Chapter 14-The Selling

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(Quick Authors Note- If you've ever seen Mortal Engines, This chapter will seem familiar because im basing it off of that movie)

Blue's POV

"Seriously?! Where are they?!" I exclaim, running over. Shade leads me and Springtrap to a room, where there a ton of computers and screens are. Shade points at one, where 7 dots are shown on a screen.

"Those dots are our friends, and there at the Sev Shukan, or The Black Market." Shade informs us. I gasp.

"Is that place by Dezeral?" I ask. Shade types on one of the computers, and he nods. I smile.

"I know how to get our friend back." They all whirl to me. I smirk.

"I happen to have a really good friend there. She's a very famous outlaw, and really good at this stuff. I'll call her, and tell her to meet us there." I whip my phone out and dial her number.

"Who is this?" A feminine voice answers.

"The only and only Bluetail." I respond.

"Blue?! Thats you?! How you've been? Its been so long since I've seen you! What do ya need, lady?" 

"I've been good, and I need you to help me save my friends. Meet me at the Sev shukan in 20 minutes. Get ready for a good ol' fashioned rescue."

Mangle's POV

They yank us out of the van and bind us. They link our chains and line us behind a line of others. 

"SOLD TO THE MAN IN THE BACK!" A voice booms, and a gong is heard. I peek down the line to see a man in complete purple standing there, yelling about a elderly bear.

"She may look old, but she sure is feisty!" He calls. "Do I hear a 15?"

"10!" someone yells

"Sold!" He bangs the gong and shes dragged away. He then walks down the line and stops at me.

"Ooooo, young and still pretty. Perfect." He says, dragging his hand down my cheek. I nip at him and he pulls his fingers away just in time.

"And feisty! Bring her up to the stand!" Men come and uncuff my cuffs from the chain and drag me up. 

"MANGLE!" Foxy yells, struggling to get to me. They set me right by the purple guy, and he smirks. Foxy keeps struggling, trying to get to me. 

"Feast your eyes on this beauty folks! She young, spry, and will be perfect to be your sex maid." Purple guy cackles. I feel fear rush through me.

"NO! LET GO OF HER, YOU-AHHH!" Foxy gets hit in the stomach with a club. He falls to his knees, wincing. I feel tears slide down my face.

"50!" a man shouts

"You can do better! Do I hear a 75?"

"80!" a another one calls.

"80! Going once, going twice.." Purple smiles at me as he raises his stick

"Bet you'll look great as a manikin." He laughs, about to swing

"200" The whole place goes quiet. Purple looks up. 

"A unregistered bidder! Come to the front." The figure that emerges is a brown wolf. She has a black leather jacket on and black shades. I see the tip of a dagger peeking out of a pocket. When she reaches the front, purple squats down.

"That is a very generous offer, but I have one problem." Purple begins.

"Get to the point, grape." The wolf snaps.

"Well, $200 isn't $200,000. You have quite the bounty on your head, Mrs. Dogwoman. So either you pay the $200,000 for this girl, or we get from turning you into the authorities" Purple states, as people begin to surround Dogwoman. 

"I have an idea." She snaps, placing a paw in her pocket. "We'll settle this buy it now." Purple barely gets a breath out before Dogwoman has a gun whipped out and shoots a bullet through his head. The place goes insane. Dogwoman shoots some more guards then yells to the crowd.

"NOW! WHILE THERE DISTRACTED!" Suddenly, Blue is beside me, undoing my chains.

"Blue?!" I exclaim. She smiles ta me, then we race over to the others and undo there chains. Shade and Frost are with Dogwoman, shooting people left and right. I look up to see Smoke perched on a building with a giant golden sniper, shooting all people with the Delenters logo. Vixen runs over.

"We have to find Puppet, Mari and Shadow!" We race after her. After searching around, we find a abandoned van. We pry it open to see Puppet, Mari, and Shadow in weird cages. Shade gasps.

"T-The're sucking there power away!" He cries, smashing Shadow's tank. Shadow falls out, gasping like a fish out of water, then passes out. We break Puppet and Mari's cells, then drag them outside. Dogwoman is with the rest of the gang in a nearby airplane. 

"Climb in, friends of Blue." She smirks and we all climb in. I sigh, and sit down next to Foxy as the plane takes off. I feel tears slide down my face because of this relief Im feeling. 

"Ok crew, we'll arrive at my place in about an hour, so rest up!" Dogwoman calls. I nod, and slowly feel myself falling asleep until we're violently rocked to the side. 

"Doggo! Whats happening?!" Blue cries. Dogwoman comes running, holding a crossbow.

"We're under attack. Brace yourselves!" She cries, then we're blown to the side. I scramble up to see a giant black ship with the one and only evil creation on it.


Ta-da! Please welcome Dogwoman3232 to the story!! Her books are awesome, so go check them out! Please S-L-A-M that star, and comment below! Bye, my kitty-kats!

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