Chapter 7: Rethinking

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Max's Pov
David left the bathroom and was left to think over everything. I looked over at the scar from the bite and sighed softly. I wanted to think David's probably just doing this because he was technically the one who bit me, but in reality, he actually really cared and wanted to help me through this. Admittedly, I needed the help too. This whole thing was terrifying and I don't know how to handle it. But why the fuck does he care so much? My parents sure as hell wouldn't.

Oh god, my parents...I sank into the cold water a little at the thought of them. What would happen if they ever found out about this? Would they think I'm a monster and throw me out of the house for good this time? I shook my head, not wanting to think about it. In fact, I really didn't want to go home at all. Not after parent's day and seeing how happy and loving everyone's families were compared to mine. I looked over the cuts and bruises from home. Sure they were old, and definitely even more so with my apparent healing powers, but they carried a different kind of sting with them. Maybe if I was lucky, my parents would leave me here and never come back so I don't have to face more of them. At least I kinda hope they do...

I gently shook my head, clearing my thoughts. Right now I just had to worry about werewolf stuff. Speaking of which, I was starting to feel worse. I groaned softly and got out of the cold bath. I gently wrapped a towel around me and then walked out of the bathroom. David was sitting at the desk doing some, no doubt boring, paperwork. He looked up at me as I walked out and gave a small smile.

"How you feeling kiddo?" He asked. I gently rubbed my eyes.

"I feel like absolute shit," I answered tiredly. David nodded.

"Unfortunately that's normal but it'll come and go."


"Well, while you were in the bathroom, I did go get you a spare set of clothes."

David motioned to a neatly folded stack of my clothes, even including one of my spare hoodies. I smiled a little.

"Thanks," I said.

"It's no problem, Max," David responded. He then went back to the paperwork and I grabbed my clothes. I went back to the bathroom and quickly changed before coming out again and sitting on David's bed. My body started to ache more so I groaned and curled up, laying down on my side.

"Max? What's wrong?"

David had gotten up from the desk and walked over. He sat down beside me, looking at me with concern.

"The aching," I said, "It just got way worse..."

"Ok, where does it hurt the most?"

"My ears, my jaw, and the bottom of my back...What's happening to me..?"

David nodded and started to gently rub small circles on my back. For a split second, I wanted to flinch and move away from the touch on instinct, but it actually felt nice, comforting even. Plus it actually helped soothe a lot of the burning ache.

"Everything is ok. It's just your body adjusting and preparing itself so you'll be able to transform," David explained. I nodded and tried to relax. If this was just stuff happening first thing in the morning, I don't think I'll be able to last all day. Let alone tonight when I have to face the full moon.

"Why do those areas hurt so bad then?" I asked.

"It relates to major changes you'll have in a transformation. Like right now the pain in your jaw is for your teeth, your ears are for, well, your ears, and the lower back pain is coming from your tailbone. Which is where your tail will form."

I groaned softly.

"This sucks..."

David nodded and continued to rub my back.

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