Chapter 8(USJ pt.2)

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Katsuki Pov
"What the hell to you so long?" I ask irritated. "I was waiting for the right time." Todoroki said. "Well that is anyway." Kirishima says. "Your welcome." He says showing no emotion. "You know you and Izuku act similar and it is really agitating." I say to todoroki. "Ok." Is all he says. "He bakugo what did you mean that Izuku can change the temperature?" They both ask me. "I don't really know the specifics but I just know it happens and it's can be kinda scary." I say shacking a bit. "Wait you've seen Izuku like that before?" Asked todoroki. "Yeah it was really not a sight you want to see." I say. "What do you mean?" Kirishima Asked. "Uggh..just imagine a cute little teddy bear that you can snuggle with then all of a sudden turn it into an vicious man eating beast." I say. "That's kind creepy." Todoroki said without any hint of emotion. "Yeah it's kinda hard to imagine that." Kirishima. "But why did you use an teddy bear?" Todoroki asked me. "Well because that's because when we were little our mom would say that his nothing but but a sweet teddy bear and it's was really weird." I say getting irritated. "Well then that's a wired nickname." Kirishima says. "Yeah... lets hit to the front so we can go help Uncle Aizawa." I say. "Yeah!" Kirishima day. "Ok." Todoroki says. We then start to run to the front of USJ. After about 7 minutes of running we get to the front but we can hear someone laughing. "Who would be laughing at a time like this?" Kirishima Asked. "I don't know and don't really care." Todoroki and I say simultaneously. "IS THAT THE BEST YOU GOT?" Someone Yelled out. "That voice it sound like....Izuku." We all day his name at the same time. "Who is he fighting that's my question." Kirishima says. "Someone strong enough to take him going full out and that kinda scares me." I say. "And how bad is that bad?" Kirishima Asked. "If I'm getting what bakugo is saying right it's that Izuku is either just as strong or stronger that some pro hero's." Todoroki says. "Yep your right on the money." I say. "So that means that who he is fighting is someone else that strong or stronger than that." Kirishima says. "Yes" me and Todoroki say. "Well let's go give him some backup." Kirishima says rushing to the fight. "That idiot did he not listen to what we said." I say annoyed. "Let's just catch up." Todoroki said. We then run after him to catch up. As we almost caught up Kirishima just stops. "What is it?" I asked while running up to him. "It just the...fight that Izuku... is fighting. He says with a hint of shock. "Well what's happening." I say as I walk up behind him. As I look over his shoulder I see something I don't ever want to see. Izuku was actually losing a fight against the bird thing from earlier. As I watched the fight Izuku was slowly being pounded into the ground. As that was happening all of a sudden everyone could hear a bone snap. The bird thing just stoped. "What the heck just happen?" Asked Kirishima. "I think that bird thing just broke one of izuku's bones." I say.
3rd Pov
Izuku protected Tsuyu and Mineta from being punched by the Nomu. When they asked him if he was fine he yells at them to just run away. This causes Nomu to punch him in the gut and send him flying into a wall. As Izuku sat in the wall he stated to laugh. "Hahahahahah!" He continued to laugh. This caused Shigaraki to get angry. "What's so funny boy?" Shigaraki Asked. "It' so fun to play with." Izuku answers his question. "What do you mean play with?" Shigaraki Asked "I can go full out with no worries about killing my opponent." He says with a smile. "Are you saying you've killed people?" Asked Shigaraki curiously. "I've almost killed people and I hated that fact that it happened." Izuku says. "But I don't have to worry about that now that I've found some one with a shock absorption quirk." Izuku says. "Well I guess your smarter that you look. Shigaraki says. "Enough talking and lets fight... kill him Nomu." Shigaraki said.
Izuku Pov.
As I got out of the wall I look up to see a hand go to grab my face. I barely dodge it. "Wow he's fast." I say. But before I could touch the ground he was in my face again. "What the hell." I say to my self. How can he move so fast. I think. He punches me in the gut. I go flying into another wall. "Ok I guess we're going full out right now then." I say as I start to use my quirk. As i close my eyes I was startling to feel the location of Nomu. I then felt a disturbance in the air. He leaped at me. I just dodge the attack. And punch him. He doesn't even budge an inch. I kick him in the face sending him onto the air. Before he could recover I jumped up to were he was and grabbed him and throw him at the ground as hard as I could. I could hear him him to the ground but I don't hear anything thing else. I open my eye to see that he was starting to stand. I fall to the ground and rush to him. When I get there I go for a punch but he just grabbed my fist. I go for another punch with my other hand but this time I coat it with my quirk. "Sky punch." I say where only I and the Nomu can hear it. and punched him in the gut. It causes him to loosen his grip on my other hand. I bring my hand back and use the same attack and I repeat it. As I continued the barrage of attacks he slowly started to standup. I stop to see what the hell was happening. But when I stop he grabs my face "what the hell!" I yell. "I don't want to do this to ya but you left me no choice. " I say as I coat my hand with wind. I use dragon claw to cut his hand of my face. He screeches loudly but he just grew back his hand. "what the hell who can He regenerate?" I ask. "Oh did I for got to mention that he has two quirks." Shigaraki says smiling. "Fuck this is going to be difficult." I say. This is gonna get bloody quick. I think. "Ok then let's go." I say as I charge at him. I get a successful him in but he just takes the It with no problem. "Let's crank the speed up why don't we." I say. He then goes tho punch me but I just punch his fist he goes for another one and I do the same thing again. We then start to increase the speed and soon I could barley keep up with how fast we were going but the Nomu just keeps increasing is speed and it's becoming harder and harder to keep up with him. He then goes past how fast I can go and punches me to the ground. I tried to get up but I was punched back into the ground. I then got punched again and again and again. I was be pummeled into the ground and he showed no signs of stoping. As he kept punching me he stoped for a couple seconds longer as if he was charging an attack. He then slammed his fist in my gut as he slammed my gut I could all of a sudden feel something break with as loud *snap*. When he broke my rib cage I stoped moving and even breathing for a few seconds. I was pissed no I'm beyond pissed. 'If I can get up and fight him what will happen to my friends and classmates. I need to get up get the fuck up.' I say in my head. I was slowly losing my consciousness and I could feel the air around me start to rise in temperature. I then black out.
Katsuki Pov.
As Izuku blacked out his brother and everyone else inside of usj could feel the temperature rise. Katsuki then remembers this feeling. It was a feeling of bloodlust and pure rage. He then starts to shack just a little. "This is bad this is really bad." He says. "Is he going onto that state you said he could go onto?" Kirishima Asked. "Yeah, we need to get everyone out of his radius." I say. "Why what will happen to them if there in his radius?" Kirishima Asked. "You don't really want to hear what happens." I say warning him. "But I really do want to know though." He says like a small child. "Don't day I didn't warn you." I say lifting the top part of my shirt. "Wow dude what are you doing?" Kirishima. "showing what happens." I answer him and show them my back. "What the heck happened?" Kirishima Asked. I just point at Izuku. They just look at him then back at me. "Enough chit chat let's go help our classmates." I say changing topics. "Ok." Kirishima and todoroki say. As we go to were everyone else is there really is nothing to worry about but a pissed of Izuku and a black bird thing fighting in the middle of the field and it doesn't look pretty. "Yo bakugo whats up with your brother?" Kiminari and Mina ask me. "Well it depends on what completely happened." I say. "He was being pummeled into the ground by that thing over there then it stoped and came after us as it was about to hit tsu,Momo, and shoji Izuku poped out of no were and kicked him back down there." Mina says. "I think he may have gotten knocked out and in a rage his body is fight just off pure instinct but I've never seen him like this before." I tell them. "What about the other thing times you said something like this happen?" Kirishima Asked. "He would attack anyone and everyone of you got to close to him now it's different." I say. "Well I think izu needs to stop look at how bad off he is." Uraraka says. "If he stops we don't know if someone else cans fight that thing." Sero says. "What you saying is true but we can't risk someone else until the pros get here so let's jus-. But todoroki ways cut off by a huge shockwave that knocked almost everyone down. "What the hell was that?!" Someone Yelled down the stairs. As we look down at them I saw something I never thought i would see. Izuku had just destroyed the bird like things arms with a single attack. After Izuku did a barge of different attacks and they were almost invisible to the naked eye. The thing thin grabbed is arm in the middle of izukus barge and he rips his arm off. "HOLY SHIT!" Almost everyone yelled as they ether covers there eyes or look away. "AAAAAAAAAAH!" Izuku have an ear piercing scream. "Well I hope the teachers get here before Izuku gets killed." I say. "Are you not worried about your brother?" I was asked by todoroki asked. "Don't get me wrong I'm worried."I say. "So why aren't you freaking out then?" Asked shoji. "I've seen worse." I say. "How?" Asked shoji. "What he did to his parents killers." I say shivering remembering the sight. "So what did he do?" He Asked. "Let's just say there was a decapitation from the waste up and there was nothing but blood everywhere." I say. "Ok then." "But he doesn't even know that that happen but enough about him we need to some how get close to him." I say. "How do you suppose we do that?" Kiminari Asked. "I don't kno-." I was cut off by the door slamming open and to hear "HAVE NO FEAR WHY BECAUSE I AM HERE!" From am non smiling all might. But before we could say a thing he had already taken down all low tear villains and had an unconscious one arm Izuku in his hands. "WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS ARM?" Asked all might. "That... bird thing...r-ripped it off." Momo said shaken. "I SHOULD OF GOT HERE FASTER." All Might said. He then turned around and pointed at the black bird thing who is still holding on to izukus arm. "SO HE IS THE ONE WHO DID THIS TO HIM?" Asked all might   "Yea he's the one." Everyone says either still shaken or pissed off that the classes cinnamon roll was beaten up badly and was missing an arm. "Hey Momo can you create some bandages for Izukus arm?" I ask. "Yeah." She says while starting to make them. "Do any of you know what this thing is?" I asked. "They called it Nomu." I heard a weak voice. "It has two quirks shock absorption and can regenerate." Said the same voice. I turn around to see Mineta in a corner cowering. "THANKS FOR THE INFO YOUNG MINETA." All Might said.
3rd Pov
He disappeared for a second ant appeared in front of the Nomu and yelled. "DETROIT SMASH!" And hit it full strength. It did almost nothing to it. "What!?" Most of the class yells. "Nomu was made to kill you all might." The hand dude said. When all might heard this he did a small flinch that was barely noticeable. "WELL THEN LETS SEE IF YOU CAN KEEP UP." All might said and the went for a punch but the Nomu just hit his fist. All might started to pick up speed and same with Nomu but the speed was still equal. "HAVE YOU HEARD THE SAYING THAT YOU GOT TO GO PASSED YOUR LIMITS AND GO PLUS ULTRA!" All Might Yelled and sped passed there current speed and got a punched in that sent it flying through the roof of USJ. "No no no no no your cheating you cheater!" The Shigaraki said whinnying. "Calm down with the both of us against him I think we could win." Kurogiri said. "Your right we still can beat him." Shigaraki says. "I WOULDN'T DO THAT IF I WERE YOU." All Might said to them. I hope they fall for my bluff. All might thinks after he said that. "There are no other pro hero's here so let's do it." Kurogiri whispers to Shigaraki. "Ok let's go then." Shigaraki says with a sadistic smile. He then lunges at all might but before he could reach him he is shot in the arm. He lets out a loud short scream. "Your time is up villains." The pro hero snipe says. As everyone on the building turns around there are 5 other pro hero's and the principal of UA. "Well let's get out of here shall we." Kurogiri says. Shigaraki agreed and they walk into a portal. As they left the pro hero's start to arrest all of the unconscious villains. The police showed up with a couple of ambulances. The police start to question all of the kids. "My name is Tsukauchi I'm a detective could you tell me your name and what happen here?" He Asked. "Katsuki bakugo and we came here for rescue training and the villains just showed up in the middle starting the class." He tells the detective. "Um interesting." The detective says Writhing It down. "Hey can you tell me if my brothers gonna be ok?" Katsuki Asked him. "Whose your brother?" He answered with a question. "The one missing an arm." Katsuki says shivering for a second. "All I know is he's in critical condition but they think he will make it." Tsukauchi says. "Oh that's a relief." He says with a sigh of relief. "By the way how did he loose his arm?" The detective asked. "He was fighting the bird thing called Nomu and it got a hold of his arm and grabbed his body and pulled is arm off." Katsuki says shivering again. "Ok that's enough for now I'm gonna talk to the others." Tsukauchi says leaving Katsuki. After the police talked to the other kids they said that they could go home and school would be out for a week. The kids were escorted back to the school were there parents would pick them up. On the way there no one was talking or making any noises until uraraka Asked Katsuki something. "So did you find out how izu is doing?" She asked. "They said he has blood loss and a couple broken ribs but they think he will pull through." Katsuki says with tears threatening to fall. "So he's gonna be ok then?" Momo Asked also tears threatening to fall. "From what the doctors said on the scene said." He says. This causes the class to relax some. After that no one talked until they got off the bus. Some kids said "dad" or "mom" and just walked over to them. And others parents ran to there kids and asked. "Are you Alright?" Or "Are you hurt?" Or "who did this?"  When katsuki's parents showed up the asked if he was fine then his mom asked "We're is Izuku?" She asked him in such a shacks voice that he could hold it any more and broke down and cried "I'm so sorry mom but he...he's in the hospital." He says to her. She then breaks down as well. Katsuki father was just holding his wife and son. "Why don't we go home and get some rest and talk more about it later?" His father asked. Both him and his mother nod their heads and walk to the car.
Katsuki pov
DAME IT! I yell in my mind. I WAS SO USELESS BACK THERE! I yell in my mind. "You gonna be ok Katsuki?" Mom asked me. "Yeah I just need time to think." I say back. "Ok then, so do you still want to visit Izuku?" Mom asked. "I....I don't know if I could look him in the eye if I go." I tell her. "And why is that?" She asked. "I could of help but I didn't I just stood there in shock I could move even if I wanted to." I say. "That's understandable when you watch your brother get beaten severely." She says. "I can only imagine what you guys when through but don't start blaming yourself for something like this." Dad says to me. "Your brother just jumps in front of the danger no matter what." He says. "Yeah he dose that." I say. After I said that the care was a comfortable silence. After a few minutes of driving mom gets a phone call. "Hello...........yes that's me.........ok we're on our way." My mom says to the person I the phone. "Who was that?" Dad asked. "The hospital, they said that Izuku is awake and wants to speak with us." Mom says.  When she says this I fell relief fall over me. I sit back and I start to chuckle. "What's so funny?" Mom Asked getting angry. "I don't know why I worried so much about him, it's Izuku we're taking he pull through just about any thing." I say still chuckling. "Yeah that's true but why are you laughing." Mom says. "I don't really know I just can't help it." I say. "Ok then." Mom says. We then head to the hospital. When we get there dad signs us in and leads the way to his room. After about going in the elevator and going up 7 levels and walking about 5 minutes we find his room. My mom was about to knock but stoped. "You ok hun?" Dad asked. "Yeah it's just I'm just scared of what happened to him." She said. "Well I could tell you." I said. "Ok so what happened?" Dad asked for mom. "Long story short he's missing one arm had blood loss and had a couple broken ribs." I tell them. "Wait his missing an arm!?" Mom yelled. "If your gonna just stay out there you can." A voice said from your inside the room. At this mom opens the door. When we enter we see Izuku with an arm cover we're is missing arm is.(the strap thing that goes around your shoulder) and he had a bunch of bandages on his torso. "Katsuki before you say anything I want to ask you something." He says. "What is it?" I ask. "How did I loose my arm I remember having it before I blacked out." He says. "The thing you were fighting ripped it off." I tell him. It doesn't faze him one bit then all of a sudden. "What about the class are they ok!?" He Asked. "Yeah there fine only because you gave all might enough time to get there and take it down." I tell him. He sighs in relief. "Did you even now that we're here." Mom and dad ask. "Oh sorry!" Izuku kinda yells and jumps back. "Ow ow ow I shouldn't of done that." He says quietly. "Yeah you shouldn't of." I say. As the night goes on we talk until we're told that visiting hours are about to end and we then leave. 

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