Chapter 6: Explanations

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David's Pov
Gwen and I stayed quiet for a while after that. Dawn began to slowly approach and I sighed softly. I jumped off of my bed and gently stretched out my body. Gwen looked over to me and raised her eyebrow.

"Is it time already?" she asked. I nodded and Gwen nodded back. She got up from her bed and walked over to the corner of the room in front of my bed. She then grabbed the clothes I had set aside before I transformed for the night. We walked over to the bathroom that was connected to the cabin, the sky outside brightening slightly. Gwen put down the pile of clothes close to the door and I went inside. Gwen gently shut the door to the bathroom to give me some privacy.

"See you in a few minutes David. Then we can properly talk about this," she said from the other side of the door. I then heard her footsteps walk away and I was left there to quietly wait for sunrise. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, it didn't take very long for the sun to come. The all too familiar ache started in my chest before spreading over my entire body and I began to change back. Transforming back at sunrise was definitely less painful than transforming at sunset but it still hurt a lot.

After a while, all of my changes had reversed and I was back to my human self again. I took a moment to lie there and catch my breath and get my heart rate under control since transformations always took a lot out of me. Once I did though, I sighed softly and stood up, grabbing my pile of clothes from the floor. I quickly got dressed and then walked over to the sink to brush my teeth to get rid of the nasty coppery taste in my mouth. I didn't even want to think about why it was there, knowing very well what it was from and I hated it.

I quickly spit out the foamy paste and rinsed my mouth. I sighed softly and walked out of the bathroom. Gwen was casually sitting at the desk, reading one of her books and Max was still asleep in my bed. Gwen looked over the top of the book and put it down on the wooden desktop.

"So," she said, "What's going to happen to him?" She gestured her head towards Max. I sighed softly and sat on the edge of my bed, being careful of Max.

"For the most part he's going to be...adjusting," I said. Gwen raised an eyebrow at me.


I nodded and continued.

"Physically and mentally. As the venom sets in, his body is going to have to adapt to it, and getting the news you're a werewolf isn't exactly easy information to take in..."

"How bad is it going to be..?" Gwen asked.

"It's definitely going to be rough," I sighed softly. "Not only does he have to go through all the pain from adjusting, but he'll have to go through a full moon tonight too."

"Jeez...It's going to be fucking brutal since the first one, isn't it?"

I nodded slowly and Gwen frowned.

"I really screwed up this time Gwen...Max is only ten, he shouldn't have to go through this and it's my fault he does..!"

Gwen widened her eyes at my sudden outburst.

"David calm down, it wasn't your fault. It wasn't you who did it and you said it yourself, you have some bad nights and last night just happened to be one of them," she said.

"But it's been four years Gwen," I sighed. "I should have a better handle on this. This should have never happened in the first place."

Gwen stood up and walked over to my side of the room, gently putting a hand on my shoulder.

"No one expects you to be perfect...especially when it comes to something like this. Don't beat yourself up too much, because what happened is in the past and it doesn't matter right now."

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