Chapter 13: Confrontation

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Max's Pov
I smiled softly while I sniffled against David's shoulder and clung onto him. Everything else around me seemed to completely vanish like nothing else mattered at that moment. David was adopting me and I was finally happy..! After a while though, I let go, rubbed my eyes, and I was ready to continue the day. David smiled and took me back to the counselor's cabin. It turned out that he went into town the other day to get adoption papers, which we began to fill out together once we were there. We managed to get a lot of it done, at least what my parents didn't have to fill out before David checked the time and we left so he could start the afternoon activity he had planned.

Before I knew it, we had done the activity and the rest of the day seemed to fly by. One by one, parents began to show up and pick up their kids. First, it was Ered, then Dolph, Nurf, and Space Kid. Then it was Harrison, Nerris, and Preston and finally, only Nikki, Neil and I were left. Eventually, Nikki's mom was the first to show up for our group. Nikki smiled at us and gave us tearful hugs.

"We'll keep in touch, right?" she asked us. Neil and I both nodded.

"Of course we will Nikki," I answered. We had given each other emails and addresses so we could send each other emails and letters. Of course, I had David secretly help me rewrite my card for the address part. Nikki reluctantly let go of us and began to leave as her mom called for her.

"Nicolette, let's go!" She said. Nikki gave another wave goodbye and then left with her mom. Neil's mom was the next to show up, which surprised me. I had expected Neil's dad to be the one to pick him up. Neil explained that he lived with his mom during the school year and saw his dad on holidays and vacations to make things easier. He gave me a brief hug before he said goodbye.

"See you back at this shit hole next summer Max," he said. I chuckled softly and nodded. There was no question that I was going to come back. For one, David had to work here all summer and I also did want to come back even if it was just for Nikki and Neil. I was definitely coming back. A few moments later, Neil left with his mom and that just left me, the counselors, and the Quartermaster. David walked over to me and gently put a hand on my shoulder.

"Last one today, huh Max?" he asked. I slowly nodded my head in response.

"That's ok," David answered. "We can wait here until your parents show up."

I nodded again and quietly looked down the empty dirt road going into the camp. For a while, David did stand with me waiting until he had to go help Gwen and the Quartermaster close the camp for the year. With really nothing else to do, I decided to go help. All of my stuff was packed and all of the tents were already down so pretty much all that was left to do was to close the mess hall and clean up the counselor's cabin. It didn't take very long to get the job and pretty soon the Quartermaster left. Gwen was reluctant to go since my parents hadn't shown up yet but it started to get too late for her stay so she did too. Now it was hours after my parents were supposed to come to get me, the sun was setting, and it was just David and me there. David had his things packed into his car ready to go but just in case my parents would be a pain in the ass and refuse to let me go with David, I had my stuff next to me.

It shouldn't really be a big deal though. After all, they didn't really care. I sighed softly and tried to clear my thoughts a bit, only to fail. Instead, I started to get frustrated as it started to get darker outside. Of course, they were taking forever just to show up. All they were supposed to do was be here this afternoon to pick me up. Well, now they had to sign some adoption papers instead-but same idea. I suddenly noticed that tears had started to well in my eyes and I quickly forced them back. I hated crying, especially in front of other people. It made me feel weak and useless. I knew it was normal, healthy even, to cry sometimes but I refused to do it unless I couldn't stop it.

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