Chapter 23-Time to think about Future

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Foxy's POV

I slid in my seat just as the bell rang, panting. I had just sprinted from the other side of the school, so that's fun.

"Look who finally showed up." Spring joked, resting his feet on his desk. He had a bandage on his torn ear, and up and down his back, from when Nightmare dragged his claws down his back.

"Cut me some slack! I came from the other side of the frickin school man!" I responded, sagging in my seat. Spring laughs, and the teacher walks in.

"Ok, everyone! As you all can tell, the school year is coming to a close, and you'll all be graduating soon!" Mr. Bafron announces. "So today, we will be diving into what careers you want to pursue!" I nod my head, going over my options.

Lawyer? Nah, too complicated

Chef? I suck at baking

Popstar? I could never sing in front of millions of people!

Janitor? To gross

Construction worker? I can barely build a hut out of popsicle sticks

Office worker? To boring

Cop? That isn't a bad option...I could protect people from harm, like kidnappings, and other stuff. I'll check that out. I pull my Chromebook out and look up how to become a cop. I need to get a GED or High school Diploma.  That part is easy, I have all A's. Then I need to meet the minimum requirements, like being 18-21 and have a clean criminal record. As long as they don't count accidentally not paying for a keychain, I'm clear. If I want to, I can earn a bachelor's degree. Maybe I'll do that... Next, I need to pas the law enforcement entrance exam, which will let me into the police academy.  Then I have to pass Police Academy, which lasts for about 6 months at a time. Not too bad, at least it's not 4 more years of school. Then I'm a cop! Cool! Maybe I could stop by the police station today, and talk to some of the cops, see if they would recommend any schools to go to study the law...

"What you going for? I'm thinking either firefighter" Spring asks, breaking my train of thought.

"Police officer," I responded. Spring nods.

"Well, if I fail at a firefighter, I'll try for a cop next." Spring muses, scribbling down notes. 

"Hey, after school, do you want to come to the police station with me? I'm thinking of stopping by there so I can get some tips and pointers from the officers that work there." I offer. 

"Sure, I could use a field trip." Spring replies, packing his stuff up. The bell rings, and we walk down the hall, joking and laughing, then go into our separate classes. 

~Timeskip brought to you by a boy with a lighting scar~

"Spring! Hurry up! We don't have all day!" I holler as I race ahead. 

"Not all of us are world record sprinters, Foxy! Good god, you're like a frickin bull on a suagr rush!" Spring yells, catching up to me. We leap in my car, breathless and laughing. I start the car and we drive to the station. Omce we get past all the scanners and get passes, we finally get to meet some officers. There was a raccon, a lemur, and a penguin waiting for us.

"I take it you're the rookies wantin' a tour of the place, ya?" The lemur asks with a thick scottish accent. We nod.

"Nice to meetcha. This here is Officer Duke, Officer Blair, and I'm Officer Cawthorn. We'll be your tour guides." Officer Cawthorn introduces. 

"So, why do you want to be a cop?" Officer Blair asks, picking up her items. 

"I want to protect people, and help keep this town a safe place." I shrug.

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