Chapter 4-Sadness, yet hope

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Foxy POV

Its the end of the day and Me, Spring, Blue, Lolbit, Smoke, and Ash are waiting for Mangle sow we can all walk home together. Im talking with Spring when I finally see her. And what I see makes me stop everything. Why is she holding TF's arm? 

"Hey TF, kindly let go of my girlfriend." I growl, glaring at him. He's smirking.

"I think you mean my girlfriend. Isn't that right, Mangle?" TF asks. Mangle nods, not looking at me.

"What was that? i couldn't hear you Mangle." TF gloats. Mangle sighs.

"Yes. I-Im TF's........Girlfriend" I feel like someone just ripped my heart out of my chest and stomped on it. W-what?!

"But....why?" I ask. Mangle still wont look at me. TF answers for her.

"Because you weren't hot enough. Or nice to her, that is." I snap my head up.

"Says the one who cheated on her right in front of her. Do you remember that? Because I do." I snap. Lolbit and Blue walk forward.

"Mangle, what happened?" Blue asks, resting her paw on Mangle's shoulder. 

"Mang, you love Foxy so much. I can always see it in your eyes." Lolbit says, her and Blue pulling her into a hug. She looks like she wants to hug back, but TF pulls her away.

"She doesn't want to talk to filthy trash like you guys." TF wraps his arm around her again, then walks away with Mangle. My heart has shattered. This cant be happening.....Not Mangle, please not Mangle.....

Time skip brought o you by a sobbing Kitty and a bored Bon

Im sitting at home on my bed with Lolbit, Spring, and Blue. There all comforting me, because I can barely hold anything in at this point.

Foxy-I look up from the ground

To see your sad and teary eyes
You look away from me
And I see there's something you're trying to hide
And I reach for your hand but it's cold
You pull away again
And I wonder what's on your mind
And then you say to me you made a dumb mistake
You start to tremble and your voice begins to break
You say the cigarettes on the counter weren't your friend's
They were my mate's
And I feel the color draining from my face

And my Friends said

Spring-"I know you love her, but it's over, mate

Lolbit-It doesn't matter, put the phone away

Blue-It's never easy to walk away, let her go

All 3 of them-It'll be alright

Foxy-So I still look back at all the messages you'd sent

And I know it wasn't right, but it was fucking with my head
And everything deleted like the past, it was gone
And when I touched your face, I could tell you're moving on
But it's not the fact that you kissed him yesterday
It's the feeling of betrayal, that I just can't seem to shake
And everything I know tells me that I should walk away
But I just want to stay

And my friends said

Spring-"I know you love her, but it's over, mate

Lolbit-It doesn't matter, put the phone away

Blue-It's never easy to walk away, let her go

All 3 of them-It'll be ok

Blue-It's gonna hurt for a bit of time

Spring-So bottoms up, let's forget tonight

Lolbit-You'll find another and you'll be just fine

All 3 of them-Let her go"

Foxy-But nothing heals the past like time

And they can't steal
The love you're born to find
But nothing heals the past like time
And they can't steal
The love you're born to find

All 3 of them-"I know you love her, but it's over, mate

It doesn't matter, put the phone away
It's never easy to walk away, let her go
It'll be okay
It's gonna hurt for a bit of time
So bottoms up, let's forget tonight
You'll find another and you'll be just fine
Let her go"

Spring-It'll be alright

Blue-It'll be alright

Lolbit-It'll be alright

All 3 of them-It'll be alright

Foxy-It'll be alright

I feel tears streaming down my face. They all hug me as I quietly sob, my heart pouring out, piece by piece.

Puppet's POV

"There he is!" Mari points. I look over to see Foxy, still depressed. i roll my eyes. this is why i'll never get a girlfriend. They cause to much trouble. 

"I'll get right, you get left." i say, and we zoom off. When I reach Foxy, I bend down and whisper "unsew" and the thread opens, revealing the taser. I pull it out, then resew it. I turn around to leave, not looking where im going, when i run into someone. I flop to the ground.

"Oh my goodness! Im so sorry! Here, let me help you up!" a girl cries. I look up to see the most dazzling girl I've ever laid eyes on. Her beautiful silky blue hair pulled up in a bun. Her eyes the color of the sky when the sun is setting. Snap out of it, Puppet! You have a job to do.

"U-uh t-thanks miss?...." i trail off, mentally smacking myself. Did you really just call her miss?!

"Ballora. Im Ballora. and you are?" She smiles at me. Holy Crap.

"Puppet. Puppet Strings." i say.

"Well, nice to meet you, Puppet! i'll see you around?" I nod. She waves then walks off. I stand there, a blushing mess.

Is that what  love feels like?


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