Chapter 11-Take One

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Nightmare's POV

"YOU IDIOT! HOW THE FUCK DID YOU LOSE HIM?!" I roar. Clarice just came up and told that Half-ear the pirate escaped her grasp

"I-I dont know! He was just s-super f-f-fast..." Clarice stammers. I groan, when I get an idea. 

"Lets track him with the collar!" I grab the pad and press Springtrap. The tracker shows that he's in the interrogation room. I drag Clarice to the room, with her protesting all the way.  When we arrive, I kick the door down to see the collar sitting on the floor, beeping. I feel my anger grow.

"You. Took. The. Collar. Off?!" I growl, slowly turning to face her. She gulps, her eyes wide and frightened. 

"M-Maybe..." She trails off, looking at the ground. When she looks back up, I smack her. 

"Get the hell out. You've jeopardized this operation enough. I you show up here again..." I extend my claws. Clarice nods, then runs out. Now to find that rabbit.....

Springtrap's POV

"Shit!" I yell as I ram my head into yet another dead end. This is starting to get really frustrating. Why cant I just find a damn way out?! I scoot back and start crawling a different way. I hear muffled shouts below, but I ignore them and continue on. I turn a corner and see light down the tunnel. My eyes widen and I start to crawl for it, when Im suddenly in the air. I close my eyes, expecting to hit the floor, but instead land in someones arms. I open my eyes to see....Blue?!

"Springtrap?!" Blue gasps.

"What are you doing here?!" I exclaim. 

"Having a tea party. What does it look like?!" Blue responds sarcastically. Then she notices my ear.. She stiffens.

"What happened?!" She screeches in my ear.  Im about to respond when someone yells.

"BLUE! FOCUS! TALK TO YOUR SOULMATE LATER!" Vixen yells, chopping someones head off with a chainsaw. Blue drops me, hands me a machine gun, then starts shooting a sword thing. I cock the gun, and start firing at people. Head shot. Heart. Leg, then neck. I jump behind a column and reload. I turn to shoot when I suddenly cant breathe. I grab at the hands around my neck, trying to let air into my lungs. I hear a scream from Blue, then the world starts to spin. I feel a aching pain in the back of my head, and my world goes dark as I feel my self falling.

Blue's POV

"OK, everyone knows the plan?" Shade asks. We all nod. We're in different groups. Im in one of the attacking groups, with Smoke, Frost, and Vixen. We sneak inside, using the sewers. We walk into a room where there are all kinds of papers and maps. We study them, taking pictures and such. the door bursts open, then the fighting starts. Me and Vixen jump behind a knocked-over table, and start firing at anyone that comes near. Im reloading my sword-shot when someone falls into my arms. Its Springtrap!

"Springtrap?!" I gasp.

"What are you doing here?!" he exclaims.

"Having a tea party. What does it look like?!" I respond sarcastically. Then I notice his ear. OH MY FUCKING JESUS WHO HURT MY SPRING-BOI?! 

"What happened?!" I screech at him. He opens his mouth to respond when

"BLUE! FOCUS! TALK TO YOUR SOULMATE LATER!" Vixen hollers, whilst chopping someones head off with a chainsaw. I drop Spring,  and hand him a machine gun, then resume shooting my sword shot. I hear Spring shooting next to me, and for a brief moment I feel like we're back at Galaxy Arcade, shooting non-existent deer. After I beat him, he bought us a sausage pizza, because thats my favorite. I get so lost in my thoughts that I dont realize that Spring is being choked. I whirl around to see Nightmare scratch him down from the top of his head to his shoulders.

"SPRINGTRAP!" I scream. He collapses to the ground. I cant tell if he's alive or not. I fire multiple swords at Nightmare, one hitting him in his leg, another hitting him in the chest right by his heart. He roars, and his fist is surrounded by a black mist. He throws his fist in a direction, and next thing I know, Im stuck.

"HELP! GUYS! HELP!"  I scream, struggling to get out. Nightmare stalks up to me, smirking.

"Say goodbye to the world, Bluetail." Nightmare snarls, raising his fist. I struggle even harder, with no avail. He then brings his fist down.

DONT KILL MEH PLEASE IM SORRY DONT KILL ME I WANT TO LIVE MY LIFE!! My first good cliffy, I cant believe it!! SLAM that star and comment below! Love you all, hope you had a awesome day! Bye kit-kats!

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