Chapter 17: My Home

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Max's Pov
"Those motherfuckers!"

I walked away from my bedroom wall and flopped back first onto my bed with a groan. Those two kept quiet on purpose so I wouldn't be able to hear them. I was ready to hear a verbal brawl between them but all I got were calm whispers! probably wouldn't have been any good anyways. Most likely some mushy romantic fight or over something petty like a debt. I sighed softly and tried to get my hearing to go back to normal, closing my eyes and trying to calm down some. Relaxing into my bed, I started to take some deep breaths and I could hear the noises of my surroundings start to dull down and eventually quiet down completely until all I could hear was the silent room and my breathing. Thank god that didn't take long. It was annoying listening to the hum of the house's inner workings while I was attempting to listen in on David. Plus the tea kettle that went off in the middle of all of it was the fucking worst. I had to cover my ears since it was so loud and painful.

I opened my eyes again only to immediately roll them at the recent memory. Figures that the one time I use the weird abilities, my ears almost bleed. It was almost like some sort of punishment for trying to listen in. Wait...was it? No. There's no way David would do something like that. Scold me, sure. He wouldn't purposely set off the tea kettle to punish me though. Oh well. I was too paranoid sometimes, even if he probably knew that I was trying to listen in. He knows me too well at this point to not expect me to be up to something. I turned my head to the side and glanced at the time, seeing that it was fairly late. After having my hearing amped up for so long, I was admittedly a little tired and it showed as I yawned softly. Might as well sleep. I sat up in my bed and lazily threw off my hoodie to be in some form of sleep clothes. I kicked the blanket back on my bed and laid down against my pillow, covering myself with the blanket and turning off the lamp. Silently laying down in the dark room in the warm bed, it didn't take me very long to drift off to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up fairly early but I could smell David cooking breakfast already downstairs so it wasn't too early in the morning. I sighed softly and got up from my bed, grabbing my hoodie from the ground and putting it on. Ugh, I needed coffee. I was feeling extremely groggy and sore all over. Did I sleep wrong or something? With an unpleasant start to the day, I walked out of my room and made my way towards the kitchen. What was weird is that I could hear David was chatting with someone. I raised an eyebrow in confusion and kept walking. At the breakfast bar sat the weird guy from last night. He seemed like he was in a much better condition than when he arrived. His hair wasn't as messy, he looked less pale, and he was obviously in a way better mood. What was he still doing here though?

I took a few seconds to quietly keep watching the stranger and David. David was doing most of the talking, the emo wannabe just nodding or quietly laughing in response while he looked at David weirdly. It was strange since David had the same look in his eye and both of their faces were...

Oh hell no! These two were into each other?!

It's not like I was against it because they're both men or anything. I may be a shitty person but I'm not that shitty. Seriously, what is wrong with people who think like that? It's just that it's my-I mean-it's David of all people. Yeah, that's it. I don't really trust David with some random guy especially since he's so naive and way too nice all the time. I had to find out what the fuck was going on.

I finally walked out of the hallway and over to the kitchen. David noticed me immediately, looking over and smiling at me while the small blush quickly faded from his cheeks.

"Good morning Max," he greeted as enthusiastically as ever. "Did you sleep well?"

I shrugged gently and sat down in the last chair to the right, one empty seat between the black-haired stranger and me. David nodded and handed me a plate of food that was a bit more full than usual. I waved the small change off and started to eat after I gave David a quiet thank you.

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