Chapitre 36 - Condamné

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(*Past event on italic)

Seoul | 2018

It's finally the sentencing day. Chaeyoung is all prepared, whatever it is, she will gladly receive it.

She worries, but she shouldn't be.

"All rise"

All stand up for the Judges.

"Last week, we already hear the defendant point of view, and all the witness stands. I personally believe that you had no intention to do everything, to cost 3 lives that night, Chaeyoung-ssi, but bribing is a serious crime here" The head judge look at Chaeyoung.

"So we come up with.........."

Chaeyoung sees someone approach the attorney chamber, her uncle assistant, he whispers something to Chaeyoung's uncle.

"Your honor, we would like to call a witness"

"Objection!" Prosecutor opposed. 

"It's a very important, your honor"

Chaeyoung worries now.

"Attorney, Prosecutor, approach?" The judge then calls them to the front.

"Your honor, this man just come to us right now, I believe he could declare defendant's innocence, he's the key, your honor"

"What are you talking about?" Prosecutor interrupt, against the idea,

"We should give this man a chance, I beg you, your honor. You don't want to give him a wrong verdict I believe. "

"This better be good!"

"Your honor!" Prosecutor is sulky.

They both then dismissed.

Chaeyoung's uncle takes a deep breath.

"I would like to call Mr. Kim Soo Chan to the stand"

"No, no way!" Chaeyoung then shouts out in the courtroom.

Mina and Minseo suddenly turn her face to the back.


He then walks pass his nieces.

Mina then stops her by pulling his clothes.


"Mina, I am sorry"

He said that to Mina.

Detention Center / 2018

"Son Chaeyoung-ssi!" An officer calls her from outside

Chaeyoung gets up, head towards the bars.

"You have a visitor," The officer tells her while opening the door.

Chaeyoung comes to the visitor lounge and sees someone there.

Chaeyoung never sees him before.

"Son Chaeyoung?" The guy then calls her,

Chaeyoung just confused.

"Kim Soochan. Mina and Minseo's uncle"

She then shakes his hand. 

Kim Soochan enters the chambers, swearing to the bible and ready to be questioned.

Soochan looks at Chaeyoung from his seat. Chaeyoung shook her head, signaling that he shouldn't do any of this.

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