Chapter 21-Take a Hint

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(Play the song when I say to)

Blue's POV

I was showing Bon and Kitty around the school with Vixen, because Mangle, Foxy, and Smoke were checking on Lolbit. 

"So, what do you guys like to do in your free time?" Vixen asks them, as we walk down the busy hallways.

"I like drinking root beer and reading." Bon shrugs. 

"I like to tie a rope to a random object, like a tree or a balcony, and swing on it while screaming "IM TARZAN" or "I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL!"" Kitty smiles as we all laugh. 

"Well, well, well. I wasn't expecting to see you here, hot stuff~" a voice muses, and I freeze in my track. It can't be....

"Why, hello Vixen. I didn't know you missed our..sensations~" a wolf with torn fur licks his lips and Vixen growled.

"Fuck off, Twisted." She snapped, and Twisted just laughed.

"Are you deaf, Blue? I was talking to you, you sweet piece of-"

"Get the hell out of my face, Alpha, or you'll get a broom up your ass." I snarled, glaring at him. He smirked at me. 

"What? Can't handle all of my sexiness?I can't wait to get to fu-" He stops mid-sentence because Bon smacked him in the face with a book.

"Wow, I've never seen this before! Idiots in the wild, away from their habits! I need to get this on camera!!!" Bon retorts, and I can't help but laugh.

"Hey Kitty, hit it." Shes says, and this upbeat music starts to play

(Play song)

Bon and Kitty-La La La La La La 

La La La La La 

La La La La La La

La La La La La

 Blue-Why am I always hit on by the boys I never like?

I can always see 'em coming

From the left and from the right

Vixen-I don't wanna be a priss

I'm just tryna be polite

But it always seems to bite me in the-

Blue-Asked me for my number

Yeah, you put me on the spot

You think that we should hook up

But I think that we should not

Vixen-You had me at hello then you opened up your mouth

And that is when it started going south 

Bon and Kitty-Oh!

Blue and Vixen-Get your hands off my hips

'Fore I punch you in the lips

Stop your staring at my—hey!

Take a hint, take a hint

No, you can't buy me a drink

Let me tell you what I think

I think you could use a mint

Take a hint, take a hint

T-take a hint, take a hint

Blue-I guess you still don't get it

So let's take it from the top

You asked me what my sign is

And I told you it was stop

Vixen-And if I had a dime

For every name that you just dropped

You'd be here, and I'd be on a yacht 

Bon and Kitty-Oh!

Blue and Vixen-Get your hands off my hips

'Fore I punch you in the lips

Stop your staring at my—hey!

Take a hint, take a hint

No, you can't buy me a drink

Let me tell you what I think

I think you could use a mint

Take a hint, take a hint

T-take a hint, take a hint

Blue-What about no don't you get?

So go and tell your friends

I'm not really interested

Vixen-It's about time that you're leaving

I'm gonna count to three, and

Open my eyes and you'll be gone


Blue-Get your hands off my-


Vixen-Or I'll punch you in the-


Blue-Stop your staring at my—


Vixen-Take a hint, take a hint

Blue and Vixen-I am not your missing link

Let me tell you what I think

I think you could use a mint

Take a hint, take a hint

Take a hint, take a hint

Kitty and Bon-Woah

Blue and Vixen-Get your hands off my hips

'Fore I punch you in the lips

Stop your staring at my—hey!

Take a hint, take a hint

T-take a hint, take a hint

The boys look at us, with a mix of confusion and fear. Vixen walks up to them. 

"That means we're taken, so fuck. Off." She growls, and they run. We all high-five, laughing, and race off feeling amazing.

Hope you liked it! Yes, I dedicated it To Vixen because shes a special person!! Please comment below what you thought of the song and recommend some for future chapters! Now, to the next chappie!! Bye!

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