Chapter 11: Revealing

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David's Pov
All of the kids huddled behind me as the all too familiar man in white came closer. He shouldn't be here. We locked him in the bomb shelter! Daniel just stepped closer and closer, jagged knife in hand.

"Campers! Get to the mess hall now!" I yelled. No one hesitated before scrambling off hurriedly. Gwen and the Quartermaster were already in the mess hall so they could keep the kids safe while I hold off Daniel.

"Poor, poor, Davey," Daniel said. "You work so hard to protect your campers. How would you feel if I just went over there right now and hurt little Max?" He motioned to the campers hovering in the windows of the mess hall and then to Max as he spoke.

"Oh wait! You already did that, didn't you?!" He continued. I growled lowly in my throat as he chuckled darkly. The fact he had a cool, calm manner made him even more intimidating.

"You have no idea what you're talking about Daniel," I said. Daniel gave me a glare but kept a smirk on his face.

"Oh, I think I do, David. I know a lot more than you think. For example, this knife is lined with pure silver. I brought it special for this occasion."

I widened my eyes. How would he know about silver? Daniel then pulled out a book with an upside-down pentagram on the cover. I instantly thought back to my dream but kept focused on the problem at hand.

"You see, I know what you are David, and I know you got Max-y too. I saw what you did. I will give you credit though, you are one heck of a fighter."

Daniel opened the book and began to read from it. For a moment I was confused until the ache started in my chest. The ache quickly spread as it turned into pain and I was forced onto my knees, wrapping my arms around my torso tightly. He was forcing me to transform. I glanced over to the mess hall where all of the campers were watching me with fear and worry. My senses rapidly heightened and I could then hear all of their concerned and scared voices talking to one another.

I continued to fight back against whatever was causing my transformation. It was starting to put a strain but I couldn't let the campers see. I looked back to Daniel.

"Y-You can't do this..!" I croaked. Daniel laughed softly.

"Don't you understand, David? You're just a wolf for me to control. A dog on a leash. A tool for ascension."

Wait a minute. That sounded way too familiar for comfort. It was similar to what the guy always said in my nightmare. The dream flooded back to me immediately and now I could see Daniel's face behind the hood of the white robe. I glared at him.

"You did this to me..?" I asked shakily. I was still using all my effort not to transform but it was becoming harder and harder to not let it happen. Daniel just smiled devilishly.

"That nightmare you keep having is only but a memory. That curse years ago turned you into what you are and now we can use you to help others ascend. Starting with your campers. I failed the first two times but you know what they say, third times a charm! I've already taken care of Max thanks to you."

Was he meaning to say that...this whole time the wolf I've been fighting for four years was Daniel..? He was what caused Max to be bitten..?! I growled in my throat and looked back at the campers for a moment. I couldn't let them see...but I wasn't going to let Daniel use me to hurt them. He's already tried killing them twice before and I'm not going to let some curse blind me from his actions again. I can't let my campers get hurt, no matter the cost. Even if it'll kill me at some point.

I let out a loud scream and let myself transform. Surprised gasps and confused exclamations came from the mess hall while I kept a deadly gaze at Daniel.

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