Chapter 29-Curtain Call

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Foxy's POV

"Place everyone! Come on now, quickly!!!" Mrs. DeVine shrieked, rushing around. I adjusted my ragged blanket, making sure it showed the patches of fur sticking out of places. I was dressed in a ragged cloak with random fur patches, which was supposed to be a part of a werewolf costume, a pair of goat horns, and furry gloves with claws.

Vixen, Frost, Iku, Ally, Bon, and the rest of the parts headed out to there positions so we could start the show.

Mangle is wearing a blue dress with a white apron, a blue bow, an black slip-ons for village Belle. Blue and Springtrap are going over there lines again, Blue wearing a red tunic, tan, sweats and black buckled boots, while Spring is wearing a red t-shirt, a black jacket, dark green pants, and black sneakers.

The curtains rose, and the show began. The Narrators and Bon did a great job, Bon really selling the part of the enchantress. Then it was the Village scene. Mangle sang it great, and all the villagers did great. Blue was a great Gaston, really embracing the character, even smacking Spring at one point. Marvel was a great Maurice, and now it was my turn. I walked onto the stage, sneaking around in the darkness, and started my performance.


We sang the last note, and everything went silent. The crowd started to roar, creating a mass of clapping and cheers. We all bowed, each getting our chance in the spotlight before the curtains shut and we went to sign autographs. We had to stay in our costumes, so I signed autographs as a prince, which was fun.

I'd say our performance was amazing, since we all worked so hard. This was a great way to end Senior year, get to see everyone before we all leave for college.

"Foxy!" I turned to see Mangle running towards me, so I scooped her up, dipped her low and gave her a nice long kiss.

"You did amazing, Mangle."

"So did you, Foxy."

"Shall we go for celetaborty ice cream?"

"Of course! Lets go get the others." Mangle and I walked hand-in-hand to find the rest of the gang. We found Blue and Spring laughing together, Chica and Bonnie signing more autographs, and everyone else was milling around. We explained the plan, and all agreed to meet at Sweet Sugar, a local sweet shop. Mangle and I climbed into my car and we blasted music as I drove us to the meeting point. We were some of the last ones there, the others had already gotten there food. Mangle and I ordered the Enchanted Sundae and split it.

"A toast! To the gang and the awesome musical we just did!" Blue cheered, all of us raising spoons and clinking them together before returning to our delicious sweets.

I savored this moment, and the food, because I knew there soon would be less moments like this. I was just glad to have the gang and Mangle as well.

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