Chapter 10-Road Bumps

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Ash's POV

"And done! Smoke, come test it out!" I call smoke runs over, and slides his katana in the sling shot. I cock it back, then aim the slingshot at the dummy. I fire it, and the sword goes flying, and sails straight through the dummy, stuffing spilling everywhere. 

"Yes! It works!! Woohoo!" I yell. I high-five Smoke, then we grab his sword.

"We're going to need more katanas and those sword-shots." Smoke jokes, then we walk to the meeting. Its been 3 weeks since our friends got kidnapped. We all feel bad that they've been there that long, but we want to be prepared. So far, We've made a windmill gun, hand-blasters, and now sword-shots. 

"Hey guys, when are getting the others back? Its been 3 weeks, we cant just keep waiting!" Fire calls.

"Soon. If you think im waiting to get my boyfriend back, then you're on something." Blue replies, glaring at Shadow. 

"Yes, we are." Shade says, walking in. "And we're going in tonight."

Springtrap's POV

Holy Shit, everything hurts. We've been here what, weeks? Months? None of us know. Everyone who is in the "containment area" has some bruises, or whip marks, or scratches. After my ear getting sliced in half, they moved us to some cells. There are 3 on each side, then one at the end of each side. Me, Foxy, and Mangle are in the 3 cells on the right, TC, TB, and Bonnie are on the 3 cells on the left, and Lolbit and Chica are at the end. Lolbit's cell neighbors Foxy and Bonnie, while Chica's are Mangle and TC. The only time we get a break is at night. Once the sun rises, they strap shock collars around our necks and chain our hands behind our back. They make us work all day, chopping wood, making bullets and license plates. Usually the boys do the hard stuff, while they make the girls clean up after there shit, be there maids, and some other shit I wont say. Its living hell. Im manufacturing some bullets when someone grabs my good ear.

"Someone wants to see you, Half-ear" Nightmare snarls, smirking. He hand cuffs me and leads me to a room. He tosses me inside and locks the door. I hear purring from the other side of the room.

"Whos there?!" I snap.

"Oh Senpai

Dont fret!

You're not gonna die

yet." a voice growls from the shadows. Oh Shit, I only know one person who sings that. Next thing i know, Im on the ground with Clarice on top of me. 

"No blue-tailed bitch is gonna save you now. Your alllllllll mine!"Clarice cackles, struggling to pull my shirt off. (BLUE PLEASE DONT KILL ME IM SORRY) I swing my foot up, smacking her ass, and she yelps and jumps off me. I stand up and glare at her.

"You do know im taken?!" I growl. Clarice shakes her head.

"Not for long you arent......" Clarice mummers

"Touch Blue and you'll wish you never met me." I snarl. She laughs, then rips the shock collar off me. I stare at her in confusion. 

"Harder to kiss your neck with that on." She purrs. She wraps her arms around me, and cuffs my hands. She purrs into my chest, and i only know one way out of this. Forgive me, Blue.... (PLEASE DO) I hug her back.

"You know what? Your right. Your better than Blue." I say flirtatiously. Clarice squeals.

"I knew you would come around! Kiss me, Senpai!" She leans in, and so do I. Before our lips touch, I knee her in the stomach, catching her in surprise. She gasps, winded, and falls to the floor. Before she can do anything, I grab the random chair in the room and climb into a air vent. I glance back to see Clarice with tears streaming down her face. I feel no sympathy for her. Well maybe a little. Oh wait, thats pure hatred for her, not sympathy.

"I hope you die in a hole, bitch." With that, I crawl into the air vents, hoping to find a way out.

Im sorry it was so short, but i decided to post multiple chapters because I haven't posted in a while. Hope you enjoyed, and dont worry, Springtail will always sail with me! Bye Kit-kats!

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