Chapter 15

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Mid of the internships
Iida Pov
"Hey Iida were going on patrol." Manual says. "Yes sir." I Say. I do to the changing room and change into my hero costume. I then walk out of the building to see manual standing there. "Alright you ready?" He asks. "I am ready." I answer. "Alright let's go." He says walking away. I follow him. As we keep walking around he then ask me a question. "Hey I know this was your brothers agency but why did you chose us instead of someone else?" He looks at me with a Some what concerned face. "It personal." I Say with a scowl. "Don't let revenge take over you it will only destroy." I hear what Izuku told me. "Alright then." He Say continuing walking. We continue to go on Patrol until night time. As night came we start to head back to the agency only for a few villains to start attacking.
Mid or internship
Izuku Pov
"Alright let's see this new form you were talking about." Gran Torino says. "Yes sir." I Say as I activate my incomplete form called 'Full Cowling'. As ofa spreads through my entire body instead of one or two. "Ah that's interesting spreading it through Your Entire body to lighten the the stress off your body that's smart." He says. "Yeah I know but it's not complete." I Say. "Well that's the best part about it we can find it's flaws to improve it." Gran Torino says. I just look at him with determined eyes. "Go when your ready." He says. I then start to some what copy his moves and bounce around the room. "If your going to copy me try to do it properly." He says appearing in front of me. I jumped away startled. Then out of no were punches me in the face to the ground. "Ow ow ow you hurt old man." I say rubbing my cheek. "Good if you don't want to get hurt then get better at dodging and predicting me." He Says. "That's what I'm doing." I say. "Alright then again." He says and we continue the same thing but it got easier to predict and dodge him. After a while we stop. "Alright that's enough fighting me you need to go up against other people so you can learn how to counter other types of fighters." He says. "And how we doing that?" I ask. "Well go get your hero costume we are going on patrol." He says. I then go put on my costume. We then head to the train station. While in the train we were going through hosu. 'This is we're Iida internships it's kinda wired He chose this spot.' When I finished my thought I realized that the hero killer was here. "Fuck!" I Say kinda loudly. "What is it kid?" Grand Torino asks. "We need to get off her in hosu I think one of my friends gonna do something stupid." I Say but before he could say anything a hero went through the train and then something grab the side of the hole and entered. When it entered I recognized who it was it was Nomu. When I realized it was him I started to shake in anger and fear and before I realized anything I was in front of the Nomu stoping his fist. "T-t-thank you." I hear a scared voice. I look be hind me the se me a small family with the farther surrounding his wife a kid. They then get up and hurry away. "Everyone get to the closest train car." I tell them calmly not to frighten them even more. Then grab Torino Ickes the Nomu out of the train car. "What do you think your friend is going to do?" He Asked standing next to me. "I think his ping after the hero killer." I Say. "What why?" He asks. "His older brother is now paralyzed from the waste down." I yell him. "Oh I know who your talking about." He says. "Well what do you want me to do about it?" He asks. "Go let me stop him." I say determined. After he thinks about it for a sec. "alright go get him but don't go to over board." He says. And with out a second thought I rushed to find him. As I was trying to find him I see manual Iidas intern. "We're did Iida go." I ask him as I kick the Nomu away from him. "Iida I don't know he just left." He says. "Dame it." I Say. "Get out of here kid." A voice says behind me. "We got this man." Another voice says. "Ok" I Say. Rushing away from the fights. But before I start my search I get stoped but someone.
At the Same time iida Pov
"Stop!" I yell as I kick the hero killer in the face. "What a kid?" He asks. "What are you doing here?" Native ask me. "To stop him from killing another person." I Say with anger. "Your eye show small amount of vengeance, a lot of anger, but at the same time they show curiousness why is that?" The hero killer asks. "What did my brother do to deserve what you did to him?" I asks in anger. "Your brother is that ingenium fellow is it not?" He asks. "Yes that him." I Say. "Ah he's not as corrupt as others but his is still worried about fame if he was a little less worried about his status then he would of been fine." He Say. As he said this my plan went through the roof and in pure reset and vengeance I attacked. He dodged my attack. "You are just as bad as the other hero's did you come her for vengeance only or did you come to save him?" He Asked. Without hesitation I said "I came her to avenge my brother and to help or save the hero you were attacking so you can be brought to justice." "Hm almost your brother you were almost worthy of being spared but I must kill you." He says. Then he was right in front of me swinging his sword down. Out of pure panic o kick him in the side but his sword still cut me. He then licked his blade. Then all of a sudden I fall to the ground. 'What...what's going on.' "Just because your a kid doesn't mean I'll show you mercy he says walking over to me. He stoped walking and raised
his sword up and pointed the blade towards my face. He then goes down for the killing blow. I close my eyes think this is the end. But to my surprise it never came. I open my eyes to see him there frozen in what looked like fear. "Who do you think you are trying to kill my friend and fellow hero." I hear a voice that had so much blood lust it was just a strong as the stain hero killers if not stronger. I look to my right to see Izuku there holding the sword in between his index and thumb. "Who are you." Stain asks. "I'm a very pissed of friend who came to save his ass and apparently natives as well." Izuku says. "If you could give me a minute to talk to him that be nice." He says. "No he deserves to die." Stain says. "Why dose he deserve to die?" Izuku asks. "He's a fake hero all fake hero's deserve to die they are to caught up with fame and wealth it disgusts me." He says. "I agree with you there are to many but that doesn't mean kill them your acting like a child." Izuku says. This surprised me he Somewhat agrees with stain. And it also surprised stain. "I want to be like all might so I got to have a smile on my face at all times to bring hope and peace to very one but I can't be exactly like him so I'm gonna be the hero that bring peace and drills determination and hope into those around me." Izuku says kinda quietly. "I want to save everyone even the ones who don't deserve it I want to understand why villains do what they do and try to help them and stop others from falling into that pit." He continues. "I want everyone to be at peace violence only breeds more violence and I hate it." He says. 'What happen to him before he got here.'
Before Izuku reaches Iida. Izuku Pov
As I got stoped with and arm close lining me i hear a voice. "So your Who Toshi chose as next holder." I get up rubbing my throat. "Who are you?" I ask with a hoarse voice. "A nobody all you need to know is that I've stoped time to talk to you." He says. "Why do you want to talk to me?" I ask. "Because i have to tell you something important." He says. "Ok I'll listen." I Say. "Have you ever hear the saying violence only breeds more violence?" He ask me. "No I can't say I have." I Say. "Well it's true I learned this the hard way Your a man who wants to be like all might am I right." He says. "Yes." I Say. "Well let me tell you something that might change your how you see the world." He says. "I'm listening." I Say. "Do you think every villain do the things they do because they can or want to?" He asks. "Um.....Yeah." I Say a little confused. "Well your wrong they don't always do it for that reason." He says shocking me. "Some do it because they were bullied, avoided because of there quirk, abused there entire life, and a bunch of other reasons I'm not gonna name." He says. "They go through something that forces them into it or they get pushed over edge and do evil things." He Say. "I didn't know that." I say quietly. "Not a lot of people do." He says. "And to be honest sometimes it's the hero's that drive people to be villains." He says. "What!?" I yell shocked. "Believe it or not." He says. "H-how's dose that happen?" I ask. "Well it can happen just as many ways a The other ways." He says "And like the quota states some times the hero fights a villain trying so save someone only for that villains family to either loath or thank that hero for taken that member of the family to jail." He says "really" I say. "Yes and for example if I killed you family what would you do?" He asks. I freeze up instantly "I'd kill you." I Say letting my blood lust flow. "See violence breeds only more violence." He says and I realized he was right. "Know multiply what you said by how many villain attacks there are in a month by 2 and that's how many more people will either go to be a hero or a villain only seeking vengeance." He says. "And don't you know this feeling first hand." He says. I flinch. "But sadly the dark is born from the light and the light is born form the darkness so we need both the light and darkness." He says. "Why are you telling me this?" I ask. "Because you need to know so you can change the future of the world." He says. " why me.?" I ask again. "Because your the next symbol of peace but your also so much more you are the symbol of hope and you instill determination into those around you." He says. "Who are you and how do you know this?" I ask. "Who am i well I'm you." He says. "What do you mean?" I asks. "You will hopefully never find out." He says with a sad smile. "Well it looks like my time is over I must be going now." He says disappearing. "Wait I'm not done talking to you yet." I yell to him. "You need to find some of the answer with thin yourself and that all I'm gonna tell you." He says disappearing be for my eyes.

——————————————————————— I know this is really short and I haven't posted in a while but school been stressful I'm hope you understand. Also thank you guys for the 5k reads I'm so shocked that many people like my book. Thank you guys for the reads and I hope you guys have like the book so far if you have any questions ask and I'll answer them when ever I can. See you guys in the next chapter.

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