Chapter 19

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After I got changed I went to meet up with the others. When I got there I was shocked to see that I wasnt the only one late. The only ones there was Iida,Mineta,, Todoroki and kiminari. "Were are the others?" I asked. "I suppose they are running late like you." Iida says. "Probably." I Say sighing. "You Alright you look...sluggish." Iida asks me. "Yeah I'm just tired, I'm skipping my weekend nap time." I Say joking. He just gives a small chuckle. "I'm guessing everyone should be here in a couple seconds." I Say. " I believe your correct." Iida says. Just as he finishes saying it the elevator dings. "Speaking of the devils." I Say. The elevator doors open to uraraka in a very fancy dress. "Wow nice dress there uraraka it looks beautiful." Say complimenting. "Oh you thinks so it's a bit... to much in my opinion." She says a little shy. "Well when you get something from Momo she usually goes all out." I say with a laugh. "Yeah I guess Wait I never said I got this from Momo." She said shocked. "Well when you know someone long enough you learn the styles they like and stuff like that." I Say. "I guess that's true." She says agreeing. "You also look nice in your suit." She says. "Oh thanks it's honestly to much for my tastes as well but my mom told me to we're this." I Say. (He's weeding what bakugo weres except it's not red but a dark navy blue.) " it looks nice still though." She says. "Thanks." I Say as another elector dings. This time Momo comes out with jiro right behind her. "Oh hey girls your looking stunning as well." I Say complimenting them. "Thanks izu." Momo Says. "Why's jiro hiding behind ya." Kiminari asks. "She just not used to wearing suck formal clothing ands a little shy." Said Momo. "Ah there's no need to hide I bet you look gorgeous ." Kiminari says "Ha Ha Ha very funny." Jiro says. "But I wasn't joking." He says slightly offended. This made her a blushing mess. "Ok we get it you to like each other just go out already." Katsuki says after walking up the stairs. "Nice." I said while laughing. S-s-shut up B-B-bakugo." Jiro says stuttering. We all just laugh. "Well I'm off with shitty hair here." Katsuki says. "Well have fun but not to Much." I Say in a joking matter. "Ah shut-up and die in a hole." He Says "then how would make sure you don't explode." I Say.  "We both keep each other from exploding." He says walking away. 'That's for sure.' Then the elevator dings again. This time it was Mellisa. "Holy fucking cow did got grant my wish." I here Mineta Says. "Well I can now say that all the girls here in this group are looking quite beautiful." I Say. "I would have to agree with you." Iida says. "Hehe did think you were the type to say such things." I said. "Well I must give credit were credits due and the girls do look beautiful." He Says. "Still stuck up as always." I Say shacking my head with a smile. "Alright now since were all here let's get to the party." Kiminari says. "Yes let's." Iida says. But be for we get the chance to go there was a alarm going off. "Eh whats going on?" I ask. "I-I don't know." Mellisa says. "Could it be a malfunction?" Kiminari asks. "That highly doubtful we have the same tech as tantras." Mellisa says. "Hey jiro come follow me I have an idea." I Say. "Oookaay sure." She says a little confused. She follows me to an area we're we can see in the ball room. We see that some villains have gotten control over their system and has the hero's tied up. I see that all might has been tied up and is running out of time. He then looks at us. I give him a sign that he can talk and we'll hear him. I see him y'all but can hear him. "What He Say?" I ask. "He said to leave and get help from the pros." She says summarizing. "Ok let's get back to the others and come up with a plan." I Say. "Yeah." She say walking to the group. When I get there jiro tells them what she heard from all might and they talk Among them selves and I just sit there quite listening to them. "I think that we should wait for the pros to get here and do their job." Iida says. "As much as I hate to say this but I too agree." Momo Says. The. A couple others agree but then Todoroki speaks. "So we're suppose to sit here and wait for something that may or may not happen aren't we hero's in training." He says with a question at the end. "Yes but." Momo say but I cut her off. "We need to save them." They look at me dumbfounded. "What?" Iida asks. "I said we need to save them I'm not sure about the rest of you but I want to save them and show them that the future hero's can keep them safe." I Say standing. "Yes but should we listen to what all might said?" Momo asks. "Yeah." Mineta Says scared. "I don't care what he said they are the one that are in trouble not us they need saving we don't even need to attack anyone to save them we can just do only the things that are necessary to save them." I Say. This got them to realize we're I was going. "So your saying we don't need to attack anyone with our quirks and only use them only if needed witch is staying within the law." Iida says. "Yes pretty much Mellisa what do we need to do to save them?" i ask "we need to go to the top flor we're I can reboot the system." She says smiling. L alright then it's settled we're going to escort you to the top floor." I Say. "Yes but we need to know how many floors are there." Iida says. "Oh that there's 200 floors." She says a little nervous. "Wow not as many as I thought." I said shocked. "Oh well let's go." I say walking up the stairs. They soon follow suite. We get to the 100th floor sand this is were we get out first obstacle. "A bunch of killer Robots great." I Say. "They don't kill but they do hurt a lot." Melissa says. "Oh nice." I say sarcastically. "Mineta I'm gonna need your help, Momo make some E.M.Ps to disable them, Todoroki make sure to keep them safe and then me and Iida will do the rest." I Say. "Ok" they all say. "So what do you need me for?" Asked Mineta. "Well I'm going to need you to use your quirk to stop them from coming at us." I Say. "Like a blockade?" He asks. "Yea." I said. As we put the plan in action the robots come after us. Then everyone dose there part. Mineta stops them some what they just jump over the others throw E.M.Ps at them disabling them. 'She said I can use one for all at a hungered percent so let's go around fifty.' I Then pull up my sleeve and the gantlet extends up my arm. I then clock my arm back. "50% DETROIT SMASH!" I yell. it creates a bunch of wind knocking down almost all of the group down. "Sorry about that." I said. They say it's alright and that we should continue. We then continue up. After going up 50 floors mienta accidentally got us noticed by the cams. We have to force Are way out of some problems like braking some doors. We then get to the 180 floor to see that an elevator was coming down. We jump behind some plants in the green house area. After hiding a couple people come out of the elevator. They then start to walk our way. "Hey kids I see you." One said. I was about to act when he said this but I heard. "Oh eh sorry we got lost looking for the party do you know witch way it is." Kirishima says. "Yeah right kid." The same one says. "Let's just kill them." The other one said. "Alright then." The first one said. But before he could Todoroki used his ice to block their path. "You guys go the three of us got this. I nod my head and head to the elevator. "Wait your just going to leave them." Iida said. "They said they got it so I believe them know get in here."I said back. "He looked shocked but he ran to me same with the rest of them. As we went up a couple floors Iida askes. "why did you just leave them like that with out a second thought?" "It's because I know that everyone here is capable of keeping them selves safe I know that all of you are strong plus how could I not know that my rivals and classmates strong I've been with y'all for about 2 mounts now." I Say. "So you trust all of us." He states. "Yeah your in the hero course for a reason." I Say as the elevator stops. "What happened?" Uraraka asks. "they forcefully stoped the elevator so we only went up about 5 floors." Melissa Say as the door opens. She then run out to another room that had a bunch of fancy looking servers. "Shit they look important and fragile." They are So keep your quirk usage to a low." Mellisa Says. "Alright Izuku you take Mellisa to the top floor." Iida says. "Wait what?" I ask. "You said you believe in us so keep believing in us and get her to the top." Iida says. "Alright uraraka I'm probably gonna need your help." I Say. "U.u.h ok." She says. We then start to run. After a bit of running we get out side. "Dame oh well I had a felling I was going to need you uraraka." I said.  "I'm going to need to to use your quirk on us to make us weightless." I Say. "Alright." She says with determination. She then dose so and she throws us up but a ton of robots come out and are heading to her. 'Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit what do I do.' All of sudden a huge block of ice blocked their path. I then saw that Todoroki, Katsuki, and Kirishima were there to protect her. 'Oh thank god.' I then exhale in relive but then a robot exploded big enough to get us of course and cause a couple fans that we were heading for to be on fire and we're not working thankfully. Todoroki used his ice to then make in up draft for us to get back into Not course. "I'm running out of time you guys I have about 20 seconds till I can't hold you anymore." She says. "We'll plan B then cover your face Melissa." I Say. She dose so and I use my quirk to blow open a hole in the wall but of course the fans that were on fire start to fall toward us. "Sorry about this." I Say throwing her in there only to get hit by the fans. 'Well this is nice I'm so going to have a couple of burns.' I then yell from the pain of the fans hitting and burning  me. I then hit the ground. "AAAHHH!" I scream in pain. While screaming I felt s cooled Sensation. "Get up Izuku! Todoroki says. I slowly get up bit fall back down. 'Shit it burned my leg' all of a sudden I hear Mellisa scream. I look up to see she's being held by some man. Something inside of me clicked just like when I saved uraraka from the zero pointer. Next thing I knew I was in the mans face biting him In the wall. "Thank you." She says rubbing her throat. "Your welcome let's get going I Say starting to walk up the stairs but wince for a second. "Yeah, are you alright?" She asks. "Yeah I'll be fine." I Say continuing up. We then reach the top. When we look in to one of the rooms we see David sheild stealing something. He says something but I don't quite catch it because of my burning legs getting worse. "Ill deal with all of the consequences latter but right know I need to get this to all might." He Says. "Wha.wha.what Izuku and his friend are risking there lives to stop what is happening and to save the pros." Mellisa Says. "Wait what I thought they were fake villains." He Say turning around. "You did get fake villains right?" He asks. "It doesn't matter if we are real or fake but what dose matter is that you have soiled your name with an act of villainy." A voice says. We turn to see a man in a mask. The max grabs the case out of David's hand and walked Over to the masked villain. "Max w.what are you doing?" David asks. "Sorry professor but I'm done working with you." He says handing the box over to the masked villain. "Good." He Says. "Were is my reward wolferm?" Max asks "right here." He says pulling out a gun shooting him in the arm. I flinch at this. And Melissa squeals. "What are you doing I did everything you asked." Max Asked in pain. "Yes You did you were a very nice puppet and I never said you would like your reward." wolferm Says. Aiming at him again it at the back of his head. As he fires Davi jumps in front of the bullet getting shot in the shoulder. "Ah it's pointless now you've already became one of us." He says to David as he knocked him out. "You'll com in handy later. "He says. "D-daddy?" Mellisa ask in a quiver. "Let him go." I Say "what was that." He Says Turing around. "I said let him go." I say loader. "Make me." He Says. I charge at him only to be hit with a metal wall? "Mellisa go save the pros I'll get your dad." I Say struggling to keep my self from getting squished. "What about you?" She asks. "I'll be fine just go save everyone." I Say breaking free. She nods and runs off. But wolferm blocks her way and I sust break it open and get slammed to the ground by three of the metal wall pillar things. 'Son Of a bitch to his hurts.' After about five min of trying to break free I do. 'Let's go get this bastard. I say tuning activating ofa. When I catch up he is in the helicopter about to fly off. "Let him go ye bastard!" I yell. "Oh so your here." He said unamused. "Oh well your to late now." He says as they take off. I start to run after them but he put a gun to David's head how was starting to get back to consciousness. "If you move another step I'll kill him." I stop immediately. "That's why I don't like hero's they risk their lives for others who are in danger but ironically they can't help them if the hostage is in danger." He says laughing. "It to much work but for villains there are no restrictions we can do what ever we want." He Says. David The gets up and slams him into the wall of the helicopter and I take my chance to get up there I jump up and grab the side of the helicopter and try it grab David who says "forget about me save yourself." No your daughter is waiting for you." I Say looking dead into his eyes. Then i have a gun pointed at my head. "This is why I hate hero's." He says with anger and stops On my hand making me let go with that hand "know die" He says as he shoots at me causing me to let go and get hit in the arm by the bullet falling to the top of the building. "Izuku!!!!" I hear Melissa yell as I hit the ground. I hear her run over to me. I get up. "GIVE HIM BACK YOU BASTARD!!!" I yell. "ITS TIME LIKE THIS THAT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO SMILE THE BRIGHTEST YOUNG MIDORIYA IZUKU." All Might says using my actual last name witch surprised me. He then flys by me and jumps past the helicopter. "AND NOW VILLAIN GIVE ME BACK MY GOOD FRIEND." All Might Says flexing then punching the helicopter. He then land with David and the helicopter crashing behind him. David and all might have a conversation only for it to be cut short by wolferm getting out of the crash with the suite case David was trying to give All Might. "You weren't luring when you said it would increase the power of someone's quirk." He says with a device strapped to his chest. I hear all might groan and rush at him. Before he could reach him he gets hit by a huge metal pillar in witch smacks all might away. He gets back up and rushes at him but quicker and a barrage of them come flying at him and he dodges them all and jumps at wolferm only to be stoped by something that's almost invisible to the naked eye. Thin strips of metal were stoping him from punching him and getting away form him. He is moved closer to him and then wolferm grabs all mights left side of his gut. 'That's were all mights wound is how dose he know were that is.' He Says something to all might but I didn't hear him. All might says something back and is thrown back After a couple seconds. "All/Uncle Might." Melissa and I yell. I run over to him and could see that he was passed his limit and is only running on fumes. As I help him get up Mellisa yells about something behind us but is stoped by a large wall of ice. 'Their here I new they come.' "Don't worry about getting hit we will protect you! I hear Kirishima yell. "Thanks!" I yelled back and then look at all might and we mood our heads.
Katsuki Pov
As we were running up the steps And got to the roof we heard Mellisa yell "Watch out behind you!!" Half n half then created a large wall of ice to protect them from the flying metal tendril. I see Izuku turn around and smile. "Don't worry about getting hit we will protect you!" Shity-hair says. "Thanks!" He yells back then turns and looks at all might. They nod to each other then disappear from their spots. I look away from that spot to see that they are charging in without a second thought. I see another tendril going straight towards them. I rush to it and make it explode right behind Izuku. He didn't even stop but he dose give me a thumbs up. As they rush to him we destroy the tendrils but we are slowing down significantly. We were all running on fumes and slowly losing said fumes.As they were about to reach him he grabs Izuku with a mental hand he probly made with his quirk and through him toward the side of the building. He then swats all might away with another tendril while he got distracted with Izuku getting thrown. When all might stoped I looked over to see were ixuku was but I didn't see him. I rushed to we're I saw him last. I looked over the edge to see that Izuku was holding onto a window seal. "Can you pull your self up?" I ask getting down on my stomach to help him up. "No my one arms dislocated I'm gonna need help." He says looking at his left arm. "We'll grab my hand." I Say. "What how... never mind just don't pull to hard on my left arm." He says as he some how got his left arm up to we're I can grab it. I pull him up and he puts his arm back in place. We look over to see a giant box being built and then we felt the building start shake. When it was done being made it went crashing down onto All Might Who looked to be way beyond his limit "I'm going to kill you with this..All Might then I kill these brats." Wolferm says with an evil laugh. "Got a favor to ask you." Isuku Says. "What?" I ask. "Keep them safe while I take this bastard down." He Says. "....Will do." I Say But He was gone before I could tell him that. Then I look over and see isuku about to punch the cube. "100% full gauntlet smash!!!!!" I hear Izuku yell. As he breaks the metal cube. "No one is gonna die here we are all gonna live even you...wolferm!!" Izuku yells. When Izuku said this this shocked the said villain for a split second. "You are really cocky..wannabe hero." Wolferm says. "That may be true but I don't give a dame." Izuku says picking up all might who apparently fell. "LETS FINISH THIS." All might said. "Yes let's finish this with your blood everywhere." Wolferm says. All might then disappear once again. We were to exhausted to be any help but they were so fast that they didn't need out help they dodged all of the tendrils and get in us face. "DOUBLE..DETROIT.. SMASH!!!!" They both yell punching Wolferm so hard that he passes out. This causes the things that were affected by his quirk to fall and come apart. All might captures Wolferm and rushes to some dude that was hurt. Izuku just looked at his arm with a slight grin while all might did his thing. Blondie then rushed to Izuku. We just stayed where we were. Blondie then grabs Izuku shoulder and she says something. Izuku gave a quick sad smile and showed her his arm.
Izukus pov
As I stared at my arm were full gauntlet used to be I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Are you Alright?" Asked Melissa. "Yeah but I kinda Broke full gauntlet." I Say a bit sad. "It's ok just look on the bright side your arms not destroyed." She says. "Yeah that for sure." I say. "Man I'm so exhausted, I'm gonna go check on the others." I say walking to them. "Ok." She says going to her dad. "How are you guys?"I ask. "I think we're all fine just exhausted and a few scratches." Iida says. "Yeah same." I Say. "A few scratches is an understatement brother." Katsuki says. "Ah shut-up." I Say waving him off. I sit down by the group and lean against some rubble.
Katsuki Pov
Izuku sat down and lean against some rubble. Some of the other were talking until. "I *yawn* think I'm gonna." Izuku almost finished his sentence but passed out mid sentence. "Eh guess he was tired." Kirishima said. "Would you be if you did what he did." Kiminari says. "Yeah your right." He Says. "Just shut up and let him sleep." I Say. After a while paramedicsand police came up to where we were at and that started to check if we had any serious wounds and the grabbed Wolferm and put him in some cuffs. "IS THERE ANYTHING I CAN HELP YOU GUYS WITH?" All Might asks. "Yeah one of the students passed out it you can get him to a room were he can rest and get bandaged that be nice." One of the paramedics said. "OK." He says picking up Izuku and carries him off. "He's gonna be asleep for a while." I Say. "What you say that." Pony-tail Asks. "Brothers intuition." I say

I'm so fucking surprised that I have 12k reads. In all honesty I have no clue how that's possible but apparently you guys like my book and I'm grateful that y'all do. I'm also sorry for not posting often. Anyways thank you for reading, I'm open for any criticism just don't go over board with it, if you want tell me how you like it or if you don't also let me know and tell me what you don't like I'll see if I can fix it in the next chapter, and I'll see y'all in the next chapter (well not see you but you know what I mean) peace ☮️.

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