Chapter 1: Nightmares

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Just a quick author's note. A few plot points will be taken from an rp I do with one of my best online friends, -Detective_RK800- , so please go follow them. Seriously, I owe a huge thanks to this person for helping me create some great ideas for this story. Without further ado, enjoy!

David's Pov

Everything was dark and silent.
I couldn't see anything and I couldn't hear anything besides my own fearful breathing. My heart was pounding against my chest as I realized I was moving. It wasn't a natural movement. My body swayed slightly as I was carried by my bound wrists and ankles.

"What's happening..?! W-Where am I?!" I cried out. No one answered. I was suddenly laid down on some sort of stony surface. I could hear whispers around me, chanting something, eyes seeming to look at me with burning stares through the blindfold. The blindfold then was suddenly ripped off my face and I could take in my terrifying surroundings.

All circled around me were tons of people in pure white robes and the hoods prevented me to see their faces. Stone walls enclosed the small room and the only light was from candles spread all around. Looking down, I saw I was lying down in what looked like an upside down pentagram. My head rested at the top point and my limbs were forcefully chained to the remaining points. My fear climbed higher and higher if it was possible and I began to struggle against my bindings.

"Help!! Please, someone!! Anyone!! Help!" I screamed. One of the hooded figures walked towards me and loomed over me.

"Don't fret now David," they said. The person, who sounded male, leaned down and forcefully tied a gag around my mouth and head. "You will serve as a great sacrifice for this world. Your pain and suffering will be others' happiness. You will help everyone reach ascension."

I sat there helplessly and just fearfully stared at the figure in front of me. The person started to laugh insanely while rejoining the group as they all started to chant louder. The volume collectively grew in the room and the candles flickered before blowing out completely. The group continued to grow louder and louder to the point that they were all shouting. The pentagram I was chained against began to glow a deep purple around me.

Before I even had time to know what was happening, a searing pain began to run through me. I screamed my lungs out into the gag and tears quickly filled my eyes as it felt like my body was lit on fire with the white-hot pain. I desperately squirmed and pulled on my bindings, trying to escape the pain in any way possible while my vision began to fade to black . . .

"David!" Gwen exclaimed angrily above me. I gasped and bolted straight up in my bed, looking around the cabin. It was just another nightmare. I quickly got my breathing and my heart rate back to normal and grinned at Gwen.

"Good morning Gwen!" I said, giving an official Camp Campbell solute. Gwen just rolled her eyes.

"Just get up and meet me in the activities field. I've already taken care of breakfast."

I nodded and she left the cabin. Just like that, I went on with the day, forgetting about the reoccurring nightmare. I quickly got dressed in my normal attire, tying my bandanna into place and brushing my teeth before leaving the cabin. As she had said, Gwen was waiting for me with the campers in the activities field for the morning activities. Today might not have had the greatest start but it's going to be fantastic!

Max's Pov

I stood at the back of the group with Nikki and Neil as David finally made his way over. Even though I had already had my fill of coffee for the morning, I was still pretty damn tired. Needless to say, I was a bit more agitated than usual and I was looking for something interesting or at least something that would wake me up a little more. Cue camp man. Though he seemed as annoyingly cheerful as ever, something was off. He didn't seem quite like his normal, druggie level happy self. This was definitely bound to go somewhere.

I began forming a plan to find out why he was off. Should I steal his phone? Nah, too easy. Plus it won't really have anything good dirt wise. Do a few pranks to break him? Maybe but that's an everyday thing. I guess I'll just keep a close eye until the perfect moment where I can sneak into the counselor's cabin. There's bound to be something David's hiding in there!

I smirked and looked to Nikki. She'd be perfect. She could cause a major distraction and then I can sneak away. Neil could provide some cover for me too if David or Gwen gets suspicious, he's smart enough to come up with something believable. I nodded to myself, satisfied with my plan, and began to go through the day observing David.

For the most part, he acted normal all morning and afternoon. He had a shit ton of energy, helped Gwen run all of the stupid fucking activities, and was just being boring as hell with his usual self. The only thing that kept me observing him was that he constantly seemed worried about something, always glancing around in a slightly nervous way and hiding anxiety behind his overly happy demeanor. The day was going to end soon so I had to make my move. I turned to Nikki.

"Hey, I need you to cause a distraction," I whispered to her. She grinned and nodded excitedly.

"I'm on it!"

David and Gwen tried to start the last activity for the day, but the full wrath of Nikki came into action. She made a bunch of chirps and squeaks before a whole fucking squirrel army AND the platypus came rushing out of the woods towards the group. I began to make my escape to the counselor's cabin while panic and chaos ensued in the activities field. Let's go find David's dirty little secret.

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