Chapter 9-The Kidnapped and The Planners

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Blue's POV (:3)

"If you think for one second Im going to stand around and let the police handle this, you've gone bat-shit crazy!"I yell, slamming my hands on the table.

"Blue, calm down. It was a reasonable suggestion!" Shadow exclaims.

"Reasonable, my ass. My boyfriend was one who was kidnapped, and it'll take the police weeks, maybe years to find them! I dont know about the rest of you, but I am going to fight back for my Boyfriend and Friends! Im doing with or without you." I snap, crossing my arms.

"Im with Blue on this one. My sister is kidnapped, and Im not letting some idiots in blue ass-hats find her." Smoke agrees. (Ps-Not trying to offend Police, jut in this story the Police aren't that good,sorry if I offended anyone!)

"But we could get killed! If we got the Police-" Shadow starts.

"Puppet and Mari risked there lives for you and your brother, and you want to just leave them there?!" Frost exclaims, throwing his hands in the air. (Yes, Puppet and Mari were also kidnapped.) Shadow goes silent, thinking it over.

"We all listening now? Good, I have a plan." Smoke rubs his hands together. "And it involves guns and gasoline..."

Foxy's POV

I wake up with a roaring headache. i try to move, but realize Im tied up. Great. I look around to see that Im in a gym-lie room. Then I notice shapes in the dark. I squint to see Mangle next to me, tied up and passed out. Springtrap is on my other side, also out. Everything comes back as I realize what happened. What happened to the others? Vixen, Blue, Ash, Smoke, Ally, and Dark? We need to get out as soon as possible. I struggle against the restraints, trying to break free.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, fox." a voice snarls. I look up to see a piercing red eye staring at me. 

"Nightmare" I growl. Nightmare steps out and and smirks.

"Looks like the "heroes" are all tied up. What are you gonna do?" Nightmare laughs, showing of his razor-sharp teeth.

"I swear to God Nightmare, If you hurt anyone here-"

"How do you think Zagan found out about you?" That stops me cold How could he possibly know about Zagan?!

"From Vesta." I say, glaring.

"Oh, no no no! I thought you were smarter! Zagan knew about you because..." His smirk grows

"I was the one who hired him."

Smoke's POV

"Hello, how may I help you today?" A cheery robin asks me. Me, Ash, Blue, and Vixen are at Ace Hardware.

"Yea, i can please get your strongest gasoline? Also, where are the hammers and mallets?" I ask, putting a smile on. The robin blinks, then tells me the strongest gasoline and where the items are. Blue and Vixen go to pick the weapons out, and Ash and I go to the gasoline. I grab 3 things of Amoco, 3 things of Gulf, and 3 things of Esso. (Might not be real, I just looked these up on the internet.) Ash grabs some matches, some rope, and bolt cutters. We meet up with Blue and Vixen. Blue has a huge-ass mallet that is as thick as her head, some hammers, and some wooden planks. Vixen grabbed some flashlights, some nails, and some tar. We walk up to the checkout counter and the robins eyes nearly bulge out of her head.

"We're building a new house, and picking up stuff our neighbors need!" I say, smiling. She breathes a sigh of relief and scans everything. 

"That'll be 154.96." she chirps. Ash hands her a 200 and tells her to keep the change. We walk out and rive back to Shade and Shadows house. We drop the stuff off and get to work.

Springtrap POV

I wake up to a anguished cry. I look around to see Nightmare standing in front of Foxy, who has blood seeping down the side of his face.

"Call me that again, and maybe you'll need that eye patch." Nightmare growls. Foxy snarls. Nightmare smacks him across the face, making him yip.

"Did that hurt? Is little Foxy gonna cry? Pathetic!" Nightmare kicks Foxy square in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. I've had enough.

"Hey, Daydream!" i yell. Nightmare  stiffens and slowly turns around.

"What. the. Hell. Did. You. Just. Call. Me?" He growls, walking towards me.

"Daydream, because your such a coward, you fight people who cant fight back." I snap. Nightmare eyes widen in fury. I see his claws slide out.

"Also, your lazy! You make your siblings do you're work!  You bully and hurt people because it makes you feel good! You are a jealous, selfish prick!" I shout. Nightmare swings his claws at me. I duck my head, his claws missing my face by inches. I smirk.

"You cant even hit a person a foot in front of you." I say. My confidence turns to dread when I see Nightmare's smirk. 

"Who said I missed?" he asks, pointing up. I look up and blood drips into my eye. My eyes widen and I quickly lower my ears. My right one is fine and whole, while my left one is split in half. I look behind me to see the other piece of my ear on the ground, and fear seeps through my body. Oh God, what have I gotten my self into?

BLUE DONT KILL ME PLEEEEEEASE!! I just needed a bad-ass way for Springy to lose the ear. Anyway, please SLAM that star, and comment below! Love you all, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

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