Chapter 7(usj part 1)

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Next week
Izukus pov
As we started class uncle Aizawa said that we had to choose a class president. Everyone was voting for them selfs. "I think we should take a vote." Lida Says. "But would everyone vote for themselves?" Tsuyu Says. "That's the point if someone has more votes then they are more trustworthy." He says. "Are we aloud to do this mr.Aizawa?" He asked uncle. "It doesn't matter to me as long as you get done." He says tired. We all voted and wrote the names up with the most votes. "Izuku is in first with 4 votes and Yaoyorozu in second with 3 votes." Iida Says. As he says this I fall out of my chair. Everyone looks at me confused. "Why in the world would you vote for me?" I asked still on the ground. "Well one your strong and your a thoughtful person." Mina said. I then stand up and walk to the front. "I absolutely hate this." I say under my breath. "What was that izu?" Momo Asked. "Nothing." I say quickly. Momo then said a small speech. "Well I have no cause why you would vote for me but I don't think that I'm fit for it, so I would like to nominate Iida as the class president." I say. A lot of the class was shocked. "Are you sure about this?" Iida Asked. "Yep." I answer him. He takes the position and we were then dismissed to lunch. I get my food and sit at our table waiting for everyone else to sit. After a little bit everyone is sitting at the table. We then start talking. After a little bit of laughing and jokeimg I was asked a question. "Hey Izuku why do you want to be a hero." Asked Tsuyu. "So no one has to go threw the same thing I went through." I say without any hesitation. This instantly gains everyone attention at the table. "What happen to you?" Asked lida "it's kinda dark so if you don't want me sharing then I won't share." I say still eating. They all say they don't mind so I decided to tell them. "Well about ten years ago a day before my birthday me and my parents went shopping oh by the way my dad was the hero known as salamander." I say. "Wait your the son of the pro hero salamander?" Iida Asked. "Yeah that was my dad." I say. "What do you mean was?" Asked uraraka. "Well let me finish and I will tell you." I say. "oh sorry." She says. "No problem." I say. "well after we were done shopping and purchasing our stuff we went outside the store two muggers shoot my dad and mom six times they also debated on wether to kill me or not but I don't remember what happened after that you would have to ask uncle Aizawa to know what happened after I blacked out." I say with out even flinching. There faces had some regret on it and sorrow. "Hey that was years ago I'm fine now." I tell them so they don't feel down. "Shit man that's rough." I hear kirishima say. "Yeah it was but my parents now helped me get over it." I say. "I guess that's good." I hear Mina say. "Well So what about you uraraka?" I ask her changing the subject off my past. "Well it not as noble as your guys but it's for the money." She says. "Is there a reason behind that?" I ask confused. "Yeah there is I just want to help my parents out and let them have a easy life." She says. "They are having financial problems and don't really have enough money to support a family and I just want to help them out so they don't go bankrupt."she says. "Well it's still noble your working to become a hero so your parents can have it easy for once." I say. But before she could say anything the alarm goes off. "Whats going on."said a student. "It's a level 3 alarm so someone entered without permission." Said a third year. "Someone broke in the school run!!" Someone Yelled. This caused everyone to panic a rich to the exit. A lot of people were being crushed and kicked. It pissed me off that they weren't trying to help those people. I then yell out of pure anger. "CALM THE FUCK DOWN I GRANTEE THAT THE TEACHER HAVE IT UNDER CONTROL!!!" This caused everyone to become quite for a moment but some kid the yells "What if they don't then were all gonna die!" Some in said dramatically. This stared the panic again. I was then shoved to the window to see that it was just media. "HEY ITS JUST THE MEDIA!!!" I yell out once again. "If you look out side the teachers are holding back the media!!" I yell. Everyone saw that I was right and calmed down. we then went to class. "Tomorrow we are going to be going Some we're for rescue training in heroics class." Uncle Aizawa says. Then school was over. "Yo Momo, uraraka want me to drive ya home again?" I ask walking up to them. "Sure." They both say. I then walk with them and Iida till we get to my truck. "Are you sure you don't want a ride?" I ask Lida. "Hm you know what why not just this once scenes you won't stop." He says. "Alright hop in." I say cheerfully. He sighs while getting in. " Man this is a big truck." He says after buckling. "Yep that's why I got it." I say while backing out. "So were do you live?" I ask him. He tells me his address and I drive him there. We had fun talking and laughing. After a while I drop him off then go to uraraka house and drop her off. I then headed to Momo's house. "Oh izu my dad said that he would like to talk to you this weekend about your schedule." Momo said. "Alright." I say. "So are you exited about doing some rescue training?" I ask. "Yeah I am." She says. "Me too." I say as I pull up to her house. "Here's your stop." I say. "Thanks." She says. I then quickly decide to pull a small prank. I lock the doors before she can open them. "Um izu you locked the doors." She said. "I know." I say. "So are you going to unlock them?" She asked. "Nope not till you pay up." I say. This shocked her. "What Fee do I need to pay?" She asked getting nervous. "oh nothing big." I say "alright so what's the price?" She asked getting even more nervous. I couldn't hold it anymore. I just stared to laugh so hard. "Whats so funny Izu?"she asked now getting mad. "" I say in between laughs. "You idiot you actually really scared me." She said hitting me. This caused me to laugh harder. After about 5 minutes of getting hit and laughing I stop. I unlock the doors. "You now you can be such a meanie right." She says. "Sorry I didn't mean to be mean." I say. "You scared me I thought you had some naughty idea and was about to act on that thought." She said. "I would never do something like that to you your my best friend." I say smiling. Even though I was smiling it still hurt me to say that last part. I don't know why it hurt but it did. We then say goodbye and I headed to the house and had a training session. "Shit I hurt." I say as I walk out of my room. "No shit." I hear someone say behind me. "You don't have to be sarcastic you know." I say to Katsuki. "And we're the fun in that." he says with a smirk. "Shut up and let me take a shower." I say walking to the bathroom. "And how's stopping you?" He asked sarcastically. I ignore him an continue to walk to the shower. As I shut the bathroom door I take of my clothes. I look in the mirror and I see some of the scars I have. "I really have a talent of hurting my self." I say sighing. I hop In the shower and take on. I then go to bed.
Next day
As I was walking in class I hear some on call for me. "Hey izu Wait up!" I then turn around to see that it was Momo. "Oh hey Momo I thought you would be in class already." I say confused. "I would be if I wasn't searching for you." She says slightly out of breath. "Why are you searching for me?" I ask. "I was told to remind you my father wants to speak with you and he wanted me to give you this." She says handing me an envelope. "What's this?" I ask. "It's your check for completing your job." She says with a smile. "Oh thanks. So do you know when I supposed meet your dad?" I ask her. "Sometime after school or this weekend." She says. "Alright well let's get to class." I say. She aggress and we walk into class. I take my seat and wait for uncle Aizawa. As I was waiting I was just listening to random classmates conversations. "So are you exited for heroics class?" Kirishima Asked Katsuki. "I guess." He says. "Aw come one your not excited?" Asked Kiminari. " Not really Its rescue training remember?" Katsuki says. "Yeah but I'm still excited." Kirishima says. But be for he could say anything thing else the doer opens. Everyone shuts up and sits down. "Well that was faster that yesterday." Aizawa says. "Well we have a change of plans we're leaving now for rescue training so you can ether wear gym uniform or your costume." He says tiredly. Almost everyone jumps up and runs to the changing room. "So annoying." I hear todoroki say. "Well you'll have to get used to it." I tell him. He just stares at me. "I've already got used to it although it's still slightly annoying." I say to him. He just sighs and walks to the changing room. I follow shortly after. When I get in the changing room most of the boys are almost done changing. I then take my shirt of. "Wow what happen to your back?" I hear someone ask. I turn around what do you mean?" I ask. "You got claw marks on your back." Katsuki says slightly confused. "Are you kidding me." I say. "What do you mean Izuku?" Sato Asked. "Oh nothing much I fell in a hole and I got scratched by a few poles on the way down and I figured they would have been healed by now." I say. "When did you fall?" Kiminari Asked. "Last week when I was working." I say. "So that's why mom picked you up from the hospital." Katsuki says. "Yep" I say while putting on my pants for my costume. I then walk out and head to the bus. Most of my classmates are here already and we're just waiting on a few more of them. As the rest showed up Iida had us line up in two rows but when we got on it wasn't the type of bus he was expecting.He looked kinda embarrassed about it. As we were on the way to the campus for rescue training i was asked a question. "Hey Izuku what is your quirk to be exact?" Tsu Asked me. "I have wind manipulation that lets me control of air pretty much." I say. "So you can suffocate someone?" Tsu Asked. "Well could If I create a vortex to suck up the air but other wise no." I answer her question. "Man you go a flashy quirk." I hear kirishima say. "Not as flashy as bakugo's or todoroki's but it's still flashy." Kiminari says. "I don't really care if my quirk is flashy or not as long as I can help others and protect them I'm fine." I say. "How could you not want a flashy quirk!?" Kirishima says. "If it was all about that then I don't think that some hero's would be were they are." I say. "True but having a flashy quirks usually get more attention and all I have is a quirk that lets me harden my skin not rally that cool." Kirishima says. "It's an amazing quirk it's good for both offense and defense and if you just train hard i can guarantee that you'll be an awesome hero just like the crimson riot." I say to him. "Wait you know how crimson riot is?" He ask me. "He knows just about all of the hero's and almost everything about them. Katsuki says. "Yeah and what's the problem with that?" I ask Katsuki. "Nothing it just means your a nerd." He say. But before I could answer back Aizawa said to get off the bus. As we got off the bus we were meet with the rescue hero 13. (I don't know the gender of 13 so I'm gonna go with a female) She greeted us. She then explained that quirks can kill If your not careful and what USJ is. We enter the building only for some kind of purple portal to show up in the middle of the building. A figure walks out he has hands on some parts of his body. "Wow you got fake villains that's so cool." Kirishima says. "Sorry to burst your bubble but those are real villains." I say to him. As I tell him he started to look shocked. "13 protect the kids!" Uncle Aizawa said. She nods her head. Uncle Aizawa then jumped into the fray. As he jumped into the fray the man with hands all over him said. "Were is all might I thought he was supposed to be here." "Well he's not here right now." Uncle Aizawa said. "To bad I was going to have fun watching him be killed." He says. "Who are you?" Asked uncle Aizawa. "Oh I'm Shigaraki the leader of the league of villains." He says. As he stoped talking there was over 100 bad guys and a freaky looking guy with part of his brain showing and a beak. "Kurogiri If we kill some kid do you think that would bring all might here?" He asked a portal turning
back to his original form. "I believe that would work want me to separate the kids?" He asked. "Yeah sounds like fun. He said. I heard every thing they said and was getting angry. "Hey Iida since your the fastest person go get reinforcements." 13 said to Iida. "What about you guys though?" He asked. "We'll be fine know go." She says. "Alright then." He said. He than ran off to the door but be for he could exit the portal dude Kurogiri blocked Iida from leaving. "Sorry it's nothing personal but you can escape." He says. After says that Katsuki went for a attack and went through him. "What the hell!" Katsuki yells. "He's a portal dumbass physical attacks don't work." I say to him. "We'll see about that he says as he launches himself at the guy and grabs ahold of the metal piece around Kurogiri's neck. "You better not move." He says to Kurogiri. "Alright then that works." I say. "Iida get going." 13 said to him. "Right." He says running to the door. He is able to get out and go get help. "We now have less to worry about I hope." 13 said. As she says this Kurogiri is back over by shigaraki. "What the hell how did he escape Katsuki grasp?!" I ask. I turn around to see that bakugo was pissed. "What happened?" I ask. "He took advantage of me loosing my grip for a split second." He said. "That's nice." Isay sarcastically. After I say that the next thing I know is I'm in a different area and underwater. What the hell. I think. I feel something shoot by behinds me. When I turn around I see a Villain with a shark like quirk. "Nothin person kid but ya gotta die." He said about to attack me. When he was about half way I feel something pull me out of the water. I then see that it was Tsu who pulled me out. She was on a ship that was wrecked and was standing next to mineta  who was cowering. "Thanks Tsu." I say to her. "No problem Izuku." She says. when I'm on the ship deck I look at the water behind me and see a bunch of villains. "Well that's a lot of villains." I say. "This should be fun." I say. "Alright Tsu Wait can you all can you do?" I ask her. "What frog can do, so I can stick to walls and climb them, jump high and far and some other things." She says.  "Ok if you carry mineta on your back and jump to the other side while you carry me with your tongue." I say. "I won't be able to get that far with the both of you." She says. "Well try to get me mid way and I will tack care of the rest." I say. "Ok I'll try" she says. "Why have they not come up here and attack us?" Mineta Asked. "it's possible they don't know what our quirks are." Tsu says. "Yeah your right if they knew about quirks they would of sent you to the fire zone not the water zone." I say. "We can use this to our advantage." I say. "Do you need to change up the plan?" Tsu Asked. "Just a tad, Hey mineta your quirk is that the balls you trough from your head are stuck right?" I ask. "Yeah why?" He says. "Well we I say now you start to throwing them at the villains nonstop till I say stop."  I tell him. He just nods his head. "Are you two ready?" I ask them. "Yeah" Tsu says. "No" Mineta says. "Ok if we live I will give you ten bucks but if you want to stay here and not get ten bucks that's your problem." I say trying to get him motivated. "Is there a catch?" He asked now motivated. "Nope all you got to do is come with me and survive." I tell him. "You better not be lying." He says." "Nope, So are you ready to go now?" I ask. "Yep let's go." He says getting on Tsu's back. "Alright on three."I say they both nod their heads. "1......2......3!" I say and Tsu jumps pretty high up. She then let's me go and I hover for a split second. "Mineta go!" I call out. He cracks out for a second then starts to throw them as fast as possible. I then use one of my attacks to cause a whirlpool. All of the villains in the water start to head to the middle were all of Minetas balls are. And they start to stick to them. "What the hell is this!?" A villain called out. "It's not coming off!" Another one yelled. I then began to hover over to Tsu and Mineta. I could see them watching the fight between Aizawa and the bird thing and he is being pummeled. As the fight continued and I got closer to them I keep getting a bad feeling. When I almost reached them I could hear that shigaraki guy say something about killing a couple of students. He then reached for tsu's face. This pissed me off so I stoped hovering and lanced my self as fast as I could. I readied my leg to kick him on the face. But before I could land the kick the bird thing came in front of me and took the blow instead. "What the hell?" I said. "Good job Nomu." Shigaraki said. It just stand there. "What the hell are you?" I ask Nomu but I get no response. "Oh he is my strategy to kill all might." He said. "So your saying that he is stronger than all might?" I asked. "That's exactly what I'm saying." Shigaraki said. This causes me to smile. "Why are you smiling?" He asked me. "Your telling me I can go full out without hurting a friend?" I ask. "I guess." He says confused. As I look to my left I see Tsu and Mineta looking at me slightly confused. "You guys might want to get Aziawa out of here." I say. "What about you Izuku?" Tsu Asked. "Oh I'm just gonna have some fun with this guy here." I tell them with a smile. They get out of the water and rush to uncle aziawa. The Nomu goes to attack them but I got there faster. "Wow when did you get here?" Tsu and Mineta ask me simultaneity. "Don't worry about it just get out of here!" I yell at them. As they start to run the Nomu punches me in the gut. I then go flying into a wall. "Dame that hurt!" I yell out.
Katsuki Pov
"Where the hell are we?" I rhetorically ask Kirishima. "I think you should be more worried about yourself." A voice said behind me. I turn around to attack but no one was there. "What the hell was that?" I ask. "What are you aiming for bakugo?" Kirishima Asked. "There was someone behind us." I tell him. "Well then I guess they left or it could of be a quirk that can manipulate there voice." Kirishima said. "that's the smarties thing I have heard from you." I say to him. But before he could say something we started to sink into some type of liquid.  "What the hell!" I yell. As we keep sinking I tried to get out of it but I couldn't get out. We stop sinking once our head were the only thing showing. "I'm gonna kill how ever did this once I get out of here." I say quite pissed off. "Well have fun with that kid." A voice said behind me. I then hear foot steps walk up to us.  "You know you sound more like a villain than a hero why not join us?" He asked. I looked at him with disgust. "You think.....I would join you....don't make me laugh." I say chuckling. "Well it's your loss kid." He said. What the hell is this felling.i think. "Yo bakugo do you feel that to?" Kirishima Asked. "Yeah I do and I don't like it." I say. The villain was about to say something but stoped when he felt it as well. "Why did the air get so cold all of a sudden?" He asked no one empirical. "Either its todoroki or it my brother and I hope to what ever god there is it's not him." I tell him. "I understand todoroki but what can Izuku do?" He Asked. "Well he as complete control over air so he can also change the temperature of it, so when he's angry and I mean angry we're hes not think thenthe temperature lowers but if you piss him off even more hebwill black out and the temperature will rise." I tell him. "That's kinda scary." He says. "Well it's our lucky day then because it's not Izuku it's me." Todoroki says freezing the bad guy.

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