Chapter 5- Texts and Secrets

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Lolbit POV

Oh God. This is horrible. All this pain and suffering.

"Lob, are you ok?" Smoke asks. I shake my head, a tear slipping down my cheek.

"Let me guess- Your upset because of the thing with Foxy and Mang-"


"But yes, im also upset about Fangle." I sigh. 

"im worried about Foxy. He's gone through so much, and this has to have set him over the edge." i say, leaning on Smoke. He hugs me, comforting me. He then go off to do homework. I grab my phone and look for good reads on Wattpad when I get a text.

TangleTwin-Im so sorry Lolbit. Please, I need to explain and I dont have much time.

Mangle's texting me?! Holy Crap!!

BookDragon-Yea, im here and would like to know why you dumped Foxy!!

TangleTwin-I didn't want to. I love him, and was forced by TF

BookDragon-But girl, how could he force you?

TangleTwin-By threatening to hurt Foxy. Shit, TF's wondering who im texting. I gotta go, bye!

BookDragon-Wait! How? Mangle?

TangleTwin has left the conversation

He threatened Foxy?! But how? Think Lolbit, think. What does Foxy have that has to do anything with TF?........The Jacket. It has to be that Jacket.

Marionette's POV

"2 tasers down, 3 to go." I say, dropping a taser on the table. Shade smiles at me, then gets to work. I walk over to Puppet. Ever since we got that first taser, he been...distant. 

"Hey Puppet, you good bro?" i ask, sitting by my brother. 

"U-Uh, yea. Im fine." he stammers quickly. I smirk, knowing exactly whats going on.

"Hey Puppet, imagine this-You and a girl, dancing under the stars, swaying in each others arms.." I trail off, seeing what he says. Usually he'll say gross or never gonna happen. 

"Yea....Me and ballora.....Dancing together..." He gets a faraway look in his eye. I burst out laughing.

""Me and Ballora....." You mean the ballerina? Your in love with Ballora Bailando?! I cant believe it! my brother has a crush!" i laugh and squeal at the same time. Puppet turns bright red.

"S-Shut up!" he snaps, glaring at me. 

"GOT IT!" Shade yells. We both jump up immediately and start running over to Shade.

"Well, who made it?" puppet exclaims. Shade shushes him.

"It was made by........The Delenters" Shade reads off. I gasp.


"The Delenters are a dangerous gang that are always trying to kill people and sell stuff on the black market, like teenagers." I respond. "There led by Senor Peligro, who is a wolf with no fear, compassion or mercy. nightmare must either be a part of them or be good friends with them. this is straight from the black market!" I exclaim. 

"Then we have to get the other 3 tasers out." Puppet says

"And we have to do it fast."

Hey guys! Sorry for short chapter, Im really busy. I'll try my best to update, but it might be 2 chapters a week. Sorry! Anyway, grab a rubber chicken and SLAM that star! Then comment below what you think! Love you all, my Kit-Kats!

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