Chapter 9 (Aftermath of USJ)

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3 days after USJ
Izuku Pov
"You have a choose of getting a prosthetic or leave it like this witch would you like?" A nurse asked me putting a clipboard in front of me. "Well what's the prosthetic like?" I ask her. "Well it's pretty much a arm made of metal, people who have it say it's like an actual arm." She says cheerfully. "That's sounds nice, when do you need an answer?" I ask her. "In 3 days." She says. "Give me till tonight and I will give you an answer." I tell her "Ok then let me tell the doctor." She says leaving my room. I then start to think about then prosthetic. About 2 hours later I hear a knock at the door "Come in." I say. As the door opens I see my classmates come through the door. "Hey guys how are y'all?" I ask. "Should you be a little more concerned about yourself?" Uraraka asked concerned. "Nah I'm fine I'm a fast healer." I say. "You know my mom gonna kill ya after this right." Some one says behind the crowed. "Probably." I say to Momo. "Wait why is your mom gonna get on to him?" Iida Asked. "Because she considers him a son." She says. "What?" Almost everyone asked. "Well it doesn't help that I worked for your dad as well." I say. "That's true." She say giggling. As she giggled my heart skipped a beat. "Ok then we'll back to what we asked earlier how are you?" Iida Asked. "Oh I'm fine just a little sore." I say. The faces that they made when I said that was priceless. "What?" I asked trying not to laugh. "Your just sore!?" They yell. "I just have high pain tolerance." I say. "Oh before I get could I ask you guys a question?" I ask the class. "Yeah." They say at once. "Should I get the prosthetic?" I ask them. "Sure go for it." Uraraka said. "Mom May kill ya if ya don't." Katsuki says. "That would be so manly!" Kirishima yells. I hear a bunch of yeses but some of them don't say anything. "What about you guys." I say to Momo,todoroki,Iida,and shoji. "I don't think it's up to me." Iida says. "I agree." Todoroki says. "It's up to you but it might be better to get a prosthetic." Shoji Says. "you agree with them don't you Momo?" I ask her. "Pretty much Yeah." She says. "Well ok then since almost everyone said yes and I also do, I'm gonna get the prosthetic." I say to them. "I will let mom and dad know Katsuki says leaving quickly. I guess he still not over it.i think.  I look at the clock to see what time it is. "Oh shit it's lunch!" I yell. "Well let's go get lunch then." Mina Says leading everyone out. "You know I can't walk right!" I yell at them. "You know I'm right here." Momo Says. "Oh sorry." I Says scratching the back of my head. "It's fine just get in the wheelchair." She tells me. "Ok." I say back. I hop in the wheelchair and she pushes me out of the room. As we head to the cafeteria I could see a bunch of other patients. Some were like me, missing a limb others with some kinda sickness or other problem. "You Alright izu?" Momo Asked. "Yeah why?" I ask back. "You seem a little down." She tells me. "I do?" I ask her while looking at her funny. "Well you were." She said giggling. "Well I guess I'm just worried about uncle aziawa." I say. "Well from what we've all heard he's fine just needs to rest." She says. "That's good." I say. "So what have I missed?" I ask. "Nothing much but you know I'm just glad nothing to bad happens to ya." She says a little sad. "Hey I'm Izuku bakugo I'm not gonna be taken down that easily." I say trying to cheer her up. "That's true." She says. "If you two love birds could stop flirting and get something to eat that would be nice!" Sero Yelled at us. "I think we should get some food I'm starving." I say hunching over my stomach. "Stop complaining." She says. "Fine." I say. When then go to the line to wait to order something. We waited about 6 or so minutes then we get to order. I order a hamburger with fries and she orders about double mine. "Are you that hungry?" I ask sarcastically. "You know why I eat so much." She says. "Yeah yeah it your quirk I hear it over a thousand times times." I say. "Well stop asking so much." She says. " I only asked truly once then the other times I was just messing around Jeez." I say. "Ok what every let's you sleep." She say rolling her eyes. "You know you two argue like an old married couple." Mina says as she walks to us. "We do?" I ask. She almost falls over. "Your telling me that you never heard someone say that to you?" She asked. "No I've heard it but we don't really argue, I just tease her and then she gets mad at me." I say. "Can I just eat" I say. "Yeah you can." Mina says walking back to the table with us. As I eat my food I watch my friends laugh,talk, and joke with each other. "Man I wish I could just walk." I whisper. "Are you mr. bakugo?" Someone asked me. "No that's my dad." I say to them. "Well Izuku bakugo then?" They ask instead. "Yep that's me." I say. "I just wanted to let you know that you have a visitor." They say. "Who is it?" I ask. "They said that the Fraise 'Monkey King' would ring a bell but they left no name." They said. When I hear this I freeze. "Tell him that i will be in my room in a sec." I tell them. "Alright them." They say and leave. "Why was that about?" Some of my classmates ask. "It's someone I haven't seen in a long time." I say. "Is that good or bad?" Asked tokoyami. " I hope it's good my brother doesn't always bring the best of news." I say. "But didn't he go home?" Kiminari Asked. "No this is my actual brother." I say. "But what's with the monkey king thing?" Kirishima Asked. "He would say monkey king if we had something important to talk about." I tell them. "Well let's go meet your brother then." Mina said excited. "He May kick y'all out but whatever." I say as I try to get out of my wheel chair. But I fell back in the wheel chair. "This is always a bitch to do." I say finally standing up. "I thought you said you couldn't walk." Momo said. "I never said that I just said move on my own but you guys can help."I said smiling. "Quick question why can't you walk well?" Iida Asked. "Well I pulled some muscles in my legs but nothing to serious though." I answer him. "Well how'd you manage that?" A voice said behind me. "Well I was fighting some type of mutated human and it's been a while hasn't it?" I ask. "Yes it has little brother." He says. "So what is it you need to talk to me about rycu?" I ask my older brother.(Rycu midoryia, age is 22, quirk is fire breathing, personally is similar to Katsuki but is kinder) "Well are aunt was looking for you ever since she found out mom and dad died and she sent me when the news said some kid in Ua was sent to the hospital because she remembered the last time we talked you said you were going to U.A. and she figured it might be you." He said. "Why is she looking for me?" I ask. "That's why I'm here She wants to adopted you back into the family." He said. "But I'm fine right we're I am and I don't like her." I say. "Yeah I also don't want you there." He says. "Why?" I ask. "She been drinking a lot for the past couple of years and she's greeting abusive." He said. "Well I'm glad we're on the same side for this one." I say sighing. "Yeah it would be a pain in the ass." He says with a chuckle. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE RYCU?" I hear Katsuki yell. He turns around. "Hey there little Grenade." Rycu Says. "Well this is a surprise to see you here." Momo said. "Hey how are you guys?" He as them. "What the heck's going on Izuku?" Some of my class mates asked. I jumped forward and fell on my face. "Ow that hurt" he said. "Sorry you good?" Kirishima Asked. "Yeah help me up." I say as I reach out to grab his hand. As he pulled me up I said " I completely forgot you guys were here." "Understandable." Todoroki said. "What's with the nick name bakugo?" Mina asked him. "My brother called him that ever scene he got his quirk." I tell her. I then look at my brothers and mom and dad. "Hey mom why are you here?" I ask mom "Well Katsuki said you were get prosthetic arm and we were going to look for a good one." She said. "Ok then." I said.
Time skip one week
"How's the new arm feel?" The Doctor asked. "Heavy but I will get used to it." I tell the doctor. "That's good." He says. "I still don't know why I had to go through surgery." I say to the doctor. "Well since we have to attach the wires to your nerves, the process of do that is really painful so painful that grown men cry from it." He says. "That sound bad thankfully I fell asleep." I said. "Well we knocked you out." The doctor say correcting me. "Oh I forgot I don't really remember much right before the surgery." I say. "Well that's kinda normal for some." The doctor says. "Before I forget try moving you arm around to see if anything's wrong." He says. I did as I was asked. Surprisingly the arm worked exactly like my arm beforehand. "It like I have my arm back." I say surprised. "Well that's what it's supposed to be like." The doctor says with a smile. "Now try your fingers." The doctor said. I moved my fingers around. "This is awesome." I say. "It might be awesome but just be carful with water it could cause some rusting." The doctor said. "Yes sir." I say back. "Well I let your parents in." He said as he walked to the door. He told my parents that they could come in. "So how's the new arm?" My mom asked. "It's alright I just need to get used to it." I tell mom. "Are we aloud to go home yet?" Katsuki Asked. "I think see are able to but you would have to ask the doctor." I tell him. He just huffs and sits down. "Is there any problems with it?" My dad asked. "Not really just a little heavy." I tell him. "Well that's good." He says. "The doctor said we can go home when ever and to keep an eye on you." Katsuki said. "Ok I want to eat then go home." I say hungry. "Is that the only thing on your mind know." Rycu said in the door way. "No but it's up there." I say. He chuckles and shakes his head. "You have fun with that.....oh yeah before I forget your girlfriend stoped by while you where in sugary." Rycu stopped by. "When did I get a girlfriend?" I ask him. This causes him to almost fall. "Did that just go over his head." Rycu asked mom and dad. "I think it did." They say. "No it didn't go over my head I just wanted to mess with ya and teasing me doesn't really work anymore." I tell my older brother. "Apparently but your girly friend and few other classmates showed up to see how every thing was going with the surgery." He said. "Ok well enough talking and more leaving for food." I said. This causes everyone to laugh. We the. Head down to the cafeteria to get something to eat. "So Rycu how long are you staying?" Mom asked. "Well scene our aunt moved here to japan I will be here almost everyday." He said. "Well that good." Mom say happily. "Yeah I guess." Me and Katsuki say at the same time. "What wrong with me staying here?" He asked offended. "We got to deal with your shit." Katsuki says. "Well I'm sorry." He says sarcastically. "Can you two just shut up I tryin to eat here." I say to them. "Make me shut up fucker!" Katsuki Yelled at me. "Ok" I say as I shove his sandwich in his mouth. He just look at me in shock. "What?" I ask. "You've never done that." He says taking out his sandwich. "Well it was the only thing around to keep you from talking." I tell him. We then finish eating and head home. My older brother went his own way as we went ours. While on the way home I just looked at my arm and kept touching it. "You alright bro?" Katsuki Asked me. "Yeah it's just don't know if I can still use mu quirk with this area." I say. "Hey didn't the doctor say that you can do everything you can before?" My dad Asked while looking in the review mirror. "Yeah he did but." I was cut off he for I could finish. "No buts ok if the doctor said that then believe him ok." My mom said. "Yes ma'am." I say. After that I look about the window of the car. 
2 day time skip.
Izuku get your ass up we're gonna be late!" Katsuki Yelled. "What the fuck are you talking about I am up you ass hat!" I yell back. "Well mom told me to get your ass up." He said. "Boys stop cursing on the house!" Mom yelled. "Yes ma'am!" We both Yell back. "Wow your not gonna argue back?" I asked. "Not in the mood for the it." He says while walking away. "Ok then." I say grabbing my bag. "Bye mom heading to school." Tell mom. "Ok sweetie have a good day." She said. I got in my truck and drove to school. "Man it's been a while scene I drove ya hasn't  it." I say to my truck. While I was driving I get at text. "Shit are you serious." I say. I grab my phone as I pull to the side of the road. It was from Momo.
Momo- r u coming to school today
Me- yeah I'm on my way there now
Momo- oh sry see u at school
Me- Alright
I thin but my phone up and start my truck up again and head to school. As I pulled in to my parking spot I see that Katsuki had already got here. Shit I'm late. I think. I then rush out of my truck and run to the classroom. When I get there and open the door I see that class hasn't started. "Are you kidding me I thought class was already started." I say as I catch my breath. "Look at the time we still got 7 minutes till then." Jiro said. "Well shit I ran here for no reason." I whisper. "Yeah you did." She say. "Oh well." I say heading to my desk. I sit at my desk and wait for the teacher. But everyone except Katsuki was looking at me. "What?" I asked "how's the new arm?" Todoroki Asked. This shocked me. He actually talked. "Um it's fine just getting used to it." I say. "Good." He says. Ok then what's with that. I think. "Alright then any other questions?" I ask. One person raised their had raise their hand. "You don't have to raise your hand Iida." I say to him. "Oh ok." He says slightly embarrassed. "I was wondering if I could talk to you after class." He said. "Sure and you could of just came up to me and asked." I said. "Ok." He says. "Alright class shut up and sit down, I go some important news to tell you." Uncle aziawa says walking in covers in Bandages. "Aizawa!!??" Everyone except me, Katsuki, and todoroki yell. "Are you sure it's fine for you to work today?" Uraraka asked. "My well being is non of your concern and Izuku how's the arm?" He Asked. "Alright just getting used to it. I tell him. "Alright then......coming up in a couple weeks is the sports festival." He says. "Is it safe to have it right after Villain attach?" Jiro Asked. "Yes there will be the majority of hero's in the crowd and we also have doubled the security just in case they do decide to attack and we also need to show that we won't falter after on villain attack." He says. "Makes since." I mumble. "You will also be given one week to get ready for the sports festival and class dismissed." He says walking out of the room. As everyone was getting there stuff Mineta Says "wow what are they doing here." He says. "There scouting the competition." Katsuki says walking to the door. He walks up to them. "Can you get out of my way you extras!" He yells at them. "Katsuki what the fuck don't just yell at them!" I yell at him. "Fucking make me!" He yells at me. "You know I can and will." I say back at him. "Fine...get out of my that better." He says. "Yep." I say. They then walk out of the way as he walks out. "Is all of class 1-a like him?" An dude with purple hair and tired eyes says. "No just my brother and forgive my brother he just doesn't like people." I say. "Well ok then." He says confused. "Well anyway where here to declare war on all of class 1-a." A guy with spiky white hair said. "Alright then we accept the declaration." I say cockily. "don't get to cocky if you do we have a chance of getting in to this class." The purple hair dude says and then they leave. "This is gonna be fun." I say. "It May be but can I talk to you?"I here Iida ask from behind me. "Yeah lead the way." I tell him. We then walk out of the class and further down the hall. "So what is it that you want to talk about?" I ask. "It's about the USJ Incident." He says. "alright I'm all ears." I Says. "Well when I was on my way back with the hero's we felt something like and earthquake or an shockwaves." He says. " I don't remember anything about an earthquake or a shockwave." I say. "Well ok that helps a bit." He says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "When I got back we saw that all might had finish fighting with the villains and I also saw that you were missing an arm." He says. "I don't remember that I was knocked out as far as I know and I have no clue how I lose my arm." I say to him. "No one told you?" He Asked. "No all I know is that it was ripped off some how." I tell him. "Well the Nomu ripped it off while you were in an rampage." He says to me. When I hear this I freeze. He notice that I froze. "What's wrong?" He Asked. "Didihurtanyone." I say really fast. " wow slow down I can understand you." He says. "Ok.... did I hurt anyone?" I ask. "No you didn't but you brother said it was different than the other times."he says to me. As he said those words I felt a sudden burden that I never knew was there was lifted. "Oh thank god." I say. "Well I don't know all what happened but from what I know you need to to seriously try and keep your cool as long as possible." He says to me. "don't have to tell me twice." I tell him. "Alright that's all I will see in a week." He says walking away. "Alright see you then." I say to him also walking away. I'm gonna have to talk to Katsuki when I get home. I think. I then head to my truck to see some familiar faces. "Hey what's up Momo, uraraka." I say to them. "Just waiting on you." They both say. "Sorry about that Iida wanted to talk to me." I say to them. "It's fine can we just get going though?" Uraraka Asked. "Yeah we can." I say with a smile. I hop in my truck with them in the back. "One of you don't want shotgun?" I asked. "Nah were fine back here." Momo Says. "Ok then y'all have fun then." I say. I then back out of the school and headed to an place to get some ice cream. "Hey you wants some ice cream?" I ask while looking in the review mirror. "Yes please!" Uraraka yells. "Ok there goes my ear and what about you Momo?" I ask. "sure." She says. "Alright what kind do you want?" I ask while pulling into a parking lot. "I would like chocolate." Uraraka says. "I will take an sundae if they have them." Momo Says. "Alright then I will go get the food." I say. I then walk into the store. "What can I get for you today?" The woman behind the counter asked. "Two scoop of chocolate, a sundae, and a two scoop cookie dough please." I say to her. "Alright give me a minute." She says. She walks away getting the ice cream. I turn around and look out the window. I could see a little boy with his dad and mom walking to the front door. The little boys eyes were wide as he ran to the door. He starts to yell for his parents to hurry. "Haha." I give out a small chuckle witch startled the little boy. "You must really want some ice cream huh little man?" I ask him. "Y-Yeah ice cream is amazing." He says with an innocent smile. "Yeah it is." I say. "Is he bothering you young man." A man says who is his dad. "Nope not at all." I say. "Sir your order is ready." The lady says. "thanks and here it's to pay for the family behind me." I say as I give her a wad of cash. "O-ok." She says in shock. I then walk out with our ice cream. I see the girls siting at a table with some one else there. "Oh hey jiro didn't know you were here." I say as I sit down. "I got here not to long ago." She says. "Did you walk or take a taxi?" I ask. "I actually rode my bike from school." She says. "Well then that's cool." I say. "Do you want me to go order you something?" I ask her. "Nah I got it." She says. "Ok then." I say. I then start to eat my ice cream until I hear "Thank you mister!" I turn around to see that the small family was walking out with a smile. "Your welcome." I say and get back to eating. "What did you do?" Momo Asked. "nothing much just payed for there ice cream." I say. "Wow how much did you spend?" Uraraka Asked. "don't know many a couple hundred yen." I say. "What!" Uraraka yells and almost chocked on her food. "I got a lot of money that I'm not gonna use." I say. "So you spend it on random people?" She asked. "That's pretty much what he does." Momo said. "Do ya have a problem with it?" I ask. "No I don't." She says. "Ya know Mina was right when she said you two fight like an old married couple." Jiro says behind me. I look behind me. "That May be true but you also flirt with Kiminari to much and Mina dose the same with Kirishima." I say. "I-I-I do not flirt with him!" She yells. "Ok then what is it?" I ask. "I just tease the guy for be a retard." She says. "Teasing can be a sign of flirting." I say. She just huffs and sits down with her ice cream. We then eat and joke around until Jiro freaks out about needing to get home. "Oh shit I need to go home!" she yells. I look at the time to see it's 6:34. " well I can just drive ya home ya now." I say. "You can?" She asked. "Trap just need to know your address and that's it." I say. "Oh thank you." She says. "No problem and now for gas money." I say. "She looks at me scared. "Are you serious?" She asked kinda scared. "yeah I just need to stop by an the bank and that's it." I say. She then gives a sigh of relief. "Wait did you think I was asking you?" I ask while trying not to laugh. "Just shut up and get me home!" She yells irritated. "Ok, ok gosh will go you two coming.?" I ask them. "Yeah/yes." they say as they get up. I then take everyone home. Starting with Momo because her house was on the way to Jiro house. Then Jiro and then uraraka. I then go home. As I enter the apartment I hear mom and Katsuki yelling at each other. "I home." I say. I look around and see that dad wasn't home yet. I then just head to my room and go to sleep.

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