Chapter 17

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"Alright class as I said before I have some announcements....we are going to hold a test and anyone who passes the test will get to go to a camp during this summer." He says. Everyone gets excited except Katsuki who looks more annoyed. "Shut up!" Aizawa says loudly. "As I was saying but if you do not pass the test you have to stay here and do extra work or summer school." He says. "What!" A lot of kids yell. "It's not that big of a deal." I Say. "To you Maybe but it is to the rest of us." Mineta Say. "And you only want to go for your own perverted reasons." I Say. "You know it!" He yells proudly. This grossed everyone out. "Well class is dismissed." Uncle Aizawa says. "From personal experience women have another side they don't show till you piss
Please them off enough it a very scary side so just be prepared or that moment." I Say. "And how would you know?" He asks me. "Oh that's easy just ask her." I Say pointing at Momo. "What about her? He asks. "For instance when I was I. The hospital a little while ago I went against what the doctor said and she chewed my ass out she was kinda scary." I Say. "I found it funny." Katsuki says chuckling . "Ah shut it." I tell him. "Whatever." He says. "I found it utterly ridiculous." Momo said. "That's you said the entirety of that day." I said. "Well you should of stayed in you bed and not training." She says a little irritated. "Here we go again the couples quarrel." Someone says but I pay it no mind. "He said that I had to scale down my training for the next few days and I did I only did a third of my normal workout gosh woman." I Say irritated. " a couple hundred push up and sit up that's nit what your body needs right at this time you need to rest." She says putting her finger in my face. "Ah what ever woman if it will make you shut up." I say giving up. "H Good." She says victorious. "I swear your the most bothersome woman alive.l I Say next my breath. "What was that?" She asks. "Oh nothing." I give a quick reply. "I swear two are meant for each other." Katsuki says. "Uh." I Say. "Never mind." He says. "Ok Then..where is our teacher?" I ask. And as if he was waiting for some one to ask the question he walks through the door. "IM SORRY FOR BEING LATE BUT NOW PUT ON YOUR COSTUME AND HEAD TO THE FAKE CITY SO WE CAN BEGIN OUR EXERCISE." All Might Says. We all head to the locker room. When we were all changed and in front of him he began to speak. "HAS YALL WERE IN THE INTERNSHIPS YOU LEARNED DIFFERENT THINGS FOR SOME IT WAS LEARNING HAND TO HAND TECHNIQUES AND OTHERS LEARNING HOW TO CONTROL OR USE YOUR QUIRKS AND KNOW YALL ARE GOING TO TAKE A TEST." He says. "What kinda test may I ask?" Iida Asks. "A RACE." All Might Says. "A race." A few classmates start to stare at him with a wired look. "Is that a little one sided?" Momo asks. "IT WOULD FOR A NORMAL TEST BUT THIS ISN'T A NORMAL TEST." He says. "What kind of test is it?" I ask. " ITS A RACE TO SEE WHO CAN reach me first In there." He says pointing behind him. There was nothing but a load of pipes everywhere.  "So a race of not just speed but mobility." I Say. "CORRECT AND THE FIRST GROUP TO GO IS IZUKU, MINA, SERO,IIDA,AND AOYAMA." He says. 'Well this is gonna be interesting.' "ALRIGHT WAIT FOR ME TO GET TO THE MIDDLE SO YOU CAN START." He says darting off. "Dame he still fast in his old age." I Say. "Yeah thats for sure I hate to be anyone who had to fight him." Kiminari says. "He's not as fast as he used to be in his prime but thats to be expected when you get older." I say. "ALRIGHT IM IN POSITION" he says over a loud speaker. "ON YOUR MARK....set...go!" He yells. I let the others get a head start. "What are you doing Izuku?" I hear Kiminari ask. "You'll see." My brother answers for c"me. I charge up full cowling to 20% and have my other quirk form balls of wind under my feet as I got in to a runners position. I then immediately shoot off. As I was running and did parkour I was the first one there with 12.76 seconds. "WELL DONE ISUKU MY BOY." All Might Says. "Thank you sir." I say. "I need to talk to you later meet me in my office after school." He says in a whisper. "Yes sir." I Say. I then go back to the group. "I didn't know you knew parkour." Katsuki said. "It's a hobby." I Say "cool." He says. All might then calls out the next group and they go. Then the next and next go till everyone goes. After that we go back to class and work till the end of school. As class ended i went to all mights office. When I entered I could feel a great stress come off of him. "What im about to talk about is really serious and dangerous." He says in his skeleton form. "Ok I'm ready." I Say. "Well first off I need to tell you the beginnings of one for all." He says. He then explains how it was made and who it was given to and everything between. "I never knew that this power had such a dark past." I Say looking at my scarred hand. "Yes I understand I hate the fact that light can be born from darkness." He says. "And is also the same for darkness." I Say. "Hm?" He asks. "It's the other side of the coin, light is one side and darkness the other, they can't live with out each other." I Say. "Sadly That is the truth." He says agreeing. "I wonder what caused all for one to be a villain?" I ask "His need of things his greediness was to great and still is." All Might Says. "Oh." I Say. "I need you to promise that you won't tell any one what I just told you." He says. "Yes sir it will stay in this room." I Say. "Thank you, you are free to leave." He says. "Thank you see you tomorrow sir." I say walking out of the room. 'This all for one guy seems scary.' "Hey what took you so long?" A voice calls out to me. I look up to see Momo, Uraraka, and my brother by my truck. "Oh I had to talk with a teacher." I say rubbing the back of my head. "What did you do?" Katsuki asks. "Nothing why you always thing that I get in trouble!" I Say irritated. "Then what happened!" Momo asks. "All Might wanted to talk about my self experience with his teacher." I said lying. "Oh and how was it?" Uraraka Asked. "I'm not gonna lie it was fun but a tad scary as well that old man was ruthless." I Say shacking my head. "Hahahaha you were scared by an old man haha that's funny." Katsuki says. "Ok then how about you go intern there for a week." I Say. "Many I will." He says. "Ah what ever why aren't you takin your car?" I ask. "Out of gas." He says. "Oh ok then get in and I'll take everyone home." I Say getting in my truck. Everyone gets in and I take them home. After I drop Momo and uraraka off I looked over a Katsuk He was staring out the window. "You good Katsuki?" I ask him. "Yeah just thinking about somethings." He says. "Anything in particular? I ask. "Not really....Hey can me and you spare." He asks. "Um yeah sure it would be a nice stress reliever." I Say. 'He hasn't asked that in a while something must be eating at him.' I drive to we're we occasionally spared. We then walk into the woods. We then find the open fields were we spare. "Alright before we start give me somewhat of an idea of what's eating at you." I Say. "I will if you beat me that's if you can." He says getting an irritated look from me. "You wanna bet." I Say. "Ok if I win you have to do any one thing I say and if you win I'll tell you what's on my mind." He says. "Ok I agree with that." I Say shacking his hand. "Quirks or no quirks?" I ask. "No quirks just pure hand to hand." He says. I just nod and bet in my fighting stance. I have my right side in front and my left to the back ready for him to charge. And as aspected he charged me 'he's going to open up with a wide right hook.' As he reached me he did something I was not expecting he kicked me with his left foot. "Ouch I wasn't expecting that one." I Say. "You expect me to do the same mistake every time we spare." He says. "No it's not that I was just surprised I figured you would of did something else not a kick to my face." I say rubbing my left check. "Oh your fine you big baby." He says in a teasing manner. "Oh your going to get it know." I Say to him. "Bring it." He says with a smile. I charge him and go to kick him with my right. He sees this coming but I fake him out and rotate mid air and kick him with my left leg slamming him in the ground. 'Ow ow ow that fucking hurts I sometimes for get that hiring something with the tip of your toes hurt.' I grave my toes. "That's why you don't go barefooted." I hear him say. "Ah shut it." I Say watching him get up. I say. "You also done with your warm up?" He asks. "Not really but I'm ready." I Say. "Oh well." He says shrugging. "On 1...3" I Say. "2"He says. "3 go." I say. We charge each other. He goes for a right kick but I jump up and kick him in the face. He hits the ground but only for a second as he sweeps my feet underneath me. I hit the ground and look at him to see that he is coming down with a stomp. I then roll to my right then use my hands to spin in a circle while having my legs out. It was a dance move that I turned into an attack even tho others have done it as well. I then jump to my feet looking at him. We just look at each other waiting to see if we would make a move. I was the one to make the first move. I run at him and start to rear back my hand for a punch. He blocks my attack but could not see my next attack coming from below him. I kick his legs and slam him in the ground with the same foot. I pull my foot away only for it to be grabbed and get yanked, Pulling me toward the ground. I go to brace my self but he moves his arm and bends his elbow making it hint my lower gut. The attack makes me spit out saliva. 'He's learned some new tricks awesome.' I slowly get back up. "I see you've been looking at different fighting moves." I Say to him. "Yeah Some were hard to figure out but I got it now." He says in a cocky manner. "Is that so." I Say "The you would mind if I go full out then?" I ask. "I would never want you to hold back." He says. I smirk at his answer. "Your going to regret that." I Say Some what quietly. "I'm not so sure." He says getting in his position. With out warning I run at him. It takes him a split second to realize I was in front Of him bit he is to slow. I punch him into a tree. "Dame to fast." I heard him say. He gets out of the tree and brushes him self off. He looks at me and smirks. "This is fun." He says. "Agreed." I Say. We continue to do this for a few more hours. "I...think....we...should..go...home." I Say out of breath. " us." He Says. "Yeah let's go." I say walking to my truck. When I get to my truck it was covered in tree branches,leaves,and mud. "Ugh" I say annoyed. "Just get in" Katsuki says. "I am..I am." I Say. We then go home. On the way there I see that Katsuki is felling some what better. "You ready to talk?" I ask. "Yeah a deals a deal." He says. "I'm all ears." I tell him. "I wish we could of had less depressing childhood." He Says. "Oh, how would you want it to be like?" I ask him. "You living with your biological parents and us cousins instead of brothers." He says. "What I'm I not a good older brother?" I ask joking. "It's not that it just I miss the old Izuku who didn't go through all of the heart ache, the one who was all of life and didn't have such bloodlust." He says looking at me. "Eh sorry." I Say with a nervous smile. "So what got you think about this?" I ask. "When Iida explained the fight between you and stain." He Says. I flinch at the memory. "But that's not the only reason we used to yell each other thing every thing and now it's more one sided." He Says. "How so?" I ask. "You never talk about your problems you deal with everyone else's and without a second thought you help carry that burden but you don't let people help you." He Says. "Wow I didn't realize I was like that." I said not feeling ashamed. "Would you let those that want to help you, help you?" He asks. "I don't know but I'll give it a try." I say giving him a smile. "You know you should smile more often." He says. "I get told that a lot." I Say laughing. "I bet you do." He Says. "So was that a one time thing?" I ask teasingly. "Ah shut up." He Say looking out the window. I just laugh and. Oof my head. The rest of the way was silent it wasn't a bad silence. We arrive home to see the That our parents weren't home. "That's weird." I Say. "Yeah there usually here did the our old man and hag go shopping or something." Katsuki says. "Oh the fuck am I supposed to know? I ask sarcastically. "It was a rhetorical dumbass." He Says. "what ever." I say. "Oh well let's just get in." I Say feting out the truck. When we get to the door there was a note. "Hm they left a note." I Say picking it up. "What dose it say?" Katsuki asks. "It says that we need to either go to uncle Aizawa's house, Laura's, or Momo's." I tell him. "Well were we going oh I know your problem wanting to go to yaoyorozu's house." He Says. "It crosses my mind." I Say. "Of course It did." He Says. "What are you getting at?" I ask oblivious. He face palms and says "Forget it." He then walks to the truck. "No tell me." I Say starting to plead. "No your to fucking dense to get it." He says. "Well if you-" "just drop it" He says cutting me off. "Fine." I Say an annoyed. "So were do you want to go?" I asks. "Well isn't it obvious?" He asks. "To our uncles?" I ask. "What no that man isn't even home this late." He Says. "Well were then?" I asks. 'I swear this stupid minde of mine is going to be the end of me, I'm smart in school stuff and fighting not reading minds.' "We're going to Laura's house to catch up with her and her parents num-nut." He Says. "Oh that makes sense." I Say getting inside the truck then drive to her house. After a 26 minutes we get to her house. "I wonder if they will even recognize us." I Say. "Honestly I have no fricken clue." He says. "Wait..what your not cursing." I Say shocked. "Well Yeah Laura gave me a heads up that they don't like cursing and get pretty annoyed with people that do so I'm not going to swear while I'm here." He Says. "Oh.. oh Well." I say walking to the door. I go to knock on the door but the door was open be for I could. "Well it nice to finally meet you again Bakugos." Laura's father says. "Oh hi.. I was just about to knock." I say laughing a bit nervous. "Well I heard you pull up in your truck." He says. "Sorry about that Mr.smith." 'Mr.smith is a well toned man around 6 feet and 3 inches he has a Scruffy some what long beard, he has this calm damneder around him, he was in his mid 30's with blackish hair, dark greenish eyes and has a couple of scars on his arms and in his face, He is wearing a unbutton button up shirt with an under shirt and was wearing some blue jeans' I Say. "It's fine so how has my lil man doing?" He asks. "Doing ok." I say rubbing my metallic arm. "Oh my what did you do to your arm?!"I hear Mrs.smith yell. Mrs.smith is a average height woman of 5 feet and 9inches she has long blond hair and with sky blue eyes she was wearing a tee-shirt that said #1 MOM and some sweat pants' "oh this." I say touching my metallic arm. "Yeah How did you get that?" Mr.smith asks. "Well I was fighting a powerful villain but I wasn't a match for him so I was buying time for a pro to get there and Well I blacked out and I don't really remember much you would have to ask him that." I Say pointing at Katsuki. "Oh I see." He Says. "His arm was pretty much ripped off." Katsuki says bluntly. "Oh...that was blunt." Mrs.smith says. "Yeah how about we talk about you going back to visit your parents in America Mr.smith." I say. "Oh that it was amazing to see them after 15 years but I wanted to come back here so my daughter could see some old friends and so my other daughter can meet some good people here." He says with a smile. "Wait you have another Daughter?" I ask surprised. "Yep she's 4." He says with a proud smile. I look at Mrs.smith to see her with a prideful smile. "Well that's great." I Say. "Is she asleep?" Katsuki Asked. "Oh no she up playing with her sister." Mrs.smith Says. "Oh we're are they?" Katsuki asks. "Up stairs." She says. "I call them." Mr.smith says. "Ok." Me and Katsuki say. "Laura,Samantha get down here we have company!" He yells. "We're coming papa!" I hear Laura yell back. " give them a sec." He says. "So how's school going." Mrs.smith asks. "Oh its going pretty well if I Says so." I Say. "Yeah right." Katsuki says. "Uh?" Mrs.smith asks. "Oh your referring to the stain incident sent ya?" I ask. "What else would I be talking about." He Says. "Ah that's in the past." I Say Waving it off. "if you say so." Katsuki says. "Oh so your our company then izu and Kat." I hear Laura behind me. "Oh hey Laura how are you and your sis?" I ask. "We're doing great right." She says looking behind her leg. I look down at her leg to see a little girl with dirty blond hair and blue eyes. "So you must be Samantha?" I Say crouching. She nods her head still clutching her older sisters leg. "She a bit shy." Her mother says. "Oh that's ok." I Say with a smile. "Hey want to know something funny?" I ask the little girl. She nods her head. "Well when I was on my way over here my brother over there took a quick nap so being the brother I am i start to yell and scare him and he jumps out of his skin." I say with smile. She has a smile on her face. "Was that funny?" I ask. She nods her head again. "What to hear a joke?" I ask. She nods again. "Knock knock." I Say "whose there?" She asks. "Boo." I Say. " boo who?." She asks. "Ah don't cry." I Say. She lets out a small chuckle. "Wow That was cheesy." Katsuki says also chuckling. "I have a better one." I Say. "You do?" He asks. "Yeah, Knock Knock." I Say. "Whose there." He Ask. "Banana" I Say. "banana who" he asks. "banana split." I Say. We then hear laughter. "Are they funny Sammy?" I hear Laura ask. "Yeah." Samantha says. "What can I say I'm a funny guy." I Say bowing. This got a chuckle out of every one. "what's your name?" Asked Samantha. "Oh I'm Izuku bakugo and this is my brother Katsuki bakugo." I Say. "Oh it's nice to meet you bakugos." She says. "Just call me izuku or izu withers fine." I say to her. "Iz-izuki." She tried to say it. "That's close but that fine that will be what you'll call me ok." I Say patting her head. "Ok izuki." She says Smiling. "Wow I'm surprised she warmed up to you so fast." Mr.smith says. "What why?" I ask confused. "It usually takes a few hours for her to feel comfortable with someone new." Mrs.smith says" "oh gotcha." I Say. "So Sammy whats different with him?" Her dad asks. "It's the feeling he gives off." She says Smiling. "And what's that honey." Her mom asks. "It's calming." She says. "Wow She one smart kid." I Say. "Yeah her quirk is a mix of High IQ and aura sensing." Laura says. "Oh that's cool." I Say. "Yeah it's both our grandparents quirks." She says. "Oh I gotcha." I Say. For the rest of the night we just talk and play with Samantha till she gets tired and falls asleep in my arms. We then all get ready for bed. Mr.smith says that they have a few hammocks out side if we just want to go outside and lay down. He then turns the couch into a bed for me and my brother to sleep. Our parents called a head of time saying we might show up to spend the night. I go out side to sleep in the hammock. "Why you sleeping out here?" Mr.smith asks. "it feels wonderful right now." I Say. "That's true." He says going back inside. I then close my eyes and go to sleep.

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