg, and a bunch of other shit. I called mom and told we what happened and she was furious. Izuku is defiantly going to die when we get home.
*knock* * Knock*
"Yeah?" I ask looking up from my journal
"may I enter young bakugo?" Asked who I Believe is All Might.
"Yeah." I Say. He enters.
"Can we talk?" He Asks.
"I don't see why not." I say confused. "Have you already informed your partners of what happens to you brother?" He asks.
"Yeah I told my ma not sure if she told dad." I Say.
'Wow I didn't say old hag that's scary.'
"I fell responsible for what had happen to your brother Izuku and I was wondering if I could talk to your parents and you about some stuff." He Says.
"Um... I don't see why not." I say. "Great." He Says.
"Let me get my phone." I grab my phone and call ma we talk for a couple hours after all might apologized about Izuku. After all that bullshit was done I was able to get some sleep that was badly needed.
Next morning
After I woke up and took a shower there was a knock on the door. I go to the door and open it. I see all might there with some dude in an white coat.
"Um... how can I help you?" I ask severely confused.
"Well you see I have some information about your brother." The white coat said.
"Ok so why are you hear all might?" I asks.
"To make sure you don't snap." He said bluntly.
"Is the information that bad?" I ask seriously.
"I'm afraid so." The white coat said.
"Well let's get it over with." I say annoyed. They enter my roommate sit down. One on the other bed in the room and the other in the chair.
"Well I'm going to tell you this straight." He said getting to the point. I nod my head. "Your brother has a pice of metal of unknown origin about the size of a coin." He says.
"What how the hell did that happen?" I ask but more towards myself.
"We are unsure as of right now but we are working to find out how it happened." He says.
"Ok is there anything else that I need to know?" I ask.
"Yes there is." All might say for the doctor or nurse.
"What is it?" I ask.
"This I must say may trigger you sense you tend to snap if Izuku is not around to keep you form doing so." All might says.
"Ok well just fucking tell me then."
"Ok then, while we were doing some x-rays we found that piece of metal I was talking about but we also found that your brothers skull has been indented with the shape of a what looks like either he was punched or kicked." When he says that I twitch and have a flashback to when Izuku was punched severely hard in the face by Wolferm.
"We tested time see if he has any brain damage and if so how severe, thankfully for you it was not severe but it's still there he may have severe headaches or a bit of speech problems or both for a while but after a bit he should go back to normal." He says. I was shaking, I was pissed no beyond pissed that my brother could of died after the fight.
"I will say that your brother is lucky that he Cushioned the blow if he didn't he could of had permanent or if not fatal damage." He say. That pretty much pushed me passed my limit and I went to punch the wall but punched something else. 'Eh?' "Young bakugo calm down." All might says standing in front of me with my fist in his hand.
"Why?" I ask.
"Why what young bakugo?" All might ask
"Why is it him that always ends up taking the most damage. Why is it him that almost dies each time. Why my brother?" I yell while starting to cry.
"It's his selflessness yet as well his selfishness of not wanting to losing his friends or family." He says patting my back.
"I swear he needs to stop it sometimes." I say to my self.
"That my be true but he may never stop it." All might says.
"I believe it my be wise to inform your parents when your stable enough to do so." The doctor say walking to the door.
"Doc you better not let my brother die." I say.
"We won't." He says leaving.
"I will Inform your parents so you can be alone." All might says.
"No I'll do it." I say after a 10 second pause.
"As you wish young bakugo." All might says leaving.

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