Chapter 16

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Izukus pov
After he disappears I start to think about what he said. "Violence only breeds more violence." "Not every villain dose this Because they want to some are forced to by society." As I keep thinking about it I started to realized he was right. "How could I be this stupid, how could I not see this?" I asked my self. "There's no time to over think about it right know gotta to find Iida." I say running. While running I look around me there was nothing but chaos and violence hero fighting villains, civilians trying to defend them selfs, and some other things as well. 'God dame it why did he have to tell me this now, he's right.'
Present time (still Izuku's pov.)
"I just want it to end, there is no need for it." I Say. "What happen to you Izuku?" Iida asks quietly. "I come to realize some things." I Say looking at him. "But I know not all violence will be stoped because sadly we need the light a dark to be balanced if one is to powerful then everything will be off balanced." I Say releasing my grip on the sword. Stain was there frozen. "It's sad how some villains are born because of hero's like you stain and it's all so the other way around like me." I Say. Stain looks at me in the eye. "Y-you are worthy to live what is your name?" He asks. "Well i decided to change it but it's know tempest." I Say. "Tempest who have been deemed worthy like all might you will not be killed but I can't say the same for him." He says pointing at Iida. "He can change and so can everyone else, everyone deserves a second chance." I Say to stain. "No He won't ever change the fakes never change." He says as I cut him off "and killing them makes it right that really childish don't you say." I tell him. I hear Iida and native tense up. "Killing people won't make this better it will do more bad than good, you can't solve everything with violence some things need to change slowly." I Say. "I'm sorry to say but I do not believe you so you are going to have to fight me or they die." Stain says. "Well I should of figured that." I Say. 'At least I have permission to use my quirks.' I watch him carefully. He grabs one of his swords and rushes towards me and swings his sword. I jump back as he almost cuts me. 'Wow he's fast.' He keeps rushing me and gets faster each time. 'Goddammit how fast is he if he gets any faster I'm gonna have to use full cowling.' "Your pretty fast fora first year." He says. "Thanks." I Say. He then uses the fact that I slowed down for a split second and cuts my face. "Dame." I Say. He was going to lick his blade. 'His quirk my deal with blood can let him ingest it.' I fire of an air bullet. It hits his arm. "I don't know what your quirk is but I can guess." I say. "It deals with ingesting someone's blood and you can paralyze that person for a Certain amount of time am I right." I Say. He doesn't say anything but comes after me. I was ready this time and I readied a 10% Detroit smash and slammed it into his gut. He goes flying into the wall. He gets out of the wall and stretches. "I will say you pack a punch kid." He says throwing a throwing knife. But unfortunately I was a tad to slow and it went into my arm. "Ow That hurts." I Say. Then all of a sudden he was In my face. He pulled out the blade and kicked me into the wall behind me. As the wind was knocked out of me I fall to the ground. As I was getting back up I see him licking the knife and almost instantly I fell back to the ground from an unknown force. 'What the....this must be his quirk, so I was right.' "That was a fun little skirmish but I have a duty to kill these two." He says walking Over to Iida and native while pulling out another sword. He gets to Iida and raises the blade. "Any last words fake hero?" He asks. Iida nods his head. "That Izuku for trying to help me." He says as Stain starts to bring his blade down. "NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" I yell as a huge wave of fire went by and hit the hero killer. "Sorry about showing up late. I here the monotone voice of Todoroki. "It's better late then never." I say. "He nods. "Be carful If He ingest your blood he will paralyze you." I tell him. "So that's what happened to You." He says. "Yeah just be carful." I Say. Todoroki looked back at stain. "Ugh again with the annoyances." Stain says. He then rushes towards Todoroki. Todoroki just uses his ice to block stain. "You sure are bold to block your view of your enemy." Stain says. Jumping over the ice swinging his sword. Todoroki dodges the attack barely. Stain then again lunges but this time Todoroki uses his flames. Stain however stoped and jumped to the left. He then throws knifes at Todoroki. Todoroki shields himself with his ice. Only for stain to come from behind and barely strike him. As what looks like Todoroki realizing that his blood is on the blade he sends a huge wave of ice at stain. It moved just fast enough to cause stain to block with his sword witch cause it to shader. "Way to go Todoroki!" I yell to him. Stain rushes at him in fury. He lunged at him to lick his check. When he was only a couple of centimeters away Todoroki lights his left side up. This kept stain back. 'When we get out of this his gonna need to increase his reaction time.' Then Stain again threw his knifes at Todoroki for todoroki to block it but he didn't go over this time "he's on your right!" I yell worming him. Thankfully he hears me and look to his left to instantly have to throw up an ice shield. And the. Again but stain throw knifes from his right, above, and rear. This causes Totoroki to choose with pair would hit him. But before any of them could reach I feel as if I was back to normal. Without a second to waste I launch a small cyclone to suck up the knifes. "How are you up already?" Iida asks. "Maybe a time limit." I Say. "If That were the case I would of been up already." Native Says. "Many how much he ingests." I Say. "No he had only a speck of my blood." Iida says. 'Well if that's not the case then it may be what blood type.' "What are your blood types?" I ask. "Mines A" "Mines b" "mine as well." They says. 'Well mines O.' "God Dame O types." He says. "So I was correct" I say. He lunges at me ready to strike. I dodge his attack and land in front of Iida and native. "Hey Todoroki watch my back and protect these two." I Say pointing behind me. "Alright." Is my response form him. Then me and stain charge each other. While we fought I would either break his blades or throw them into a wall. 'We've been in a stalemate for to long I need to do something.' He then swings at me but instead of braking it I jump back. "I have a plan Todoroki." I tell him. "what is it?"He asks. We're going to increase the power of your flames." I Say. "How are we going to do that?" He asks. "I'll use my wind to give your fire an extra boost but if it doesn't work it will just cancel each other." I tell him. "Alright then let's do it." He says. Wait he accepted it so easily. "I thought you would of said no but oh well let's get this started." I say. "Let's." He says. "On three" I say. He nods and stain rushes to us. "1....2....3...go!" I yell As we combine our quirks creating a stronger flame. It hit our target. We heard a yell of pain. "Yes it actually worked." Native and Iida Say. "Yeah it." But I was cut off by something stabbing my back. I look over to my back and reach my hand over and feel and see that there was a knife there. I pull it out only for me to slam into the ground. "What how are you not knocked out?" I ask. "The attack was powerful but it wasn't strong enough to keep me down." He says as Todoroki shoots his flames at him. He jump off of me and jumps away. "God dammit I knew you were strong but i didn't think you were this strong." I Say. "And your stronger than I thought." He says. "Thanks I guess but Now it's time for me to stop holding back." I Say. "WHAT YOU WERE HOLDING BACK." Iida yells. "Yeah I didn't want to cause to much damage to my surrounding and get y'all caught into it but now Todorokis here and he can keep you guys covered." I Say. "I guess I would do the same as well" Todoroki says. "Hm you were holding back not really smart but this should make thinks interesting." Stain says. "I'm gonna have to get a lot more merciless now." He continues. All of a sudden he was in Right front of us. I use my quirk to send a ball of wind into his chest(like the reasengan from naruto). It sends him flying back into a wall. "That was close." I Say. "True but it's no." He said as he got cut off as he had to block a blade thrown at his face. "AH FUCK IT! I yell as I start to have the wind form a cyclone. Within seconds the cyclone was the strongest I could make without causing to much damage to my surroundings. "I think I'll end this in one attack.
Iida Pov
As Izuku prepared his final attack I instantly start to remember the dream I had of Izuku being impaled. When I finally realized what was about to happen Izuku had his final attack finished. He had made a huge cyclone and made into a small ball which made it more condense and more powerful. The both lunge at each other. Izuku with his cyclone ball thing and stain with his sword. As the two attacks connect nothing but smoke could be seen. I could see through the fog but I could get up all of a sudden. I stand up and start to walk toward the smoke. Only to be stoped by Todoroki. I look at him and he just nods his head. I understood he wanted to wait till the smoke cleared. As it started to settle we see that stain was in the wall farthest from us unconscious and Izuku in the same spot with stains Sword in his chest. As the realization hit I yell out his name and run up to Izuku. As I go to check his pulse he grabs my hand. "H-hey did I.....d-do it?" He asks. "D-did i d-defeat h-him?" He asks again. "Yeah you did." I tell him. "Ah t-that's....good." He says coughing. "Hey Todoroki c-can you use y-your ice to c-cover the wound?" He asks. "Yeah I got it." Todoroki says. As Todoroki was doing that native walks over. "You did go kid don't worry about anything else right know I got it covered." He tells Izuku. Izuku just nods and smiles. As native got stain restrained a few other hero's came to the alleyway. "I-I-is that really the hero killer?" One asked. "Yeah it is this kid right here defeated him." Native says pointing at Izuku who just waves. "Are any of you a medic By chance?" He asks. "No I'm sorry." Another says. "Oh...oh well I'm just gonna rest and just sleep." He says as he passes out. "Has anyone seen Izuku Bakugo his my Inte!"An old man state to say as he realizes what happen to Izuku. He rushes over to me and Izuku. "Oh that a really bad wound he needs medical attention immediately!" He yells picking him up. 'How the hell can he pick him up izukus about 6 foot and about 230 pounds (Most of the weight is from his muscle).' The old man then uses his quirk and rushes him to the hospital. As that's going on he his knocked into a building by a Nomu but the Nomu was instantly stabbed. The old man just picks Izuku back up and continues to rush him to the hospital. As that was going on we saw who killed the Nomu it was stain. "ALL OF YOU ARE FAKES...YPU ARE NOT WORTHY TO BE CALLED HEROS THE ONLY PEOLE THAT ARE WORTHY OF THE TITLE IS THAY BOY AND ALL MIGHT." He says with so much bloodlust that no one could move everyone was frozen to n fear. "ALL MIGHT AND THAT KID ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO ARE ALLOWED TO KILL ME." He says with even more bloodlust. But he then falls unconscious. No one moved we were to scared to move no we were terrified.
Time skip with the trio in the hospital

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