Chapter 2: Caught

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Max's Pov
I snuck into the counselor's cabin without anyone noticing me and began my search. After three fucking hours, I still couldn't find any dirt on David! It's ridiculous how boring this man is. The only thing I could find that was slightly interesting was David having a reoccurring nightmare. Even then it was boring as hell because he didn't describe it at all in the diary. What put him off this morning?!

I suddenly heard footsteps and voices coming towards the cabin. My eyes widened and I looked to the window. The sun was starting to go down and an exhausted-looking David and Gwen walked toward the counselor's cabin.

"Shit!" I exclaimed. Quickly, I ran to one of the back windows and opened it. I climbed through and shut the window as David and Gwen reached the door. The two walked in while I began to slowly crawl away beneath the sight line of the windows. From outside I could hear bits of their conversation but I didn't really care. I just had to get away without being caught.

"You're lucky as hell that we got everything under control and the campers to bed in time." Gwen groaned.

"Please don't remind me. I just want to get this over with until next month." I heard David sigh. Wait, what the hell? I stopped crawling and peaked into the cabin. Gwen and David were each sitting on their own beds. David was resting his forehead against his fist, which was propped up by his elbow on his knee while Gwen had her arms crossed over her chest.

"Yeah, but that still doesn't change the fact that something bad could've happened if we didn't get you back here before the sun completely set," she said. David nodded. I was now interested in whatever was going on. This was bound to go somewhere, and by the looks of it, get me some dirt on the overly cheerful counselor. Finding out David's dirty little secret? Hell yes.

"I know...I'd never forgive myself if one of the campers got hurt because of me..." he responded.

Gwen's face softened and she walked over to David, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, it's not like it's your fault if something were to happen. You know it's almost completely out of your hands, " she said. This was getting more and more intriguing to me by the second, but at the same time confusing. What the hell is David hiding that could hurt us? Is he being hunted down? Blackmailed? Threatened? But that doesn't make sense for David of all people. I guess I just had to keep watching and listening in.

David suddenly stood up and walked over to the desk in the room. I furrowed my brow in confusion and watched as he came back to his bed with a stress ball. He started to quickly grip and let go of the ball repeatedly, resting his head on his other fist again. Gwen was looking at David with concern.

"Is it starting up," she asked. David nodded and Gwen got up from the bed. She walked over to the desk and grabbed a box of matches. She struck one after taking it out of the box and began to light several candles that were placed around the room. Now I was extremely confused as to what the hell was happening. The was tons of light in the room so there wasn't a need for the candles even with the growing darkness outside. Are they in a fucking cult and they're performing some weird ass ritual? But that's not right...David wouldn't—can't be...!

"Gwen, did you get different scented candles this time," David asked suddenly, grabbing my attention back as he lifted his head up to look at Gwen. She shook her head and looked back at David, shaking out the match and throwing it away.

"No, they're the strawberry ones as always. You said they were the strongest smelling ones so I keep getting them," she responded. David closed his eyes, seeming to concentrate the apparent irregular smell.

"Then why do I smell...honey and...rain," he asked. Gwen shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know..." she answered. David stood up from his bed and began to walk towards the window I was watching from. I widened my eyes and quickly ducked beneath the edge of the window, pressing myself as close as I could to the wooden wall while my heart pounded. Please tell me he didn't see me, please tell me he didn't see me, pleasetellmehedidn'tseeme!!! I was already too late though. The window above me slid open and I could see David's shadow cast over me from the light of the cabin.

"Max," he exclaimed in surprise. Fuck. David glanced nervously to the horizon before looking back down at me. He sighed in frustration though fear laced his voice when he spoke. "Look, I don't have the time to explain. Just get inside the cabin, now!" he said. I glared, rolled my eyes and stood up.

"Whatever," I grumbled. I did as David told me and walked around to the cabin door before going inside. Gwen looked at me with her eyebrows furrowed in confusion while David closed the window.

"Max, what the hell are you doing here," she asked.

"He was outside the cabin listening in on us," David sighed. Gwen widened her eyes and glared at David.

"And you brought him inside the cabin?! David what the hell were you thinking," she yelled. David sat down on his bed.

"Gwen there's no time to do anything else about it," he responded. "The sun's already gone down and it's already started." Gwen shook her head and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Goddammit, you're right..." she sighed angrily.

"Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on here," I shouted. I was getting increasingly frustrated with confusion and I was starting to reach my limit. Both of the counselors looked at me. As always, David gave me a slight glare and lightly scolded me.

"Language Max," he said. I rolled my eyes and so did Gwen.

"That's not the thing to be focusing on here David," she groaned. David looked to Gwen and nodded.

"R-Right," he stammered nervously.

"Again, someone tell me what the fuck is going on," I said. Gwen looked down at me and rubbed the back of her neck, looking nervous.

"Look, there's really no easy way to explain it..." she answered. David nodded in agreement while it turned pitch black outside. "But you just got yourself into some deep trouble, Max. Even just telling you about it right now is super dangerous." I didn't really show it, but that made me super nervous and uneasy. Gwen continued, "So, I guess you have to just have to watch. You have to stay behind me though, in case anything happens, ok?" I nodded and didn't say anything else. This was actually getting kind of creepy now.

All of a sudden, David dropped his stress ball and began to shake. Gwen pushed me behind her and stood in front of me defensively. I peaked my head around Gwen's leg to watch what was going on.

"Stay behind me, Max," she warned. I nodded and looked back to David who had curled in on himself, laying on his side on his bed. His eyes were clenched shut in pain, he had his teeth bared, and beads of sweat formed on his forehead. What the hell was happening to him...?!

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