13 (Internships)

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3rd Pov
It's been a week since the sports festival. The students that participated in the one vs one got a lot of attention from the public, especially a certain green haired teen. As Izuku was in his room working out he was waiting for there next day of school witch was tomorrow.
Izuku Pov
"Do you want dinner?" Mom ask as she opened the door. "Hell Yeah!" I yell. I then get hit. "Ouch what the hell was that for?!" I ask. "NO FUCKING CUSING IN THE HOUSE!" She yells at me. "I'm sorry!" I yell back. "What ever.....we're having sushi tonight." She says. "Ok." I say walking to the kitchen. I then sit down and eat. While we eat we talk and laugh. After dinner I head to bed. "I don't really want to go tomorrow." I Say quietly. "Why your girly friend gonna hurt you?" I hear Katsuki say in a mocking manner. "That woman can be scary when she wants to be and since I just got out of the hospital again she probably already knows that by now." I Say. "And what's the problems with that" he ask. "She can be worse than mom." I say shaking a little. "Ok that's kinda scary." Katsuki says also slightly shaking. "I'm probably not gonna be home for a while." I Say. "just like last time?" He Asked. "Yeah but for a different reason." I Say. "Ok then.....just don't die I want to have at least one person that I know is stronger than me." He Say entering his room. "Well thanks for your support." I say sarcastically. I then go into my room and flop on my bed and go to sleep. As the sun shines in my room it hits my eyes. I flip over so that I can go back to sleep. As I was about to fall back asleep my phone goes off. 'Ah fucking hell who the Fucks calling me this fucking early.' I grab my phone and answer. "What the hell do you want?" I ask kinda pissed. "Well good morning to you too." I hear a familiar female voice. I look at my phone to see that it was Momo. ' ah shit I'm definitely gonna die know. "Oh sorry Momo you kinda woke me up." I Say in a apologetic tone. "I could tell...did you not get enough sleep or something?" She Asked. "No I just want more sleep. I say. "Your hopeless." She says sighing. "You say that a lot." I Say. "Yes i do." She says. "So whatcha need?" I ask. "I'm curious as to why you were in the hospital?" She asks worried. "Oh that my parents over reacted about me passing out." I say lying. "Oh ok then." She says. 'Oh thank god she believed me.' "Well I need to get ready for school so see ya at school." I Say. "Ok see ya later." She say hanging up. 'Now it's time for a morning workout.' I then start to do my morning routine but times 3. After about an hour and a half I stop to take a shower. After 45 minutes I'm siting in my chair at school. I watched as everyone started to enter the classroom. Everyone was talking to there friends until uncle Aizawa came in. "Alright shut up and sit down we have something to do that will change the rest of your life's." He says in his monotone voice. 'Is it a test or something.' "Were gonna choose your hero names." After he says this almost the entire class sighs in relief. "But since I'm not good with this kinda of stuff." He was. Cut of by midnight. "I'm gonna be over seeing your hero names, don't take it to lightly though if you joke around with your name it can get stuck."She says. "Yes know I'm gonna go to sleep." Uncle Aizawa says getting into his yellow sleeping bag. Everyone went up band showed there names(same as in the anime) I then was up. "My hero name is just gonna be storm." I Say. "That's a good name there so now that's everyone." Midnight says. "Already I wanted to sleep more." Uncle Aizawa says. "You never change do you?" Midnight Asked him. After that he showed us the numbers of internships we each had. He told us that we have two days to choose. After that we had free time till lunch. Just about Everyone talked about who they would intern with. "Izu who you gonna intern with." Momo ask me. "I don't know yet I have so many to choose from." I say sarcastically. "You only have to chose from 5 people." Todoroki said oblivious to the sarcasm. "I was being sarcastic man." I said trying not to laugh. "Oh." He said. "You gonna hold up interning with your dad?" I ask him. "I think i will be able to handle it." He said. "Alright." I Say as the bell for lunch rung. "Alright food!" I yell. Then everyone heads to lunch. We get our food and sit down. As I look around I see that Todoroki's about to sit by himself. "Yo Todoroki get over here!" I say loudly. He at first looks at me with a confused face the He walks over with his food. "Hey sit with us why don't ya." I say "Are you sure?" He Asked "Yeah I don't think there's a problem." I Say. He looks at everyone else and they smile letting him know it's fine so he decides sits down. We then start to talk. In the middle of the  conversation my phone dings. *ding* "what the hell? I ask pulling out my phone. "Wha?" Katsuki Asked. "Got a text from a random number." I Say to him. "Let me see." He says. I hand him my phone. "Don't recognize the number." He says. "Ok then." I say ignoring the text. As I look around the table I see that Iida left already. "Where did Iida go?" I ask. "Don't know he excused himself mid conversation." Uraraka said. "That's not like him." Momo Says. "Yeah.. I'll go talk to him." I say getting up. I then go look around for him. After about 10 minutes of looking I find him in our classroom. "Yo." I say walking In the door. He shoots his head in my direction. "Oh.... it's you, you scared me." He says with a slight sigh of relief. "Oh my bad." I Say scratching the back of my head. "It's fine." He says. "So what you doing in here alone for?" I ask. "Just thinking." He says. "About what?" I ask. "About my brother." He says with concern and a bit of anger. "So are you angry at the person who put him in hospital?" I ask knowing the answer. "You could say that." He says. "So it's more than anger then." I say. "So is it better to say that it's hatred?" I ask. "Yeah I think it is." He says. After a few minutes of silence I say "Drop It." He looks at me confused. "Drop what?" He asks. "The anger just let it go it's not healthy to hold it in, you need to release it someway somehow other wise you'll either do 1 of 3 things." I say holding up three finger. "And what would that be." He asks. "The first thing would be it will tear you up mentally and/or physically, second you'll do something stupid like go after said person, and the third thing is you'll do both and fuck up not just your life but others." I say. "sound like you know this from experience." He says looking at his desk. "Yeah I kinda do, but that doesn't really matter that was in the past." I Say. "So how do I not do something stupid?" He ask. "Well you could try working out." I suggest. "I've been doing that and it hasn't help." He says. "Have you tried a sparing session with someone?" I ask. "Don't have anyone to spare with anymore." He says. "Oh, well I could be your sparing partner." I suggest. "You would, you would mind would you?" He Asks. "I don't mind it would be a benefit to both of us we have 3 days till internships start so we could have 3 sessions." I say. "Sounds nice but we're would he spare?" He Asks. "Well I don't know......we could ask Aizawa if we could borrow one of the gyms after class." I Say. "Yeah we could do that." He says. "Do what?" We hear a tired voice. I turn to see uncle Aizawa. "Just the person I need to see." I say walking up to him. "What do you want problem child?" He ask. I look at him with a confused face. "Did I stutter?" He ask. "No just wondering why you called me problem child." I Say. "Oh well what did you want to talk to me about?" He asks. "If me and Iida can use one of the school gyms." I tell him. "Hm.......it's fine just be heading home by seven."He says. "Yes sir. I say. "Now sit down class is about to start." He say. "Yes sir." I Say siting down. After a couple minutes other students started to enter talking to there friends. Not to long uraraka entered the class and walked faster towards Iida. "You ok Iida!" She Asked him. "Yes." He says putting on a fake smile. "Ok just let me know if you want to talk." She says. "I will." He says. She then walks back to her seat and sits down. Uncle Aizawa then told everyone to shut up and sit down. After everyone did he started to speak. "After I'm done talking with you y'all are free to go home." He says. This caused almost everyone to get excited. "Since you all will be choosing your internships please note that the person you intern with they are your teachers for that week so chose wisely and Izuku apparently all might is wanting to talk to you about one of your interns so meet him at his office." Uncle Aizawa Say. "Yes sir."I Say. "Now thats over with your all dismissed." He says. I then grab my stuff and head to the door but before I leave I turn around. "Hey Iida just go a head and go to the gym I'll meet you there." I Say. "Will do." He says. I then walk out of the classroom to head to all mights office. When I get to the door I knock on it. "You May enter." I hear all might say. I open the door and enter to see All Might in his buff form. "Oh it only you young Izuku." He says. "Aizawa said you wanted to see me about one of my internships." I Say. "Ah Yes, have you looked at your internships?" He asks. "Yes sir but there was one name that doesn't look familiar." I Say. "Yes that's who I want to talk to you about, you see Gran Torino is my teacher and he asked me to have intern with him since he thinks that I'm not doing a good job at teaching you haw to control one for all." He says slightly shaking. 'This dude scares all might, he sounds like fun.' "Sure I intern with him." I Say. "Ok I'll tell him." He says. "Is he really that scary all might?" I ask. When I ask this he freezes. 'I think I shouldn't of asked that.' "His scary Alright j-just don't piss him off that's my advice to you." He says shacking really bad now. 'All mights scared of him for a reason so it may be wise to take his advise.' I then walk out and head to the gym. After a few minutes of walking I find Iida in one of the gyms doing some stretches. I walk in. "Did I keep you long?" I asks rubbing the back of my head. "No I just did a light workout." He says. "Oh alright you ready?" I ask. "Yes what do you have planned?" He asks. "A heavy workout then a sparing session." I Say. "Alright so what are we doing on the work out?" He asks. " 2 sets of 200 push-ups, 2 sets of 200 sit-ups, 2 sets of 200 jumping jacks, 2 sets 200 squats, and some weight lifting." I Say. "Alright I'm ready when you are." He says. "Alright once I get my stuff settled we'll begin." I Say settling my stuff down I pull out a muscle shirt and change into it and change into some shorts. "Alright now let's begin." I Say as we start. After we get the first sets done we have a water break. "I have never done that much before." Iida says. "Well all I did was pretty much double the basic muscles enhancement training." I Say. "You did and its tough how did you do it so easily?" He Asked. "Because I do this every morning and sometimes do it in the evening and I'm gonna add a hundred more next month." I Say. "Wow, do you have something else to do besides train?" He asks. "I did a few years ago but not anymore besides I will work out just for fun." I Say. This some what surprises him. "Oh." He says. "Alright that's enough water let's get this last set in and then go to weight lifting." I Say. " Alright." He says. We then go at it again.
Time skip 1 hour.
"You still up for a sparing session after some rest.?" I ask. "I don't know." He says. "Alright don't push your self to much you'll regret it." I Say. "H-how." He Asked. "Either you'll be so sore you can get out of
Bed or your just gonna be really sore for a few days." I Say. "I've never worked out this much before." He says. "I can tell you probably do more leg training than arm and core training." I Say. "Yea thats correct." He says. "Hm not surprising." I Say. "Is it ok if we hold out on the sparing for a little bit?" He asks. "Yep just let me know when you want to go I say. "Alright give me about 10-15 more minutes." He says. "Alright." I Say. As We wait we talk about the stuff that been happening in the world and about what the hero killer did to his brother. After the conversation Iida said he was ready for the sparing match. "You rested enough then?" I ask. "Yes I have." He said. "Alright then let's get to sparing." I say walking to the Mat. "So how do you want to spar with or without quirks?" I ask him. "Hm....let's do one round without them then one with quirks." He suggests. "That sounds like Fun." I say stretching. "I think anything about fighting sounds like fun to you." Iida says sighing. "Your pretty much right but I can contain myself." I Say. "I seriously doubt that." He says. "Ok enough talk and more fighting." I Say. "Ok." He says. "We start on three....one....two....three." I Say. We then rush at each other.
Time skip (I'm lazy and what to get this chapter out)
"That was fun." I Say as I lay on the ground next to Iida. "I'm not...sure you call...that fun." He says breathing heavily. "Well did it help relieve some of the stress though?" I ask. "Well....to be honest....it helped a lot thanks." He says. "Thats good to know if you want to do this any other time just let me know I'll gladly do this again." I Say to him. "Alright I will." He says. "You two should start packing up." I hear uncle Aizawa say as he enters the door. "Alright." We both say. We then get up and grab our stuff and head to the front of the school. "Want me to drive you home?" I ask. "If it's not to much of a hassle for you." He says. "It's good I don't think you would want to wait on a train." I Say "Yeah." He says walk towards my truck. We then get in my truck and leave. I drop him off and go to my house. As I get home and open the door I see my mom standing there. "Oh hi mom." I Say kinda scared. "Don't oh hi mom me, where have you been?!" She yells. " I was helping a friend out." I say. "With what?" She asks. "Releasing some pent up anger and stress." I Say. "How?" She asks. "With a workout and a sparing session." I answer. "Ok." She say walking a way. "Well let's get some food in your belly and then go to bed." She says. I then sit at the table as she pulled out some leftovers. She heats it up. As she heats it up she then asks me "so what was wrong with your friend?"  "Well you know the hero that got hospitalized by the hero killer?" I ask her. "Yeah it was ingenium." She says. "Well that's my friends older brother." I Say. "Wha is he do ok?" She asks concern. "Not really I'm afraid he's gonna do something stupid." I Say. "Why do you think that?" She asks. "When we were sparing I told him to think that I was the hero killer and when he finally did that he went from think straight to not even thinking he was completely token over by anger it was like he had tunnel vision." I Say. "Well that is bad try keeping your eye one him and just be there for him." She says. "Yes ma'am." I Say. *beep* the microwave timer when off. She then hands me a plat of rice and chicken. "Here when your done take a shower then head to bed." She says walking away. "Yes ma'am." I Say back. I then eat my food and put the dishes up and go to take a shower. As I lift my shirt I see a bruise in the shape of a foot on my side. 'If he would of kicked any harder he would of snapped my ribs' I then take al of my other clothing off and take a shower. Afterwords I bandage myself up and head to bed. As I was about to fall a sleep my phone buzzes. I pick it up to see that I got a group message from uraraka and Momo. (Iz-Izuku, Ym-Momo, Uo-uraraka)
Uo- hows iida?
Iz- idk gotta find out tomorrow
Uo- oh ok. What did you to do after class?
Ym- Yeah you told him to meet you.
Iz- we did a workout and a sparing session.
Uo-how'd that go?
Iz- it was good but I can tell that he's still really stressed.
Ym- Well his brother did lose the ability to be a hero ever again.
Iz- I know. Can you guys help me keep an eye on him plz?
Uo- sure
Ym- Same here
Iz- thank you.
Ym- Your welcome
Uo- Your welcome!
Iz- Well goodnight you two.
Ym- goodnight
Uo- good night
I then put the phone down and go to sleep.

__________________________________________ sorry about not posting in a while. Had to get ready for school and had to get over the writers block. hopefully I will be able to get back to posting a chapter every week but I then may be time it will be longer because of school.

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