Chapter 10

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Izuku pov
"Hey izuku you good?"Katsuki Asked "Uh oh yeah I'm fine just thinking." I say. "Thinking about what?" He Asked. "Nothing much." I say. "You know you suck at lying." He said. "Yeah I know." I say. "So you gonna say what's going on with ya?" He Asked. "I'm just confused about something." I said. "You need to explain for me to help." He said. "I'm confused on what I'm feeling." I say. "What are you feeling?" He Asked. "It's a weird feeling and I cant stop shacking when thinking about the USJ incident ." I say. "Are you angry?" He Asked "No it's different I felt it when I was fighting the Nomu." I said. "Are you feeling eager or something?" He Asked. "I know it's not eagernessbut something else I should probably my doctor." I say shacking off the conversation. "Ok you do that oh and by the way ya girlfriend called." He said. "What!? whose this so called girlfriend?" I ask. "Go to your phone and find out." He said in a teasing manner. I walk to my room and go to my phone only to see that I missed a phone call from Momo. I call her back. "Hello?" She Asked. "you called?" I asked. "Oh yeah You still coming over today?" She Asked. "Yeah what time it is?" I ask. "It's almost 12." She said. "Alright I be there in a bit." I say. "Ok then." She says hanging up. I then take a shower and get ready. I just pick out something casual. A no sleeve shirt under a hoodie and wear some jeans. "Mom I'm heading over to a friends house." I say heading to the front door. "Ok just be back by 10." She says. "Yes ma'am." I say shouting the door. I pull out my phone and call my doctor. "Hey izuku what's wrong?" He Asked. "Nothing much but I need help with something." I say. "And what's that?" He Asked. "Well when I think about the USJ incident i start to shack and I don't know why." I tell him. "Well is it anger?" He Asked. "No it not anger some thing else." I say. "Well it could be fear." He said. "Fear? I've never felt it before." I say "well it's a natural thing." He says. "I know that." I say. "Well ok then imagine fighting something That's is way stronger than you what do you feel?" He Asked. I think for a sec and I start to shake. "I...... I'm starting to shake." I say  "Well it's safe to say that it is fear that your felling." He says. "Is there anyway to get rid of it?" I ask. "Well you can either get stronger or get use to it." He said. "Alright thank you." I say. "no problem" He says. "Well I have to go so bye." I say "ok then." He says hanging up. I then hop in my truck and sit there for a sec. 'fear uh I never would of thought I would of felt that.' ' I need to get stronger then' I think. I then head to Momo's house. When I enter the house I see about 7 people in the backyard. 'What the hell going on.' I think as I continue to the door. I then open the door. "Hey izu how are you?" Uraraka asked. "Oh Im good just tired." I say. "Why are you tired. It's not good if your not getting a goods night rest it is not healthy." Iida says. "I know that it was just I just woke up middle of the night." I say. "Why's That?" Kirishima Asked. "Don't know but getting off that I found out something." I say. "What's that?" Jiro Asked. "I have finally found out what was eating at me." I say. "Well that is?" Mina Asked. "It was fear." I say. "What do you mean fear?" Katsuki asked behind me. "You know That feeling that I told you about?" I asked. "Yeah." He said. Well what I was feeling was fear." I said. "As in you were scared?" He Asked. "Yeah that." I say "what you telling me that you never felt fear?" Asked ojiro. "Yea that's what I'm saying." I say. "Ok then I don't know what to feel about that." Ojiro says. "Hey don't worry about it ok I'm gonna get stronger so that doesn't happen again and so that I can actually keep you guys safe." I say. "You know your always hard to read." Ojiro says. "I'm gonna take that as a complement." I Say. "So any way can you still use your quirk with you new arm?" Kirishima Asked. "Nope totally cant use my quirk with it." I Say sarcastically. "Is it easier or more difficult to use." Kirishima Asked. "Surprisingly it's about the same." I say. "That's good." Iida says. "So what's going on here?" I ask. "Were just hanging out and the rest of the class should show up in a little." Momo said. "Ugh" me and Katsuki groan. "What's wrong with you two?" A feminine voice says behind us. I turn around to see a pair of floating clothes. "Oh hey Hagakure." I say. "Hey" She says happily. "I just gonna go home then.l Katsuki says. "Why this is gonna be fun." I say. "You know I don't like people." He says. "More like your scars of them." I say quietly. "What was that motherfucker!" He Yelled at me. "I'm not a motherfucker yet." I say. When I said that everyone one just looks at me with weird looks. "What? It the truth." I said. "You know you should keep you mouth shut sometimes." Momo said. "Why's that?" I ask. "You say some very inappropriate and schooling things." She says. "Well I'm sorry." I say sarcastically. "Can you two stop fucking flirting." Katsuki said. "As far as I know I'm not flirting." I say looking back at him. "Well in my book you were flirting and I said to stop." He said getting in my face. "And this is why you don't have a book Katsuki." I say. "You fuck!" He yelled swinging is arm. "Stop this now this is not the behavior you should have as siblings!" Iida yells trying to stop Katsuki. But he was not fast enough to catch his fist. So I simply put my hand out. I then hear *BANG*. His fist connected to my metal hand. "You know mom would be pissed if she say this." I say to him. "Yeah I know she thinks that I actually would punch." He says with a chuckle. "Wait what the hells going on?"Mina Asked. "Yes I to would like to know." Iida says. "They just do stupid shit like this to either piss off some one or to scare people," Momo said slightly agitated. "Some of the peoples faces are hilarious," I say laughing. "Yeah there priceless," Katsuki says also laughing. "And your antics need to stop," A stern voice says. I look to my left to see Momo's dad Mr. yaoyorozu. "Oh hey sir," I say. "Daddy I thought you went to the conference today," Momo Says. "I was but your mother wanted to go this time so i let her and now I'm here instead of your mother." He says. "OH SHIT!" I yell. "What!?"Katsuki Yelled. " I forgot to get gas for my truck." I say. Almost everyone falls down and yells "ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" "What I just remembered." I say confused. "You know you over react sometimes right?" Mina Asked. "Yeah and sometimes I do it for fun." I say smiling. "I swear your more of a child than a teen sometimes." Mr. yaoyorozu said shaking his head. "Sorry." I say. "No your not." Katsuki says. "Oh shut up you over sized grenade." I say. "What you say fucker?!" He yells. "You heard me." I say. "Ok stop it you two." Kirishima says coming up to us. "Ok." I say. "Wow That was easier than I thought." He says. "Well I stop when told to, unlike him." I say pointing my thumb over at Katsuki. "Oh sure you do." Momo and jiro says behind me. "Wow when did you get behind me?" I ask. "While you and your brother were auguring." She says. "Oh that makes since." I say. "For being on of the smartest in the class you can act quite dumb." Jiro says shaking her head. "You've told me this before but its because I do my class work but that doesn't mean I have to act smart like Iida over here." I say pointing at Iida. "And what's wrong about acting smart Izuku." Iida Asked. "Nothing it just doesn't fit me." I say shrugging my shoulders. "Says the one who analyses everything." Katsuki says. "That's completely different." I say. "What ever." He says. "I have to ask who would win in a battle between you two?" Kirishima Asked. "Me/Izuku." Me and Katsuki say. "Wow he's not even getting mad about it." He says. "I never would have thought that you would say he could beat you." Todoroki said behind us. "I don't think you would show up." Momo said. "Well you said that you were inviting everyone and well i thought about it then decided to get out of the house." Todoroki said. "Ok then glad you came." Momo said. "Izuku now who would win again you two?" Mina Asked pointing ant me and Todoroki. "I actually don't know but we will find out later if me and him fight in the sports festival." I say. "I would win against either way." Todoroki says. "Doubt it." Katsuki says. Walking way with his hands in his pocket. "And we're do you think your going." Momo Says. "I'm gonna go meet someone at the mall today." He says. "So its a date?" I ask. He stops and turns around with an angered face. "What?" I asked him. "You piss me off sometimes." He says. "Same goes for you." I say. "Just let him go meet his date." Jiro says putting her hand on my shoulder. "She not my date just an old friend of mine and Izuku." Katsuki says. "Oh who is it?" I ask curious. "It's Laura." He says. "What she back in Japan?" I ask. "Yep I'm gonna go meet her." He says. "Well have fun." I say. "Ok." He says walking away." "Who is that izu." Uraraka/Momo say. "She's a very good friend of ours she on of the only people who can put Katsuki in is place and she can be scary if she wants plus she sort of an ex of mine." I say. Rubbing the back of my head. "She was your girlfriend?" Jiro asked. "Yeah until she had to move." I say. "Well it problem gonna be a really awkward reunion then." Mina Asked. "Sorta it's been about 6 years since then." I say. "Are you not nervous or something about it?" Momo Asked. "Nope not really that was in the past I've been over it for about 5 years." I say." "What you were ten when you dated her?" Kirishima Asked. "No I was eleven." I say. "Wait how old are you?" Iida Asked "now almost 16." I say. "Did you get held back or something?" Uraraka Asked. "Na I started school late." I say. "Ok and how old is Laura and Katsuki." Well Kat is the same age as you guys and Laura is a year older than me." I say. "So bakugo is turning 15 and this Laura girl is turning 17?" Asked Iida. "Yeah pretty much." I say. I then get a phone call. I look at my phone to see a random number. I answer "this is Izuku." I say. "Hey lil izu It me Laura." She says. "Did Katsuki give you my number?" I ask. "Nope." She says sarcastically. "Ok what ever so what can I do for you?" I ask. "Just curious if you want to hang out sometime this week?" She ask. "Not this week many next week?" I ask. "Yeah that's fine." She say. "Ok then I will call you later then." I say. "You better other wise I'm gonna be angry with you." She say. "Ok good for you bye." I say hanging up.
Katsuki Pov
As Laura was on the phone with Izuku she got this angry look on her face. "What's wrong?" I ask. "He fucking hung up on me." She said. "Well that Izuku." I say. "What happen to my lil izu?" She asked pouting. "He hit puberty that's what and do you still have a thing for Izuku?" I ask. "That's non of your business." She says blushing. "Ok I was just asking." I say. "Wow you two really have changed in the last few years." She say. "Oh I haven't I have just got a little calmer and taller but Izuku on the other hand he has changed a lot." I say. "How so?" She says curiously. "Well for starters he's gotten taller,has a lean muscular build that's probably a 8 pack and I have no clue how he got it, he's gotten a lot colder but at the same time he acts like a dame child sometimes that I forget he's older than me." I say. "What do you mean colder?" She Asked. "He slowly stoped to care about things and sometimes doesn't know when he's going over board." I say. "So he's more reckless and just stoped caring." She says. "Yeah and he probably would kill someone with little to no hesitation." I say. "Oh well that's definitely new. What happened scene I left?" She Asked. "Well he had some rough moments. some have been on the news like almost the entire forest being cutdown." I say. "That's was him what happened to him?" She Asked. "Villain attack me and almost killed him and that's all I'm gonna say so let's get off this and look around for a present for Izuku already." I say. "Ok." She say.
Izuku Pov 
Time skip after the class hanging out.
"Alright then see you next week at school guys." I say heading to my truck. I get in my truck and sit there for a second. 'Why did she have to come back after so long.' I ask my self. "You know you mumble right." A voice at my window said. I turn to see Momo there. "You scared the shit out of me." I say. "That scared you, you didn't even jump." She said. "What ever." I say. "So mind telling me why you said that?" She Asked. "To be honest I don't want to talk about it yet." I say. "That's ok, So are you going to train all week or something?" She asked changing the subject. "Yep everyday all day." I say with a smile. "I don't think that's a safe thing to do." She says. "I'm not going to do it the entire day just for about 6-8 hours a day and the rest of the time is resting." I say. She sighs and smiles. "Just don't do something stupid for once." She says. "I will try to." I say starting my truck. "Drive safe izu." She says walking away. "Ok." I say to her. I then head home. "Hey mom is it ok if I tgo out to the woods for a bit?"I ask. "Sure just be back by 10:30." Mom says. "Alright if katsuki comes by tell him that I went to o our spot." I tell he. I then walks out f the house and walk into the woods. 'Alright what type of training should I do'? I think to myself. After about five minutes of thinking I come up with that I should do quirk training and see what I could do with my prosthetic arm. I then try to use my quirk in my right arm but it was a small percentage of my powers. What the fuck?. I then try again. I prolly have to retrain my arm. I then do it over and over for a couple hours till it was about normal. "So you have fun using your quirk? I hear behind me. I turn my head to see katsuki and Laura. Laura was now about slightly smaller than me, hand long orangish hair. She was wearing a olive green shirt that was a size to big with a string strap shirt showing underneath and was wearing jean shorts above her kneecap with dark purple shoes. "Ohh hello." I say turning fully around. As I turn completely around Laura starts to blush. "What wrong with her?" I ask. "Probably the fact that your shirtless." He says. I look down and see that I had taken it off. I the look around and find my shirt and put it on. "Sorry about that" I say scratching the back of my head. "Sorry about what that body of yours?" She ask. "I guess? so what can I help you?" I ask. "Nothing really just Came to make sure you didn't over do it. "Ok then I don't think I'm gonna go over board and besides I don't want to have a bunch of people breathing down my neck." I say. "Who would that be?" Laura Asked. "Um you two, my parents, my doctor, and almost my entire class, so that's  roughly 25 people no thank you." I say. "Izu this is you were talking about you go overboard all the time." Laura Says. "Ok I went over board in front of the class and I lost my right arm so I don't think I will be doing that for a while." I say. "Yeah that's for sure." Katsuki says. "What's that mean?" Laura Asked. "He gonna keep me in check." I say. "What did you two switch roles?" She Asked. "Na we just keep each other in check." Katsuki says. "Ok now that's enough talking can I get back to training?" I ask. "Yeah I'll be over there if you need me." Katsuki says pointing to an area a good distance away. "Alright then." I Say continuing my training. I continue to train for a 3 more hours. What time is it? I pulling my phone out of my bag. It read 10:27. "Oh shit we need to get home!" I yell. "What's the time?" Katsuki Asked slightly scared. "It's 10:28 we need to run." I Say graving my bag. "See you later Laura!" I shout back as I ran back to the house. "Wait up Izuku." Katsuki yells at me. "Hell na I don't want to die!" I shout back. We then reach the house after running for about 7 minutes and we make it there and we enter. "We're home mom." I Say as I enter the house. "What took so long?" Mom Asked. "Well we lost track of time." I Say. "Of course you did." She said shaking her head. "Well did you at least eat?" She ask. "No ma'am." I say. "Did you Katsuki?" She asked him. " yeah I ate before we found Izuku." He says. "Ok then.....Wait what do you mean we?" She asked as she relished he said we. "Oh it was me and Laura." He says. "What Laura's back in town?" Mom asked. "Yeah she's back." He said. "How long?" She Asked. "A couple of days." He said. "Ok then. How about y'all take a shower while I make you some food." She suggest "should good to me." I say running to my room. "I swear he's just as bad as his father sometimes." I hear my mom say. I grab some clean clothes and enter the bathroom to take a shower.
Katsuki Pov.
"What do you mean?" I ask mom. "He's biological father was always exited when it came to food." She says. "What was uncle hisashi like when he was a live?" I ask. "Why do you want to know?" She Asked. "You say izuku acts a lot like him." I say. "Well then um he was very childish at times but he could easily turn around and be very serous, he wasn't extremely smart academically but he was when it came to like fighting or similar things, he was pretty dense, but there was this thing about him that would make you want to believe in him or just follow him." She says. "So Izuku pretty much is the splitting image of him besides the hair?" I ask. "Sorta but he has some qualities from his mother." She says. "Like his kindness, his smarts, and the fact that he likes music." She says. "HEY MOM CAN I CUT MY HAIR?" We Bear Izuku yell. "WHY?" Mom asked. "I'm just curious" he says walking around the corner. "I don't care. Do you want to do it right know or have it done later in the week?" Mom asked him. "Now if you don't mind." He says. "Alright let me go get the buzzers."She says walking a way. "You know if you and mom were trying to be quiet you weren't doing a good job." Izuku says. "Uh?" I Say. "Y'all were talking about my parents." He says. "oh that eh I don't really care if you heard or not I was just curious." I say. "Well you aren't the only on then." Izuku say. "You also we're curious?" I ask. "Yep." He says. "Alright I got the buzzers come on Izuku." Mom says. "Ok." He says walking with her. After 30 minutes I hear Izuku say "l thanks mom." He says. 
"Your welcome." She says to Izuku. I then hear foot steps by my door. "Yo Izuku come hear real quick." I say. 'I'm kind curious at what he looks like.' "Yeah Katsuki He says walking in.
(This the hair cut he got)

"Wow what the hell!" I kinda yell

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"Wow what the hell!" I kinda yell. "What don't like it." He says. "No not that just was not expecting you to have that hair kind of style." I Say. "Well sorry." He says sarcastically. "Just leave my room." I say. "But didn't you call me here though." He says. "Yeah I wanted to see your hair cut now go." I say. "Ok ok I'll go." He says walking out of my room. 'Finally' I then get back to playing my PlayStation.

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