Chapter 16: Reconnect

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David's Pov
"Gwen?!" I gasped.

"David?!" she said, turning around to face me. I grinned excitedly and ran a hand through my hair.

"What are you doing here?! I thought I wasn't going to see you until next summer," I exclaimed. Gwen smiled back and rubbed the back of her neck, chuckling.

"Same here," she stated. "I was just applying for any job I could and turns out that duel major in psychology helped me enough to get a job as a school counselor."

I chuckled softly and nodded. "Glad to hear it!" I said. We talked for a while and caught up on some things. I made sure to give her some general advice about the school as well before I had to leave and go back to my classroom. I at least had to get my class lists before I left the school for the day. Turns out it didn't take very long and I put them into my bag. Right after, Max and I walked out of the school to see a dark grey sky that looked like it was about to rain. It was a good thing we left at the time we did as it started to storm while I drove the two of us home. When we arrived, the two of us rushed inside. Max went to his room and went to mine. I changed into comfier clothes and soon after fixed dinner for both of us. After we both finished eating, Max and I sat on the couch together.

Max's Pov
The storm outside got worse and louder later in the night so David brought out some blankets and decided it would be a good night for movie night. I couldn't say that it wasn't nice curling up in a blanket and watching some random movie. Sometime later though, there was a knock and both David and I looked to the front door. I got up and started to walk towards the door.

"I'll get it," I said. I strolled over to the door and opened it to see some random guy with black hair standing in front of me. He had the hood of his soaked jacket pulled over his head but I could still clearly see his tired and nervous face. The man had his arms crossed tightly across his chest and he was shaking slightly, probably being cold from the pouring rain.

"Hey, sorry to bother you, kid, David Greenwood here..?" He asked. I raised an eyebrow questioningly. David? Why would he want David? I shrugged it off as David walked from the living room after hearing his name.

"I'm David," he replied as he came over. He didn't even notice the person yet because the hood covered his face from a distance but David froze as soon as he was beside me. His eyes widened and he paled slightly when he looked at the stranger's face.

"Jay..? What are you doing here..?"

The person, apparently named Jay, sighed softly and looked at David almost pleadingly.

"Look, I just really need to talk to you...Can I come in?" He asked. David nodded.

"Of course. It's raining cats and dogs out there and you're soaked."

Jay smiled slightly and walked inside as David and I moved aside to let him in.

"Thanks, David."

"No problem. Just make yourself at home."

Jay nodded and cautiously sat down on the couch, pulling the hood of his jacket off of his head. David looked at me as he closed the door. He sighed softly and gave a very slight smile.

"Sorry Max, but do you mind going to your room for a bit?"

I shrugged my shoulders, silently saying I didn't really care. This was starting to get interesting but I didn't want to push too far. Especially since it looked like David wasn't as happy-go-lucky as he usually was. It was clear he and Jay had some personal history with each other but this seemed serious. So, I didn't argue and walked to my room. Besides, if I really wanted to I could try to heighten my hearing to listen in on whatever they were talking about. I may not be perfect with controlling my abilities yet but it would do the job if I wanted it to.

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