Chapter 5

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Izuku Pov
"Hey mom we"re home." I say as me and Katsuki enter the house. "So how did it go?" Mom Asked as she walked around the corner. "It was ok." Katsuki said. "Yeah those robots weren't really a challenge." I say in agreement. "Well that's not surprising." She said. "You guys fight each other almost all the time." She says sighing. "by the way mom where is Yonama?" I ask. "Well She was able to get her self an apartment." Mom says. "Ok then." I say. "Man I'm tired" I say. "I am as well I just had so much fun I tired my self out." Katsuki says in agreement. "heading to bed." Me and Katsuki say to mom. As we were walking to our rooms I hear Katsuki sigh. "Whats wrong?" I ask him. "Just a little up set that you got to go head to head with the zero pointer." He says. When he says this I almost fall over. "Your upset you didn't get to go up against the zero pointer." I say "yeah what else would I be upset about." He said. "I don't even know why I worry about sometimes." I say to him. "You worry about me?" He asked. "Yeah your my brother." I answer him. "And?" He asked for me to continue. "What?" I ask. "Never mind." He said and While into his room. I sigh and walk into my room as well. When I enter I see that my phone was vibrating. I walk over to it to see why. When I get to my phone it says that I'm being called by dad. I pick it up and answer the phone. "Hey what ya need dad? I ask. "Just wondering how everything went with the entrance exam." He says. "It was alright not really a challenge I didn't get to go all out." I say a little sad. "Haha that suck." He said. "Yeah it dose, by the way how can you call me aren't you working?" I ask him. "It's 1:40 I'm on my lunch break remember? He says. "Oh that's right my bad." I say. "Hey is your brother there I tried calling him but he hadn't answer." He said. "Yep he's here just sleeping." I tell him. "Oh I was gonna Asked the same thing oh well." Dad says. "Well I will let you get some sleep as well if your talking a nap." He says. " yea I'm taking a nap I'm a little tired." I say. "alright then have a nice nap and don't fight today please." He says. "Alright I won't." I say confused. Why would he says that. "I'm gonna guess your kinda stressed out." I say guessing "Sort of Yeah."He says. "Well I will let you eat see ya." I tell dad. "Yeah see you later." He says hanging up. I then set my phone down and lay on my bed. After laying there for a few minutes I then fall asleep.
The next day
When I woke up i fling my self forward so fast that I fall of my bed. I look at the clock and I realize that I was late for my shift at work. I rush get up in a rush and go to my closet to get some clothes for work. I changed into them and run to the living room. "Why are you in such a rush?" My dad asked. I look at him "what are you doing here weren't you supposed to be at work?" I asked him. "It's Saturday i have no work today." He say. "Today's Saturday?" I asked in confusion. "Yeah it is." He says answering my question. "Oh thank god." I say with relief. "What with you today?" My dad asked sarcastically. "I thought I was late for work." I say while walking to the table. I then take a seat. "By the way have you checked in your check?" My dad asked. "Oh shit no I haven't." I say freaking out once again. "Well you haven't even checked in the other ones you got." My dad say laughing at me. "I told you already that those checks are for you guys." I tell him. "You say that but there Checks not ours." He says. "I know that and I giving them to you and mom." I tell him. "Oh alright we will only take two of them now is that enough for ya." My dad says sighing. "Yes it is." I say. "By the way were is mom and Katsuki?" I ask dad. "They went shopping." He said. "Oh when are they getting back?" I ask. "I have no clue but I do know me and you are going somewhere today." He says. "Where are we going?" I ask. "Somewhere you will like." Is all he says while getting up from the table. He walked over to the door and grabs his keys. "Coming?" He asked. "Oh um yeah give me a sec." I tell him. I then put on my shoes and walk outside with him. We get in his car and he starts to drive to someplace.
At the place
"Why are we at a car dealer?" I ask. "Well your picking out a car." My dad say. "WHAT!!?" I yell. " you even have the yen to get one?" I ask. "Yeah I do we've been saving up some money for you and your brother to get a car." He says. "Is there any trucks here then?" I ask. "Don't know have to ask them." Dad says. We walk in the dealership I see a lot of expensive cars, some SUVs, and trucks. We get to the clerk. "How can I help you today sir?" Asked the clerk. "Oh I'm buying a car for my son here." Dad says to the clerk. "Alright so what type of car are you looking for?" Asked the clerk. "Well I wouldn't mind either a truck or a nice sports car." I tell him. "Alright give me on sec." He says while reaching for something. He then hands me a piece of paper. "If you could fill this out then come back after words we can make the search Easier." He says. "Thank you mr......Kasumi. I say looking at his name tag. We then go sit down and I fill out the paper. After about 10 minutes I finish the paper. We head back to the clerk and I handed the paper back. "Alright give me a sec." He says while typing it in the computer. He then faced the screen towards me he then says "this are some of the top pick for you if there is on you like we can go check it out." Kasumi said. I then see a Nissan GT-R. Can we check this one out I say pointing it out to him. "Yeah if you would follow me." He says. We walk to the car he tells me about it, shows me the inside and showed me under the hood after some convincing. I tell him to give me the rest of the day to think and he agreed. I then ask dad "hey can we go to another dealer I didnt like the trucks her but the GT-R was nice though." "I don't see why not." He says and we go to the one next to this one witch wasn't a dealership just a car sales lot with a lot of good looking trucks. When we go there we go through something similar just no paper work I tell the salesman what I want. He then says that he also is the same way and showed me a truck that he said was one of his personal favor model of truck. It was a Ford F-350 diesel truck. When he showed the truck. I then decided right then I was getting instead of the Nissan GT-R. "That was fast." My dad said. "I usually do a little convincing." The salesman said. "Well is there a reason why I should buy it?" I. Ask him. " there me not a reason not to I'm just surprised that you would buy without me telling you one thing about it." He answers me. "Well I'm sorry that I decided that fast." I say. "Oh that's not the problem just a little shocked that's all." He says repeating himself. "Well how much is it gonna cost?" My dad asked. "I think it's about 70,000 yen." The salesman says. "Thats not as bad as I thought." My dad said. "Well let's go get it registered to you little man." The salesman says. "Alright." I say exited. We get to the register and the salesman dose his thing and he says "well I wasn't to far off with the price." He says and this causes my dad to be thankful. "It's 113,045 yen." He says. "What?!" My dad sorta yells. "That's with tax as well if that helps any." He says to dad. "Ok yeah it helps a little I thought that was without tax." My dad says. We buy the truck and we are to wait a couple of hours for them to get every thing set. I then remover that I haven't had my drivers test. "Uh dad this May be a little late to say but I haven't taken my drivers test." I tell my dad. "And your now telling me this." He says. "Will we can take it right here if you want." Says one of the sales people. "You can do that?" I ask. "Well we just need some one from that department to oversee the test but I think so." They say. As time passes I take my drivers test and get the truck and head home. After we get home i see what I guess is Katsuki car. He go a new 2019 Ford Mustang. " How the hell did mom buy that car?" I ask dad. " I have no clue Ask her when you get in the house" he says. We then walk inside. Hey mom how were you able to pay for that Katsuki car?" I ask mom As I walk in the kitchen. "he used some of his own money to pay for it." She said. "alright then." I say. "how much was it?" I dad asked. "It was 560,000 yen." she said. "Holy shit that's about triple my price!" I yell. "Watch your mouth!" Mom Yelled at me angry. "Sorry." I say. "Your fine." Mom says to me. "I'm gonna play some games is that alright mom?" I ask. "Get your room and your dishes out of the dishwasher and then you can." She said. I then get my stuff done and play my PlayStation 4. After a few hours of playing with friends I turn it off and head to bed.
Time skip to them getting there letters
Katsuki Pov
As I was playing on my PlayStation with Izuku, mom called for us. We then get to the living room.  "Yeah mom?" Izuku Asked. "Your letters came in." She said while watching tv. "Well were are they hag?" I asked her. She then turned around and had a tick mark on her forehead. "What did I say something wrong?" I asked. The me and mom start to get into an argument. It ended after a while. My mom winning of course. She's one of the only people I can't win against and it pisses me off. "Can we please have our letter mom?" Izuku Asked all cutely and nice. I swear he has mom wrapped around his finger sometimes. "Sure here you go." She said handing me and Izuku our letters. We then walk back to our rooms. When I opened it up a little disc pops out of it. Then a hologram off All Might appears. "Wha... All might!" I and Izuku yelled at the same time. "YOUNG BAKUGO YOU CAME IN SECOND WITH  67 VILLAIN POINTS ONlY 3 POINTS SHY OF BEING TIED FOR FIRST WITH VILLAIN POINTS."All Might Says. I was sorta surprised to be in second I was sure that I got more points than Izuku. Well nothing I can do about it now. I continue to listen. "YOU HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED INTO U.A, WELCOME TO YOUR HERO ACADEMIA." He says. When I hear those words I was very happy. "FUCK YEAH!!!" I yell. "KATSUKI WATCH YOUR MOUTH!!" My mom Yelled. "I KNOW YOU OLD HAG!" I yell back. Then we get into yet another fight.
Izukus pov
After All Might told me that I was accepted and that I came in first with a total of 130 points. I was so happy I started to tear up. "Man I haven't tested up in a while." I say quietly to myself. I then call up Momo. She picks up the phone. "Hey izu what's up?" She asked. "IMadeItIntoU.A."  I say really fast. "Hey could you repeat that slower." She said. "" I say being a smart ass. "You made it in thats so awesome." She says with a happy tone. "Yeah I know." I say. "Do you know witch class your in?" She asked. "I'm in class 1-A." I tell her. "I'm in that class as well." She says. And we continue to talk for a long time it was till about 7:49 she said she had to go. She then says bye and hangs up. I then decide to go to sleep. We have school in the morning anyways.
Next morning
"IZUKU GET UP YOUR GOING TO BE LATE!!" Katsuki yelled in my room. I then shoot out of bed and hit the ground hard. "Ow what the fuck was that for you dumbass." I say. I didn't get a response but only got laughter instead. While he was still laughing I got my uniform on and headed to the table for breakfast. "Are you going to eat or continue to laugh?" I ask Katsuki. He still doesn't stop laughing. "Hey Kat get up and stop laughing already." I say to him. He stops laughing and looks at me with a pissed of look. "Don't call me Kat Deku." He says. I then flinch at the nickname. Then I start to give of a very pissed off aura. "Yo calm down you don't have to get so mad about the same nickname." Katsuki says trying to calm me down. "Izu honey calm down and eat or your going to be late." My mom says. I then sit down like nothing happened and are happily. "I swear you have mood swings." Katsuki says under his breath but I just ignore it. We then finish eating and we get in my truck. "Why can't we take my car?" Asked Katsuki. "Well if you didn't decide to scare the shit out of the person giving the driver test then you could drive your self to school but for now it's my truck." I say while backing up. "Fine you bitch." He says. "Whatever." I say. I then start to drive to school. We arrive at the school. I find a spot that says student and park there. Some of the students were surprised that a big truck parked in a student spot. Then me and Katsuki get out. This shocked them even more that a first year is driving a truck to school. We hear some kids say "he's problem a rich boy ." Or they would say "I grantee that he's a snob." And other insult about being some rich kid.As we walk to the gate I get stop by some kid. "If your about to be an asshole and Bragg about that truck off yours you have another thing coming." The kid says. "Why would I brag I was just lucky enough to afford it." I say to him. "Yeah I guarantee that you say that but you had your rich parents buy it for you." She says being an ass. "Well it was the other way around I gave the money to them and they aloud me to pick out a car and buy it." I say to the kid. "Stop lying nobody likes a lair." He says. "Whatever makes you sleep at night I say while walking passed him. "Were do you think your going?" He asked me. "Going to find my class were else?" I say. "Don't be a smart ass if you don't know who your talking to." He says throwing a punch at my face. At this point in time a bunch of kids have gathered around us. "Well you just signed your death warrant." Katsuki says while walking away. "What's that supposed to mean." he says after his fist connected to my face. As he hit me I don't even move an inch. "Was that suppose to hurt." I say. He looks at me and is scared  that my face hasn't moved an inch. "That felt like a baby hit me." I say pissed off. "What the hell." He said freaking out. "Man I swear a baby hits harder than you do." I say. "I'll see you later then." I say while walking to find my class. I walk in the school and start to look for my class. After about 5 minutes of looking I find it. But someone was in the doorway in a yellow sleeping bag. "pardon me." I say behind him so I can enter the class room. "Your late Izuku bakugo." Said the familiar voice. "Sorry I ran into some trouble on the way here but it won't happen again." I say. "Good now take a seat I was just introducing myself to the class." The voice said. I then walk out in the room and go to the only open seat and sit there. "It took you guys 10 seconds to be quite need to get better." The voice says while pausing. " I am Shota Aizawa I will be your home room teacher for the next 3 years." He says. I was surprised that uncle Aizawa was a teacher here. "Uncle Aizawa!!" Me and Katsuki yell at the same time. The other kids were confused then shocked. "Wait you are related to a pro hero that's so manly." Said a red head boy. "Well were not related but our family is good friends with him and we've called him uncle since we meet him." I say clearing up the situation. "Enough with the chit chat and go put these on and meet me on the testing field." Uncle Aizawa says. We then go get changed. "Yo bakugo?" Someone called. "Witch one?" I asked. "You" said the red head from earlier. "Just call me izuku or Izu I don't like being called bakugo it just to confusing." I tell him. " well ok then Izuku." He says smiling. "So what do ya need?" I ask him. "What the hell happen to your back?" He asked. "Oh that's a long story I can tell you later though." I tell him. "alright then." He says. I then walk out side of the changing room and walk to we're everyone else is at. "Hey izu." Some one says behind me. I turn around. "Oh hey Momo how are you today?" I ask. "Just fine and what about you?" She asked. "the same." I say back. "So what trouble was holding you up?" She asked. "Got punched by a kid that's all." I say laughing. "That's not something to laugh about." she says. "Don't worry it didn't even leave a mark." I say pointing to my cheek. "That may be true but don't get into a fight the first day of school." She say. "Wait you think I fought the kid?" I asked. "Kinda." She says. "I knew I was going to be late so it just took the punch and left." I say. But be fore she could continue to scold me uncle Aizawa said "alright now everyone is here let's get started, you are taking a quirk apprehension test." He says. "But aren't we missing the orientation ceremony?" Asked Uraraka. "We don't have time for that." Uncle Says. He then pulls out a soft ball and a phone. "Katsuki how far could you throw in middle school?" He asked. "67 meters." Katsuki says. "Alright try know but now with your quirk." Uncle says. "He then walked up and grabs the ball. "You can do anything you want just stay in the circle." He says lazily. Katsuki then gets a manic smile on his face. He walks up to the circle and gets ready to launch the ball. "DiE!!"he yells while throwing it. After about 30 seconds Aizawa says. "907 meters." The class then starts to say that was awesome. "This looks like fun." Said a pink haired girl. "Yeah it dose." Said a blond with a lightning bolt on the side of his head. "Well since you think it's fun then who ever is in last gets expelled." Uncle says. "What you can do that?" Asked a student. "Yeah he can." I say. "What do you mean. " he's a teacher who decide the next generation of hero's so he has free range over us." I say back. "If that's not enough last year he expelled an entire class." I say again. "Stop the chit chat and let's get this over with." Aizawa says irritated. We then start the test. "I came in first for most of the things but I lost the ball throw and the grip test. Uraraka got infinity on the ball throw and this six arm boy won the grip test only beating me by 300 kilograms. "Alright let's get the 15 meter dash done." Uncle says. He has it as 1v1 race. "First is todoroki and bakugo." He says. (This are all just going to be random sry) they step up and get ready for the dash. Then Aizawa says go and they head to the end. They ended up tying wit 4.45 seconds. Then it was Uraraka and Tsuyu. Tsuyu ends up wining with 5.24 seconds. "Izuku and Lida your turn." Uncle says. "Alright." I say. We both walk up and get in our starting position. As lida gets in a running position I just stay standing. "Are you not getting in a running position?" Lida Asked. "There's no need when I'm faster that you." I say a little cocky. "Well I'm going to have to say that my quirk is based around speed so I don't believe that your faster." He says back not sure in a cocky way or not. "Well let's see then." I say back still in a standing position. Aizawa the pulls the trigger on the starting gun. I the. Run as fast as possible with my quirk. "Izuku wins with 1.1 seconds." Aizawa says. "Lida what's your Time?"I ask him. "It was 1.35 seconds." He says. "Shit that's not far behind me I glad I didn't underestimate you." I say smiling. Then all the other kids go and no one was able to bet mine and lidas time. And uncle Aizawa then tallies the ranking and I am first and some kid named mineta got last. He was freaking out. "Oh bumpy the way no ones getting expelled." He says. And everyone except me, Momo, todoroki, and Katsuki Yelled  "you were lying!" "You didn't see that it was a rouse?" Momo Asked. "You saw through it." Some of the class said. "Yeah I thought everyone knew I should of said something." She says. "You think!" Yelled meneta. "Let's just go get changed and continue class." I say. And we go change and the rest of the day was not as fun. As we were getting out of class I was stoped by the red head. "Hey names Eijiro Kirishima." He says introducing himself. "Nice to meet you kirishmia." I say back. "I was wondering if you and your brother would want to hang out with the rest of us guys this weekend." He says. "Well I will go not sure about him though, you gonna go Katsuki?" I Ask him. "Well I don't see why not." He says  "But I'm taking my own car this time." He says again. "We will be there let me know when and we're it's at." I say handing him my number. " well got to go so see ya." I say leaving to my truck. "You walking home or riding with me?" I ask Katsuki. "I'M NOT WALKING HOME!" He Yells at me. "Ok then hurry up." I say back. We walk out of school and go to my truck. As i was entering my truck I hear "If your driving with out a license then you must stop." I turn around to see Lida with Uraraka and Momo. I then show him my license so he would calm down. "Do you need me to drive ya home?" I ask. "I would mind a lift if you don't mind." Uraraka says. "Sure hop in and what about you two." I ask. " I will just walk home." Lida Says. "My butler is on his way so I will just wait for him." Momo Says. "Alright if ya say so." I say to them. "Well see you tomorrow then." I say to them. They both say there byes and we left. We drop Uraraka first then we go to our house. I then head to bed.

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