Chapter 18-Shock

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Mangle's POV

I drop to my knees, tears streaming down my face. I pick up Lolbit's limp body and pull it closer to me. No. N-Not Lolbit. P-P-Please........I don't know how long I was there. I sobbed until my eyes were raw, till my chest heaved and hurt to breathe. Lolbit's breathing was so faint, and that was the only thing keeping me from exploding.

"Mangle! We won! We scared them off! Mangle!" Foxy cries, running over. (He woke up go with it) "Mangle?..." Foxy trails off when he sees Lolbit. 

"N-Nightmare.....H-he d-d-did this.." I sob. Foxy expression is pure shock, mixed with anger and sadness.

"CALL AN AMBULANCE!" He yells at the others, and crouches down by me. He pulls m,e close and I sob into his chest.

 Foxy's POV

I never knew I could feel this much pain. Lolbit was lying in front of me, and I don't know if she was alive. Why cant we ever just have one single damn victory with no sadness?! Why cant we ever win?!


Not Lolbit, n-no please 


Oh my god. Nightmare will never be satisfied, will he?! He just needs more death, until everyone is gone 

Bonnie's POV

No! No! No! Not Lolbit, not her! Please, God why do you do this?!

Chica's POV

This is to much, even foe Nightmare. H-He's a monster

Springtrap's POV

Oh my god. No. S-She can't be dead, can she?

Blue's POV

Not Lolbit. Please not Lolbit

Vixen's POV

No. No. No. No. She was one of my best friends, please....

Dark's POV

This is to much. First the kidnapping, and now Lolbit might be dead?!

Ash's POV

Oh no. Not Lolbit. Oh no, Smoke i'm so sorry

Midnight's POV

Everything was so much fun until Nightmare had to ruin it all

Nightlight's POV

No! Not my cat twin!

Iku's POV

Oh god no. You're kidding me?! Fuck you, Nightmare. I can't wait until your dead and in hell

Ally's POV

No, please no. T-This is scaring me, no!

Dogwoman's POV

Oh no. They made this far. Oh god....

Marvel's POV

Oh shit. No power could heal her now

Smoke's POV

No. N-Not my sister, please no! Please! Let her be ok, she's all I have left, PLEASE! PLEASE DONT LET HER DIE PLEASE

Lolbit's POV

Pain, and peaceful darkness. Resist it! I m-must get back to everyone, p-please I cant live without them..........

Im so sorry. Im so, so, sorry. Please God, give me a second chance, please....

Don't kill me. Please!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter (doubt it) and wont bombard me with WHY AUTHOR WHY (also doubt it), Im just sorry, but this will help the plot move on, trust me. S-L-A-M that star and see y'all in the next chapter! Buh-bye!

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