Chapter 1-Secret Santa

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Foxy's POV

God, its so cold! Im walking inside in the fucking freezing weather. The wind is blowing making it even colder. It doesn't help that im carrying a bunch of boxes. Its 3 days till Winter Break, so Im bringing some early Christmas gifts. The gang already has a plan to meet at my house around 6 on Christmas so we can do a gift exchange. I decided to give them a suprise and bring some early gifts. In my bag, I have

-A gift card to Barnes and Noble for Lolbit

-A phone case with a picture of Spring and Blue on it for both of them

-A couple guitar picks for Bonnie and TB

-Baking supplies for Chica and TB

-A plushie for Mangle

Im saving the rest for the exchange. I walk in and breathe a sigh of relief as im warmed up.

"THERE HE IS HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" A voice screams. I look over to see Lolbit sprinting full speed towards me. I drop the gifts right as she rams me into a hug. 

"H-Hi L-Lob" I choke out. She lets go of me as Mangle, Spring and Blue race over. Lolbit is wearing a sweater that says "Bah Hum Pug" on it, Spring has a Santa on, Blue has a wreath necklace, and Mangle has a Christmas flower in the crook of her ear. 

"OOOOOOOO WHATS THAT?!" Lolbit exclaims, diving for the bag. I grab just before she look inside. 

"Not until lunch!" I chuckle. Lolbit groans and "melts" to the floor. I laugh and walk to my locker with Spring. He and Blue have been on so many dates, yet aren't boyfriend and girlfriend yet. The bell rings and I groan. Off to class. Great!

Time skip brought to you by a sugar high Kitty being chased by a angry Bon

"Class! Class! LISTEN UP MUGGLES!" Mrs. Zeedra screams. As you can tell, she is a HUGE harry Potter Fan, and Lolbit's favorite teacher.

"Ok everyone, Secret Santa time! Please go find your secret person and give them your gift!" Mrs Zeedra smiles then scurries back behind her desk, probably to watch Harry Potter. For Secret Santa I got Lefty. I know how much he likes preforming, so I got him a gift card to the theater shop.  I walk over and give it to him, and we talk for a bit. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn and groan inwardly. Its TF.

"Excuse me" I tell Lefty then turn to TF

"Can I help you?" I say as politely as possible. 

"Yea. I got you for Secret Santa. Here." He shoves a gift in my face and walks off. I roll my eyes then sit at a desk and open it. i pull out a red Jacket. It has big pockets, and gold cursive lacing at the right corner with my name. Im gaping at the jacket. Holy Crap! This is incredible! I didn't know TF was capable of being so nice! I slip the Jacket on, amazed. Its super comfortable and warm. This is awesome!


Stupid stupid fox. He fell for it. Everything is working, just like Nightmare said. Except those shadows escaped. At least they dont know who the jacket is for. Soon i'll be kissing Mangle's lips again and she'll be all mine.

WHOOP WHOOP!! Hi guys! Finished!! What do you guys think? Also, people with OC's-For gift exchange, what gifts do you want your OC's to get? Please tell me, as I dont want to put one they dont like. SLAM that star and comment below! Love you all!!!

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