Chapter 6

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Two days later
The day goes the same as the other but when we get To heroics class everyone was waiting on the teacher to arrived. The all of a sudden we here "I AM WALKING IN LIKE A NORMAL PERSON." Then all might busted through the door. Everyone exempt for todoroki, Katsuki, and me freaked out that All Might was our teacher. "ALL RIGHT WE ARE GOING TO HAVE COMBAT TRAINING FOR HEROICS 101." He said. This got me and Katsuki's blood pumping. Everyone was exited besides todoroki he just kept his normal blank face. "AND ANY GOOD HERO HAS A HERO COSTUME." He says pressing a button and a bunch of cases flew out of the wall behind him. They each had a number on it. I grab the case with my number on it and headed to the changing area. I then change into my hero costume. I walk outside. "WOW THATS PREETY SIMPLE YOUNG BAKUGO." Alright said. (This is he's costume just take the lightning away)

 (This is he's costume just take the lightning away)

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"Yeah and I like things simple." I say. "WELL I GUESS THAT WORKS." He says unsure. "Man I'm so pumped for this training." I hear kirishima say. "Yeah I know right." Kiminari says back. "I wonder what we will be fighting I hope it's manly." Kirishima says. This makes me cringe a tad. "I think we're doing the same thing we did in the entrance exam." I say to them. "Your probably right....WOW cool out fit." Kiminari says. "Yeah it's so cool yet it's simple yet so manly." Kirishima says. "you think so I was just going for something simple not worried about how cool it looked." I say to them. "Well then I guess the looking cool part is a plus." Kirishima says. "Yeah I guess so." I say. "Well you guys look cool as well." I say to them. "Yeah I know I'm surprised that they got everything exactly the way I asked. Kirishima says. "Well mine was just kinda simple like izuku's." Kiminari says. "Well I like the whole simple look it fits you. I say. "Thanks man." He says. "Wow those are some nice costume." I hear a feminine voice say behind us. "Oh hey Mina." Kirishima says. "Man you guys look so cool." She says. "I know right." Kiminari says. The everyone else started to came out. Everyone started complimenting each other on how they looked. I got that mine was really simple but cool. I didn't really care if it was cool I just watered something simple. "ALRIGHT EVERYONE IS LOOKING GOOD SO LETS GET STARTED." All Might said. He then goes on explaining that we are going to be doing 2v2 battles and one team of the 2 will be hero's and the other team will be villains and that they have to protect the bomb. "So how are we choosing the teams?" Asked Lida. "BY THIS." He says pulling out a pull system. "Why this way wouldn't it be better to team up with someone who complements your quirk?" Iida Asked again. "Well sometimes hero's join together randomly so this is for us to adapt to teaming with some one random that we may or may not know anything about." I say answering him. "THAT IS CORRECT YOUNG BAKUGO." All Might Says. "Call me Izuku please bakugo is my brother." I say to him. "ALRIGHT THEN YOUNG IZUKU." All Might Says. "NOW LETS BEGIN." He say pulling out two names (the paring are as in the manga) and so on and so forth till the last two names were called.I was paired with uraraka as team A. "ALRIGHT LET CHOSSE WHOSE FIRST." He says reaching into the slots. He pulled out team A for hero's and Team D for villains. "Guess it me vs you Katsuki." I say exited. "Yeah and you better not hold back you fucker." He says also excited. While we had our confutation all Might pulled out the rest of the teams to see who is fighting who. "LETS HAVE TEAM D HEAD INTO THE BUILDING HEROS YOU HAVE 5 MINUTES TO PLAN."He says while walking to the observation room. Katsuki and Lida walk to the training area and go into the building. "Got any plans to fight them?" Uraraka Asked. "Yeah I do." I say. "I can guarantee that Katsuki will come after me so you go get them bomb and face Ilda." I say. "Alright let's do it." She says happy. "HEROS YOUR TIME STARTS NOW." All Might Said over the intercom. "Let's go." I say walking to the entrance. We enter the building a start to look for the stairs. We find them no to long after entering and go up them. As we look around I hear Katsuki yell "IZUKU!!!" "What I'm right here." I tell him. "Hey I'll handle him you get going." I whisper to uraraka. "Alright." She says leaving. "So how are we doing this?" I ask. "Just fight full out." He says. "Alright then let's have some fun." I say. "Do you remember what happen last time I went full out?" I ask him while slowly letting the power of my quirk increase. "Yeah I do and I'm much stronger now so it will be me walking away this time." He says cockily. "Don't go getting cocky." I say now releasing all of my quirks power. Wind was fling in every witch way and kept anyone and thing away from me. "Let's go." I say moving. He then launched at me faster than he was at the test a couple of days ago. "Oh shit your a lot faster." I say smiling "yeah I've been training."He says. "Alright then this is going to be a lot more fun." I say smiling still. I then rush him use my wind wing attack. It throws him off and he loses balance. I take the opportunity I attack. "Tornado!"I yell. And I make a tornado that picked him up and then throws him into a wall. "I hate that fucking move I'm always so dizzy." Katsuki says getting up. "That's what it's for." I say. "I know I know." He says back. He then launched at me and startled me giving him the chance to attack. He then hits me with a Barge of explosive punches. He has me stuck in this barge for a couple of minutes. He then stops to see the damage. "I know your not down for the count so show yourself you fucker!" He yells at me. I still hid in the smoke. I probably should use that attack. I think. I then launch my attack I send out a marge to throw him off. He falls for it. I then yell "Wind spike trail." It clears the all of the smoke and continues to head for for him. Katsuki see the attack and his eyes widen for a split second he then uses on of his explosive punches to propel himself dodging the attack. "You should probably stop telling me the name of your attacks you make it easier to dodge them." He tells me. "Well your right I should but what would the fun would that be if I didn't give you a chance." I say edging him on. He then loses his cool and attack me blindly. We then get into a stalemate. We just keep canceling each other's attacks. A little bit later he jumps back. "This is going no were." He says. "I agree and what are you going to do about it?" I asked. "You remember that my sweat is made of nitrocellulose?" He asked. "Yeah." So the more I sweat the stronger the explosion and if they made this the way I hope they did the. All I have to do is pull this pin." He said reaching for the pin. "NO YOUNG BAKUGO YOU COULD KILL HIM!" All Might Yelled over the intercom. "It wound kill him if he dodges it." He say pulling the pin. But before I can even blink the attack goes off.
3rd Pov
As Katsuki shot off the attack Izuku realized that it was to fast to dodge. So he then puts his arms in an form of an X to block the attack. He uses his wind to enforce his arms to cushion the blow. As the shot hit him he felt intense pain in both of his arms. He then screamed in pain. Almost everyone in the observation room was freaking out think that one of there classmates just died. As Katsuki realized that he don't dodge and just took it head on he was scared that he just killed his brother. As the building slowly stoped shaking and the smoke cleared away  they saw Izuku standing there with his arms burnt and broken but he was standing while still having a smile on his face. "Is he insane?" Asked his class mate. "Yeah why is he smiling?" Another said. "It's just his personality." Someone said in the back of the group. "What do you mean Momo?" Asked one of her classmates. "Well as far as I've known him he's been reckless and he loves a good fight." She says answering her class mate. "THAT SOUNDS LIKE A BAD COMBO." Said all might. "Yell he not always like that though." She said looking at the screen. When she looks at the screen she sees Izuku and bakugo got at it once again just izuku's using his legs. "How is he still fighting with those injuries?" Asked one of them. In the corner of the room todoroki is staring at the screen with shock. "How is someone so foolish to keep fighting when there going to lose anyways." He thinks. "Hey what are they saying I can't hear them." Kiminari asked. "Something about ending the fight." Momo said. "You can read lips." Asked Mina. "Yeah." She says back. "What the FUCK IS THAT MOVE!" Some one says getting louder. As everyone faces the screen they see that Izuku has a huge scythe made of wind in his hand.
Izuku Pov
"Let's end this." I say to Katsuki. "Yeah let's end it you loser." Katsuki says. I then activate my quirk and start to form a huge scythe in my hand. "I'm not sure if I should do this but fuck it." I say aloud to my self. I then swing my broken arm with the wind Scythe around it. and Katsuki jumps at me about to use one of his explosions. Our attacks then collide with one another. My attack was slightly stronger and continues to head towards him. When it strikes him he goes flying. He hits the wall behind him and I then fall to the ground and the last thing I hear is "HERO'S WIN." And I then go unconscious.
Iida's pov
As uraraka got a hold of the bomb we both hear all might say that they win. "That was a good training session don't you think?" I ask uraraka. "Yeah I do to but don't you think that Bakugo and Izuku went a little to far?" She asked back while looking at the hole in the floor. "Yeah I think they went a little to far but all that matters is if they are alright." I say. "Yeah your right." She says. "Let's go see how there doing." I say. "Let's go." She says walking to the stairs. Walk up to her and we both walk down a couple flights of stairs. When we get to the battle scene we don't see Izuku and bakugo. "We're did they go?" Uraraka Asked. "I guess they were able to walk still and left." I said guessing. "Yeah your probably right." She says. "Ok then let's go check up on those two in the observation room. " I say to her. She then nods her head and continues to walk to the observation room. When we get there we don't see All Might and are team mates. "We're All Might and the bakugos?" I ask. "Well....they are in the infirmary." Says Kirishima. "How bad off are they?" Uraraka asked. "Well all we know is that they were in bad condition other than that we know nothing." Yaoyorozu said sighing. "So All Might rush them to the infirmary." I say. "Yeah he did, he was so fast." Kiminari said. "That doesn't surprise me one bit." I say to Kiminari. "I think that they were holding back." Said someone behind the rest of the class. "What do you mean todoroki?" Asked Ashido looking in his direction. "If you the watch the video and watch closely you can see that they were trying to keep the Power of their quirks and damage to there surroundings to a minimum." He said answering her question. "So your telling us there stronger than what they showed us!" Mineta Yelled frightened. "That's about right." Todoroki said nonchalantly "Makes you wonder how strong they actually are." I say curiously. "Yeah I know what you mean but I can say one thing and that is there's not going to be another fight like that today." Say Kirishima. "THATS WERE YOUR RIGHT YOUNG KIRISHIMA." All Might Says entering the room. "Are they going to be alright?" just about everyone asked at the same time. "THERE GOING TO BE FINE JUST NEED tO REST." He says answering everyone. "YOU CAN VISIT THEM AFTER CLASS." He says. We then sigh in relief. "ALL RIGHT THE NEXT TEAM IS UP." All Might Says and they leave. After everyone was done with there turn. What Kirishima said was correct non of the other fights were that good the only one close to it was when todoroki froze the entire building, but nothing much else happened. After all might dismiss class for us to head home me and half of the class went to go check on the bakugos. When we got to the infirmary we could hear grunting. "What going on in there?" Asked uraraka. "I don't know but it sounds like it hurts." I say. Yaoyorozu then opens the door and walks in and just randomly stops. "Yaoyorozu whats wrong?" I ask looking around the corner to see that both of the bakugos are having an arm wrestling match. I just Froze. "Aren't you two supposed be in critical condition!" I yell at them. They stop there match and look at me. "Yeah we were in critical condition but were fine now." Izuku says while smiling. "Are you two idiots your supposed to be resting!" I hear some one tell to my left. I turn to see recovery girl there looking angry. "I fell fine." They say at the same time. "I said that you need to at least rest for a couple more hours not minutes." She says agitated. "But were just having a simple match of arm wrestling." Izuku Says. "Dose that simple match deal with outing cracks in the floor?" I ask slightly annoyed that they aren't listening." Those were there before we started the match."Katsuki says. "Well if you think youcan walk to your house then I will do one last check up." Recovery girl says sighing. "Alright" they both say.
Izuku Pov
After recovery girl said that we were fine to her surprise I took my friends home and drove my self home. When got home I could hear mom yelling at Katsuki. "Guess she heard about today." I say to myself. "Izuku get your ass in here." My mom yells at me. "Fuck." I say with out realizing it. "Yes ma'am." I say to mom. I then walk up the stairs and enter the apartment. "So do you mine telling me why I got a call from your friend saying you two were in critical condition and in the infirmary?" My mom Asked. "We were having a training session and it would probably be easier if I show you the recording." I say pulling out my phone. I then pull up the video of the session. After I showed her she smacks both me and Katsuki. "I swear you are reckless fools!" She yells at us. "Yell we're fine now aren't we?" Katsuki Asked. "That's not my point boy!" My mom yells at him angry. "Mom it is in the past." He says getting angry. "It May be in the past but you still should of not done that." She says cooling down some. "I just don't want you two to end up killing each other so please don't do something so reckless." She say. "Yes ma'am." We say. We then walk to our rooms. "Hey want to have a training session?" I ask. "Not now I'm just tired that old hags quirk really tired me out." He says. "Well I'm gonna train some see you later. I walk to my room and start to do my training regimen. 200 push-ups and curl-ups. Lift 240 lb and do 260 rep. Then a 30 minute rest then repeat what I just did. I follow this until I get a call. I stop lifting my weights and walk over the my phone and I see that I'm being called by jiro. I answer the phone. "Yo what's up jiro?" I ask. "Oh nothing much just curious if you are actually ok after that fight Momo would call but she has stuff going on at her house so I called for her and also for me as well." She said. "Yeah I'm just fine, so what's going on with Momo?" I ask. "Her parents are going to some party thing and she going along with them." She says. "Oh that's sounds fun." I say sarcastically. "You can say that again." She says. "Oh before I go are you free this weekend?" She asked. "Ask far as I know Yeah I am why?" I ask. "I was going to see if you wanted to hang out and see if you wanted to continue your guitar lessons." She said. "Oh shit I forgot about that, so we're are we going to meet?" I ask. "Same spot and time as we usual meet up. She says. "Alright see you then." I say. I hang up and head to bed.

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