Chapter 16-Getting to know you

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Foxy's POV

I wake up to sun shining on my face. I haven't felt that in such a long time. I shift around so I'm facing mangle, and she snuggles into my chest. I smile softly, then my eyes close and fall asleep again. It couldn't have been an hour later when the door suddenly slams open. Lolbit is standing there, a triumphant smirk on her face. She slams her claw down on a button and a loud honk is heard.


I jump up, resulting in tumbling out of bed. Mangle does the same, and lands on top of me.

"Up and at em, lovebirds! Breakfast is almost ready, then we'll get ready to head out! UP UP UP, LETS GO LETS GO!" Lolbit yells, running off. I groan, stand up, and help Mangle up. I give her a quick kiss, then head downstairs.

"Good to see that the ol' captain is awake." Doggo teases, helping Marvel and Vixen make breakfast. Blue is busy cuddling with Spring on the couch, catching up. Bonnie and TB are chasing Lolbit, probably because she awoke them with a air horn as well. Its what I'm used to. Fun, calmness, and happiness. I sigh, sliding down on the couch. Then a wooden spoon clocks  me over the head. I glance up to see Vixen smirking.

"How about you get off your lazy ass and help?" She suggests, turning back to her work. I sigh loudly, so she hears.

"But i'm tiiiiiiiiirrrrrred." I moan. She shoots me a look.

"Foxy Cohen, are you refusing to help me?"

I meet her gaze.

"Yes" She chucks a frying pan at me this time. I'm about to tease her further when Dark suddenly appears.

"I'll help, Vix." He smiles, and I swear I see blush creep up Vixen's cheeks. My smirk deepens.

"I ship it." I call, sliding back down. I close my eyes for a brief moment, taking in the peaceful air. It feels so good to be out of that jail cell. 

"Breakfast is served!" Doggo calls and we all head to the table. I sit next to Mang and Spring, and we all dive into our food. As I walk over to the sink, I see Mangle, Lolbit, Blue, and Spring run outside. I quickly drop my stuff in the sink and race after them. They found a ball and are chasing each other around, throwing it at each other. Classic Ball-Tag. It bounces off the wall and rolls over to me, tapping my feet. 

"FOXY'S IT!" Lolbit screams, running away. I smile and pick up the ball.  I start chasing Blue, and I chuck the ball. It misses her by centimeters, and I quickly pick it up. I look around to see Lolbit, and run after her. This time when I throw the ball, it hits her. She groans, and I quickly run. We play for hours, until it gets dark. We all collapse on the ground, breathless and laughing. We all stand up, then head in.

"Glad to see your all done. Now, grab your stuff, and we'll head." Doggo smiles, then walks off. Mangle follows me to our room, and we grab out "stuff" which is just our phones, which Nightmare didn't take. We walk outside, to find Doggo standing by her ship, looking confused.

"Whats up?" I ask, walking over.

"Somethings blinking on the bottom of the ship." She replies, crawling under. She comes back out with a circular shaped device, looking scared.

"Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!" She cries. "Hide! Its a tracker, and they're-" She never finishes because something flies at us. Me and Mangle go flying in the opposite direction of Doggo.  I grab Mangle's arm and yank her into my arms right before we slam onto the ground, and I take all the impact. I groan, and Mangle quickly crawls off me.

"Foxy, are you ok?!" She cries. I don't get to respond, because a bright light is projected on us. A ship lands, and a platform files out. A figure walks off, a figure with dark, red eyes.

"Hello, Foxy and Mangle. Miss me?" Nightmare asks, his eyes glowing a dangerous red.

Heyyo! ITS SUMMER!! NO SCHOOL, NO HOMEWORK, NO GRADE, NO PRESSURE!!! HELLO FREETIME, SWIMMING, AND VACATION!! WOOHOO!!! I should be posting chapters a lot more often, if I don't I've lost inspiration. I've been getting bursts of writers block lately, but i'll keep writing!!!  I dedicated this chapter to Vixen, because Darxen is happening! Hope you liked it, Vixy! Make sure to S-L-A-M that star, and comment below! Bye everyone, see you in the next chapter!!!

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