Chapter 13-Regroup and Retry

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Springtrap's POV

I break away from our kiss to catch some air. I smile at Blue and she smiles her beautiful smile back. Then Shade comes running.

"They escaped with the others." Shade pants. I stare, not believing it.

"What?! No, your joking!" Blue cries. Shade shakes his head.

"Who all did he take?" I ask.

"Foxy, Mangle, Bonnie, Lolbit, TC, TB, Puppet, Mari and S-Shadow." Shade stifles a sob over his brother. Great. We lost them again. I sigh, then pick Blue up bridal style and start to walk out.

"Uh Spring, you know I can walk right?" She protests. I look at her.

"I just escaped Nightmare and saved your life, so no you cannot walk." I respond

"What does that have to do with my legs?!" Blue exclaims, laughing. We walk out and We climb in Lolbit's van. Shade must of gotten it from Mangle's house weeks ago. On the way there, Blue leans on me the whole time, not wanting to let me go. We arrive at there base, i guess, and walk in. I nearly faint at all the weapons there are. Blue shows me around and then we start to make stuff. Just me and Blue, working together, two parts parts of heart. It felt so.....natural. I cant believe I got back to Blue. My Blue. No one will ever change that.

"GUYS!" Shade screams, bursting in. Me and Blue both turn to him. He's practically glowing, with pride and hope.

"We have coordinates. We know where the others are."

Lolbit's POV (:3)

"Ugh, my head......" I trail off, blinking so my eyes will adjust to the light. Im in some sort of cage, and we're bobbing up and down, so I assume im in a car. 

"Oh my god, Lolbit you're ok!" Mangle cries, throwing her arms around me. I hug back. I get a good look at everyone. TC and TB and clutching each other, TC with a big cut down her arm and tear-streaked face, and TB with a mix of fresh and dried blood in patches all over his fur. Bonnie is bleeding from a wound on the top of his head, and has a burn across his chest. Chica is pressing a damp cloth against his burn, and I see whip marks up and down her arms. Mangle has a giant cut on her ear, and its bleeding profusely. She also has a burn on her thigh, and several whip marks on her back. Foxy has it the worst. He still has the same cut from the day we got kidnapped, and I think Nightmare reopened it. There are so many whip marks on Foxy's back, and several burns on his chest. He has to many clean cuts, meaning they were from Nightmare's claws. His fur went from a dark red to a bloody color because of all of his wounds. Yet he still has that same hopeful and we'll-be-ok look. I gently push mangle back to Foxy, and they go into a side hug, with Mangle leaning her head on Foxy shoulder. 

"So....what happened?" I ask. Foxy sighs.

"Well, first we heard low, hushed voices. Then yelling. We could hear them because of how loud they were. Springtrap had some how escaped, which caused panic. Then gunshots were heard. Guards were saying they were here for the captives. Our friends had come to save us. But they never got to us. Nightmare used his power and created a gaping hole in the door, but we were still stuck in the cages. More of the Delenters came in, and chained us up and dragged us to the van." He finishes, and everything comes flooding back. How I had struggled and fought back, ending up with a needle in my neck.  the van suddenly stopped, and the doors were flung open. a man with a cruel smile stood there, looking at us gleefully.

"Welcome to the Slave Sale. Say goodbye, because you'll never see each other again."

Im soooooo sorry I haven't updated in a while, I have musical and soccer and school, but I should have more time soon. Im not giving up on this book, dont worry. Hope you enjoyed, S-L-A-M that star and comment below! Love you all, hope you have a awesome day! Bye my Kitty-Kats!

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