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?????????????? POV

"Starlight! Come on, we finally get to leave!" I call, skipping down the old hospital hallway I had grown so used to.

"I'm coming, call your tush down! Geez." Starlight laughs, linking her arm through mine, Starlight and I finally got released from this hospital, and we've been here for half a year! I have so many books to read!

"So, where are we gonna go? Pretty sure you don't own a house..." Starlight asks.

"Oh, I have some lovebird friends we'll go visit. They should be able to help us."

"Cool! What are their names?" 

"Foxy and Mangle!" 

Sorry for no author's notes on the other chapters, but yes this is the end of the second fangle book. I finally completed it! :D

Now, as you can tell, a third one is under the works! The book will take place once they've finished college, so they might look different!

Also, I' m going to have a contest! I need a name for the third book, so please comment names down in the comments.

Anywho, thank you all for your countless support, I love you all. See you in the next book my kit-kats!

Foxy x Mangle-Fight for Love(Fangle Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now