Chapter 6-Discovery

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Foxy POV

I cant think straight. Im trying so hard to get over it. Every time I think have, I see them again. Every. Single. Time. TF makes sure to brag and gloat in my face every chance he gets. 

"Hm, looks like Fangle is over. Besides, Toy Frangle is way better" "Oof, looks like Foxy was to ugly for Mangle. She just couldn't resist me!" "Exactly like what i told you, Fox. I always win, and anyone who tries to stop that loses." Are some of his favorites. The weird thing is that Mangle never gets in  any of the teasing. Or the laughing. And she never kisses, hold hands, or even hugs TF. Every time he tries, she shots him a glare. But every time she tries to talk to me, TF stops her by interrupting her or making some kid of noise. Its strange. I feel a weird sensation at on my elbows, so I turn around. I see no one stopping for me, but I swore i just saw Mari zoom off.

"Hey Foxy! Looks like your jacket has a tear in it!" A voice greets me. I turn to see Lolbit standing there, a smile on her face. i smile and look at where she's pointing. Sure enough, theres a tear on the crook of my elbow.

"darn, i really liked this jacket." I sigh.

"I could fix it for you! Here, let me see it." She replies, holding her paws out. I slip the jacket off and give it to her. 

"I'll give it to you tomorrow." She promises.

"Uh, Thanks Lob." I say, but she ran off in a different direction. i dont think any of this until I realize Lolbit doesn't sew. She tried, and absolutely  hated it. What is she really doing with my jacket?

Lolbit's POV

"MARI! PUPPET, WAIT!" I cry, chasing after them. I saw them pull something out of this jacket, but Puppet didn't have time to resew the tear, so it a perfect excuse to get Foxy's Jacket. Mari whirls around, and I hold up the jacket. She stops. I catch up to her.

"H-How did you get that?!" She exclaims. I smile

"Your brother didn't resew that tear, so I said i could "fix it"" I respond. "So, tell me why Mangle had to separate with Foxy over this?" Mari nods, then leads me to a weird room. Inside is Puppet, and two pitch-black animals.

"Shade and Shadow, this Lolbit. She's a friend of Foxy and helped get Vesta back." Mari introduces me. I wave, then sit down as Mari tells me everything. Shade and Shadow as prisoners, the tasers, and the gang. I sit in silence, fuming. Oh my God, i knew Nightmare was dangerous, but I didn't know he was capable of this!

"And thats when you found me!" Mari finishes up. I blink.

"Well, what are we waiting for?! Lets get that last taser out!!" I exclaim, seeting the Jacket on the table. Then we get to work

Nightmare's POV

"So, hows Toy Frangle going?" I smirk at TF's uncomfortable stance. I can freak anyone out, even my own cousin.

"Horribly. Mangle hates me, and somehow Lolbit knows about the Jacket." TF snaps. "This part of your amazing plan?!"

"One thing you need to learn." I say, leaning back. "Always have a plan B

Foxy's POV

I followed Lolbit to the secret lair and heard everything. That Jacket could kill me?! Im going to kill Nightmare and Toy Freddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"And....out! Its out!" Shade cries. Lolbit and Mari cheer.

"Good, that means we can get started." I say, stepping out of the shadows. Puppet throws a fireball at me, and I barely dodge it.

"Oops, sorry Foxy. I thought you were one of the Fazfucks." Puppet chuckles. I smile. 

"I'll forgive you if you help me. All of you." I respond.

"Help with what? Foxy, what are you going to do?!" Lolbit exclaims. I smirk

"Get my girlfriend back."

IM SO SORRY!! i got in trouble, so my phone got taken away, so I couldn't do Wattpad!! :( But now im back!!!! :) Hope you enjoyed this chappie, and make sure to SMASH that star!!!! Comment below what you think!! Bye!

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