Chapter 11(sports Festival)

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The day of the sports festival
Izukus pov
"Wow izuku what did you do to your hair?" A lot of my friends and classmates ask. "I cut it duh." I say. "I think it looks nice izu." Uraraka tells me. "Thanks." I say.  "Yes it does look good." Iida says. "I agree." Momo said. "Ok now can y'all stop talking about it?" I ask. "No/yes." Mina and Iida say. "Why is that ashido?" Iida Asked. "Because it's cute!" She squeals. "Izuku bakugo." Todoroki says walking up to me. "Ok drop the bakugo and just call me izuku." I Say. "Izuku, you and I are the same so I'm here to declare war on you." He says looking dead in my eyes. "Oh is that so." I said, now serious. "I accept your declaration in fact I want everyone to try there hardest to take me down because you all have an equal shot." I say with a sadistic grin. "Wow what with that smile izu?" Uraraka, Momo, and Jirō ask. "I just want to have a challenge." I say. "By having Everyone on your back." Kirishima Asked. I just nodded my head while still looking dead in Todoroki eyes. "You won't have a chance." Todoroki says leaving. "You think." I Say. "NOW FOR WHAT EVERYONE HAS BEEN WATING FOR.....THE BEGINNING OF THE SPORTS FESTIVAL!!!!" Present mic yelled. "Well I guess that's our cue to leave." I say walking to the door. "THE CLASS THAT SURVIVED A VILLAIN ATTACK ITS CLASS 1-A." Present mic yelled. "AND THE OTHER CLASS ,B,C" he continued to name all of the classes off as they entered. "If we could have Izuku bakugo come up to say a few word to start us off. "What really why me?" I ask. "Because you are the class representative." Midnight said. "Ok fine." I say walking up the the mic. "Um I don't really know what to say but.....everyone here is trying to become a hero so I hope that everyone uses one hundred percent of their power to try to become first and besides I would like to fight everyone here." I say walking a way. "Well thank you for that speech." Midnight says. "Do you only think of fighting?" Momo Asked. "No but it's on my mind almost 24/7 besides I got a lot of other things on my mind." I tell her. "like what?" She Asked. "You, Katsuki, my parents, the class, and my other friends." I say. "W-Well o-ok then." She says slightly blushing. "Are you ok your a little red?" I ask her. "Yes I'm fine." She says getting more red. "Are you sure?" I ask as I put my hand on top of her head. "Yes now stop it." She said in almost a yell. "Ok just chill." I say. "And up first we have......the obstacle race." She says. "It's a 4km race around the sports festival arena, you are aloud to use your quirks as long as you don't hurt any other students." She says. Then everyone starts to head to the staring line. "3.....2........1......GO!!!" Present mic yells. Everyone starts to run but almost everyone immediately gets frozen in place 'I figured he would do such a thing.' I then start to just float with my quirk and fly over them. 'Wonder what else he has to his sleeve. "That won't work on my half-and-half!!" Katsuki Yelled. "Yelled then lot more got around it that expected." I heard Todoroki say. "OH WOW AFTER THE SON OF ENDEAVOR FROZE EVERYONE RIGHT OFF THE BACK A LOT OF STUDENTS FROM CLASS 1-A ESCAPE HIS ICEY TRAP." Present mic yells. "Could he just shut the fuck up." I say to myself. I then release my quirk and fall to the ground. After I touch the ground I get in a runners position. I then start to concentrate my quirk to the bottom of my feet. After the air bubble I created I release it and I go flying at high speeds. 'I think I should add some wind wing or something when doing this.' I then do so. "WHAT IS THIS IZUKU BAKUGO IS FLYING DOWN THE COURSE WITH WINGS!" He yells. 'Alright I'm past the first obstacle and I'm in first place.' "OH LOOK AT THAT TODOROKI HAS FROZEN ALL OFF THE ZERO POINTERS." Present mic yells. "OH AND IZUKU BAKUGO IS IN FIRST PLACE HEADING TO THE SECOND OBSTACLE, THE PIT FALL." Present mic yells. 'This is gonna be easy.' I then stop gliding and start to run. I continue to run and increase my speed. 'I can use that yet.' I then reach the pit and instead of stopping I speed up more. "OH WHAT IS GE THINKING, IS HE GONNA JUMP OVER THE GAP OR FLY AGAIN." Present mic yells. "Oh it's much cooler than that." I say to my self. I then start to run across the gap. "WHAT THIS HES RUNNING ON THIN AIR LITERALLY." He yells. "Dame it IZUKU get back here!" I hear Katsuki yell behind me. I turn around to see that him and Todoroki are right behind me. 'Dame there fast, I should speed up if I want to win.' I then stop and I again get in a runners position and I repeat what I did at the beginning and launch my self toward. 'I might actually have to use that to win this race.' 'No stop over thing things you got this.' "IZUKU BAKUGO IS NOW ON THE THIRD OBSTACLE THE MINE FIELD, THIS MINES WONT KILL YA BUT THEY WILL MAKE YOU PISS YOUR SELF AND THEY DO PACK A PUNCH." Present mic Yelled. "OH MY GOSH CAN YOU STOP YELLING!!" I yell pretty loud. 'I now know why uncle Aizawa doesn't like him he so loud and annoying.'  'If he telling the truth this is an obstacle to slow down those in first and give the ones in behind a chance to catch up, but thankfully I have the stamina to do this.' I stop running and stand still. I completely cut off all of my senses but the one that aloud me to feel the air around me and After a minute I fell two people pass me that gave me the signal to do it. 'Alright let's do this.' I then once again get in a runners position this time lower to the ground. The air bubble that I had mad was now three times as large as the first and second one. I release the bubble.
3rd Pov
As Izuku released the air bubble he made everyone that was behind him felt a intense amount of wind hit them. "What was that?" One student asked. "I don't know." Another said. "I think it's izu." Mina said excited. "Who is that?" Some one beside her ask. "The one who gave the speech." She answered. " I have to agree with you." Momo said. "Oh hey Momo." Mina said. "I wonder what he did?" A student beside them asked. "UNBELIEVABLE IZUKU BAKUGO JUST LUNCHE HIMSELF AT BLINDING SPEEDS AND WINS THE RACE IN FIRST PLACE."Present mic yells. "Well that answers your question." A voice behind them said. "Ok enough talk let's finish the race." A different student said. All of the other students a grunt in agreement.
Izuku Pov
"Dame that hurt." I say laying on the ground. "What hurt?" Katsuki Asked me. "Using that move it hurts my legs and neck." I say. "Well that's your fault." He says. Soon everyone started to finish. "Yo izu what was that move you did at the end of the race?" Mina Asked. "Oh that I was a special move that I made so I could get the upper hand with speed." I explain to her. "You creates some powerful wind man you cases Mineta to fly backwards." Kaminari said. "Is he alright?" I ask. "I have no clue." Kaminari says. "I don't care if he is or not." Momo Says. "Wow that's harsh." I say. "Well if he wasn't such a pervert I would be concerned." She says. "Ok the pervert part is agree able but he's a fellow classmate." I say. "Hey izu how fast did you go when you created that strong wind." Mina Asked. "If I remember correctly it's about 242kph.(that's roughly 150mph) I say. "Holy shit dude that's fast as fuck." Kiminari says. "Yeah but I can go faster if I have a neck and leg brace of some sort." I Say. "Do you know how fast you can go with all of that?" Momo Asked. "I can probably double my speed but i only use that move if I need to get some were that in a straight in front of me as fast as possible." I Say. "So you can't control it?" Asked Katsuki. "Pretty much, I can only turn slightly even then it's not that much, if I had to turn fast I would become nothing but mush on what ever I just hit but to avoid this I creat wings to glide." I say. "That sounds pretty cool" Kirishima said. "Alright know that the first 42 students have made it the next event is......Cavalry battle." Midnight said. 'This sounds fun.' "It's the same as it was when you did it in middle school but you can use your quirks and there is a point system in place." Midnight says. 'Ok this makes it even more exciting.' "Your points are based on what position you're in like the 42nd place is worth 5 points and so on and so forth but 1st place is worth 1 million points!" She say yelling the last part. 'Oh this is definitely gonna be fun.' "You Are aloud to have a team of 2 to 4 people pre team, you have 15 minutes to make your teams. As she said this everyone stated running around trying to find a team. 'Guess no one wants to team up with me? That makes seems scenes I'm in first.' I then decide to ask if I could be on a team by myself by before that happens I get stoped by uraraka. "Hey izu mind if I join?" She Asked. "You sure?" I ask her. "Yeah." She says with a smile. "Ok then I wasn't expecting a teammate." I say. "Well do you have room for one more?" A voice behind me Asked. "Yeah we got room want to join?" I ask as I turn around. "Yes it would be a good way for me to show off my babies." She says. "Ok...then what's your name?" I ask. "The name is Mei Hatsume." She says. "Alright nice to meet you mei." I Say. "The Same here." She says. I then look around to see if any body else was in need of a team and i see tokoyami just standing there. "Hey tokoyami want to join?!" I yell at him. "Uh... sure Izuku." He said walking over. "Alright now that we got our team I need to know your quirk mei." I Say. "It's called zoom, I can zoom up to 5x farther than a normal eye." She says. "Alright now that I know everyone's quirks I know what to do." I say. "And That is?" Tokoyami asks. "That I need tokoyami and uraraka and the legs, we can use your dark shadow as a solid defense and if need be offense for the bottom half, uraraka we can use your zero gravity and mei's Jet pack as a way to escape if needed and lastly I will be on both the defense and offense for the top half." I Say. "Alright let's do it." Uraraka says jumping on the air. "Your time is up get ready." Midnight Says. "Alright mei your on uraraka's shoulders and I'm on tokoyami's." I Say as we get in are respectable spots. "All of you get to a spot on the field." Midnight says. "Alright guys you ready?" I ask. "Yes/Yeah/I'm ready." They mei,uraraka, and tokoyami says. "The battle starts in 3....2....1....go!" Midnight yells. As soon as she yelled go everyone went for us. "If you want my head band come and get it!" I yell. "What are you doing?" Uraraka Asked while panicking. "Do y'all trust me?" I ask. "What type of question is that?" Mei Asked. "Just answer do you guys trust me?" I ask again. "Yes." They all day. "Alright when I say go uraraka use your quirk on everyone but me." I say. "Alright." She say. 'Ok in 5...4...3...2..1' "Now!" I yell as I put my plan in action. We then go flying through the air. "Release your quirk uraraka." I Say. "Ok." She dose as I say. "Alright tokoyami we need to start to defending ourselves." I Say. "Understood." Is all he says. We go on the defensive for about 13 minutes until a huge wave of ice cuts us off. "Finally I was wondering what was taking him so long." I Say. "Y'all remember the plan right?" I ask. "Yes." They all say. 'Good.' "That's far enough Izuku." Todoroki says. "Oh is it know." I Say. "Yes it is." He says Back. "Try heading the other way." I say to my teammates. As they try he just has another wave of ice cover that side. "Now Iida!" I here him yell. "Alright here he comes you ready tokoyami?" I ask. "I am." He says. "Alright let's do it." I say as Iida launches towards us but I expected him to do so and I have tokoyami block and push them and as he dose that I use my wind to break the ice around us. As we did so I hear "IZUKU!!!" I turn around to see Katsuki launching at me. "Shit!" I yell. 'I was not prepared for this, ok think.... ok just launch yourself upwards.' I then do so. As i get up pretty high I see that Todoroki's left side light on fire. 'Wow I never seen him use his left  side before.' "TIMES UP!" Present mic yells. "Oh thank god!" I yell out of relief. I then fall back down. "Izuku what are you doing!" I hear uraraka yell. "Just falling down." I Say as I start to float in front of her. "Your so reckless." She says. "I know you don't have to remind me." I Say. "IN FIRST PLACE WE HAVE IZUKU BAKUGO'S TEAM, IN SECOND WE HAVE SHOTO TODOROKI'S TEAM, THIRD WE HAVE KATSUKI BAKUGO'S TEAM, AND IN FORTH WE HAVE....UM...HITOSHI SHINSO." Present mic Yelled. "WE WILL HAVE AN HOUR BREAK FOR FOOD AND WATER!" Present mic yells. Then everyone starts to head to the cafeteria. "Izuku can we talk in private?" Todoroki asks me. "Sure lead the way." I Say. I follow him for a bit till we stop at one of the entrances to the arena. "So what's up?" I ask. He just stands there for a bit and I start to wonder what's taking him so long. "You do know how my father is?" He Asked all of a sudden. "Yeah he number 2 hero I also when I meet him he was an asshole." I Say. He looked slightly surprised. "You meet my father?" He Asked. "Yeah before we started the sports festival I walked up to him and asked if I could get an autograph and he just told me to bug off." I told him. "Well any way during the cavalry battle you made me use my left side and I don't ever want to use it." He says. "And why is that?" I ask. "Because it's his quirk......have you heard of quirk marriages?" He Asked. "Yeah I heard of them...what are you the outcome of one?" I ask. "Yes I am, since my dad had a lot of money and influence he was able to convince my mothers parents to have them marry, he only wanted her so he could have a child that can surpass all might." He says he then stops and takes a breather. "When my quirk started he took me away from my siblings saying that their a waste of mine and his time." As he said this I was trying not to shack from anger. "He would train me for hours everyday without a break." He says. He again takes a breather. "This slowly causes my mother to go crazy and she poured boiling water on me when I was younger." He says touching his scar. He stops talking as if he was remembering the moment. "Hey I understand if you don't want to continue." I say. "I Fine." He says. "I don't want to ever use that mans quirk." He says with venom in his voice. "Well I think it's only fair that I tell you what happened to me when I was younger." I Say. "What do you mean?" He asked. "You told me some of your background so it's only fair I do the Same." I Say. "Ok I will listen." He says. "Thank you.... you remember the number 3 pro hero about 10 years ago?" I ask. "Yes wasn't it the pro hero salamander?" He Asked. "Yeah that was my dad." I Say. When I said that he looks really surprised. "Yeah I know shocker uh but yeah that was my dad... I don't remember much about him but I'm told that I act a lot like him." I say. "When I was 6 i went shopping with my mom and dad, everything was fine till we got out side of the store two men in masks come up to him and ask if he was the pro hero salamander and he tells them yeah he is and as he was about to use his quirk he could it would work.......then the next thing I know I hear six shots those six shot killed both of my parents right in front of my eyes." I say as I start to shack. "After that I don't remember much you would have to ask uncle Aizawa for more details but when I woke up I was in the hospital being told that both my mom and dad died, but that's not all of the bad that happened..was tortured with the nightmares for months and I still am tortured with them from time to time so I know that Yeah we both have our hardships but I didn't let mine control me." I say. He just looks at me in shock. "I guess your right we both have had a hell of a Childhood." He says. "Yeah know that we both have that out in the open let's go get some food." I say. "Sure." He says. "Oh Katsuki don't speak a word about what has happened here." I Say as we walk to the cafeteria.
Time skip to the 1v1
"AND WE ARE BACK WITH THE SPORTS FESTIVAL!" Present mic yells. "WE ARE GOING STRAIGHT INTO IT WITH THE 1V1 FIGHTS!" He yells. "Ooh this sounds fun." I Say. "I hanged a chart of wow you will be fighting in the first rounds. "Um ma'am I would like to with draw from the 1 on 1 fights." Ojiro says. "Um why's that?" Midnight Asked. "I don't remember what happened during the last round so I don't think it's fair for me to continue." He says. "So this about your pride?" She Asked "Yes ma'am." He says. "Ooh." She says. "I as well would like to withdraw." A student says. "For the same reasons as him." Midnight ask while pointing at Ojiro. "Yes ma'am." He says. "Alright we will have tetsutetsu tetsutetsu and lbara Shiozaki take your spots then." She says change if the board. "I guess I'm fight I got shinso." I Say. I then walk to the waiting area "Hey izuku can I talk to ya for a sec?" Ojiro asks me. "Yeah sure." I Say. "What need?" I ask. "It's about shinso." He says. "Alright I'm all ears." I say. "I think his quirk has some thing about answering him because when he asked me something and I answered him I lost consciousness." He says. "So don't answer or say anything to him other wise he can use his quirk on you." He says "alright thanks for the info." I say. "Can the two contestants come to the arena." Someone said over the intercom. "Well I guess it time for me to leave." I Say leaving. "Good luck Izuku." He says as I leave. "Thanks." I Say to him. I then walk up on the stage,arena thing. "Ok the rules are simple anything goes besides killing, the only way you can win is either knocking your opponent off the arena or nocking them out and/or Immobilizing them." She says. "Match starts in 3..2..1..start." She says. "It must be nice to have a powerful quirk Uh." He says. "What since you have a powerful quirk means you can't talk to me!" He yells. "What about that monkey who backed out over his stupid pride." He says. When he says that I almost said something and he noticed. 'Keep your mouth shut don't speck remember what Ojiro said.' "Oh did I stick a nerve speaking about the monkeys stupid little pride." He he said this I snapped. I ran at him at blinding speeds and grab his fase and slammed it to the ground. "Don't speak bad ab." I was cut off as I felt my body move on its own. "Got ya now let go over me and walk off." He says. My body dose as it was told. 'What the hell!' 'Why is my body moving on its own?' 'This must be his quirk what the hell am I gonna do?' "WHATS THIS IZUKU JUSt STOPED HIS ATTACK AND IS WALKING TO THE EDGE OF THE ARENA IS THIS SHINSO'S QUIRK?!" Present mic yells. 'FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK FUUUCK!'
Ojiro Pov
'I told him not to say anything to him no matter what.' "Fight it Izuku/izu!" I can hear people yell from my class. 'It's over why even try.' As Izuku teach the edge he stoped. "WHATS THIS IZUKU STOPED!" Present mic Yelled. All of a sudden a huge burst of wind shot from Izuku. "What the hell?! I hear bakugo yell. I look around and see a lot of people holding onto the bars trying not to be flung out of the arena and I also see shoji holding Mineta so he doesn't go flying. I then look back at Izuku to see that he blew of two of his figures off his prosthetic arm. With in a blink of the eye he was gone when I registered what happened Izuku won. "AIZAWA DID YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENED BECAUSE I DIDN'T?!" Present mic Yelled. "Yeah I saw why happened Izuku ran again at blinding speeds and flung shinso out of the ring before almost anyone could register what happened." Aizawa say in his usual monotone voice.
Izuku Pov.
'What the hell where those people I should problem talk to All Might about it.' I then head to the infirmary. "Hey recovery girl I kinda need some finger replacements." I Say scratching my head. "At least is not a injury." She says sighing. "Hehe so do I need to say here or go to the support team?" I ask. "No just sit down I'll be back in a sec." She says leaving the room. I look to my left to see an unconscious shinso. 'I should apologize to him when he gains consciousness.' After a few minutes almost all of class 1-b comes to see if he is fine. "Your Izuku bakugo right?" Asked a orange hairs girl. "Yeah that's me but just call me izuku or Izu." I Say. "Ok Izuku I'm Itsuka Kendo the class president of class 1-b." She say. "Nice to meet you kendo." I Say. "Same here but I have a question." She says. "I'm all ears." I say. "Did you have to go all out like that?" She Asked. "No I should of but my anger got the better of me I just hate when people insult my family well my friends." I say. "What do you mean?" She asks. "Well I consider my class my family because that's what they are to me even though they might not realize it but I consider them my family we already went through a villain attack." I Say grabbing my arm. "I don't mean to pry but what happen to your arm?" She ask. "Oh that I lost it in that villain attack." I Say. "Oh sorry didn't mean to bring up unwanted memories." She says. "An your all good but that friend of your shinso he has a powerful quirk and I don't understand why he's not in the hero course." I say. This shockes everyone in the room. "Alright that's enough chit chat get out and for them some room." Recovery girl says. "Yes ma'am." Kendo says diving everyone out. "Let me see your Hand." Recovery girl says. I hand her my hand she then puts my finger replacements in. After about five minutes she has them all adjusted and fixed and shinso woke up. "Hey you good man?" I ask. "Yeah I'm alright." He says. "Hey just so you know just because my quirk is powerful in one way doesn't mean yours isn't in another area, you got a strong quirk if you believe it or not, but you almost won against the probably the strongest kid in 1-a." I say. He just smiles. "Also I think you gonna have a a lot of fans when you get back to your seat." I Say he looks at me confused. "Just Wait when you enter your sitting area." I say walking out the door to see almost everyone in class 1-b standing out there. "You can go y'all to him." Is all I say as they rush in to see him. I can hear them praise if him. 'I guarantee the praise fells nice doesn't shinso.' I then reach 1-a's sitting booth only to be bombarded with hugs. "Wow wow wow where's this coming from?" I ask. "We heard what you said to kendo from class 1-b." Mina says squeezes me "ya did?" I ask rhetorically. "We sure did." Uraraka says. "Ok I don't mind the hugs and all but could ya stop we're gonna miss the next match." I Say. "Aww I was having fun hugging you." Mina said. "Well sorry I don't think you would want to miss the matches now." I Say. "Yeah that's true." She says letting go. I then sit down and watch the next matches carefully.

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