Chapter 8: Changing

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Max's Pov
As I hugged David back, I started to notice a lot of different smells around the room since my sense of smell had gotten stronger.

"Hey Max, I'm going to teach you something that'll help with your senses, ok?" David said. I nodded, trying not to be overwhelmed by all of this new stuff.

"I know that there are a lot of smells right now but I want you to focus on the ones that stick out the most."

I nodded again and did as David said. There was the strawberry smell, which I knew was coming from the candles, but there were two smells that stuck out that I didn't understand why they were there. One of them smelled like spicy cinnamon and the other smelled like pine trees and campfires.

"Besides the strawberry from the candles, you should be picking up Gwen and I's scents," David explained. "Every person has a different scent so they're unique to that person's personality. Gwen's is the cinnamon-like smell-"

"And yours is the fire and pine," I finished. David nodded in response. Now that I focused more on it, the smells did seem to be coming from the respective person. David's was the strongest since my head was pressed against his chest still.

David continued, "If you focus on a person's scent or a strong scent in general, it should help calm you down while your sense of smell gets stronger. The same goes for your other sense changes. You could focus on a sound or voice, or stare at an object until your vision adjusts."

I nodded and realized he was right. It had really helped to just listen to David's voice and only focus on the strawberry smell of the candles. Wait a second. If my hearing and smell already improved, that just left sight. I looked around and noticed that my vision was starting to go in and out of focus, getting blurry before clearing up again. It made me extremely dizzy so I followed David's advice and focused on the broken staff hanging up on the wall. I blinked hard while everything went blurry again. A few moments later, everything cleared again and I could see everything a hundred times better. Almost down to every single detail.

"Woah..." I mumbled quietly. I heard David chuckle softly above me.

"Neat, isn't it?" He asked. I wanted to lie and say that it wasn't but it was actually pretty cool. So much so it was almost overwhelming to have to the wolf-like senses. I slowly nodded my head.

"Yeah..." I said quietly. Unfortunately, I only had a couple of minutes to sort of enjoy the stronger senses as a new pain started up. A small ache began to grow in the middle of my chest, slowly spreading over me with an oozing-like feeling. I groaned softly and gripped my shirt in that spot. A headache started to form too, making my mind feel foggy and heavy. I couldn't think clearly and the aches were building into pains.

"W-What's ha-happening..?" I stuttered.

David answered, "It's alright Max. It's just your transformation starting. Just try to stay calm, take deep breaths, and most importantly, focus. The headache will get worse as the wolf tries to push through but if you focus enough you'll be fine."

I nodded and tried to do as he said. I took a few shaky breaths and tried to calm down.

"W-What do I focus on?" I asked.

"Anything that is important to you. Your friends, the things you love... Whatever helps you be yourself."

I nodded again. The pains had now spread all over my body, feeling like the burning pains I felt earlier. I bit my lip and gripped my jeans in my fists. I wasn't going to let the pain get to me so easy.

"I'm not going to lie to you Max," David said suddenly. "This is going to hurt a lot. It's probably going to be the worst pain you've ever felt...I just want to let you know I'm here for you if you need me and you can hold on as tight as you need to."

I nodded my head. I doubted I would need to do that but it was comforting that the offer was there. A few minutes passed and the pain was only getting worse. It was starting to hurt more in my hands and feet so I grit my teeth and looked down at my hands. My nails were starting to slowly grow out and point, eventually forming sharp black claws. I widened my eyes as I watched the change happen and I shook slightly with both pain and fear. Black fur then started to grow at my fingers and hands before crawling halfway up my arms.

Ok, I take back my earlier statement. The pain was starting to be too much and seeing the changes happening to me was terrifying. I quickly latched my arms tightly around David and buried my face into his chest, shutting my eyes tightly. I felt David then wrap his arms around me gently in return before rubbing comforting circles on my back. My teeth began to sharpen at the same time and I whined softly.

"David...I-I'm scared..." I admitted quietly. David groaned softly and I looked up at him quickly, getting a bit worried I said something wrong. While I was going through my own terrifying changes, I had forgotten that David also had to go through a transformation. He had just groaned because his teeth were growing out as mine had. Internally, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"I know Max," David finally replied. "Just hang in there for a while. It'll be over before you know it."

Nodding, I tried to stay calm. I took a few more shaky breaths while the pain concentrated to the sides of my face. I could feel my ears begin to stretch out and point. The change caused lots of little painful pops to ring through my ears. Next, more pops sounded as my hands and feet changed into paws. I tried not to focus on the transformation and instead just clung tighter onto David. At this point, he couldn't keep his arms wrapped around me or rub circles on my back since they were wolf-like so I was trying my best to keep holding on. I groaned softly and glanced to my legs while pain and pressure suddenly built up there.

All of a sudden, my legs snapped loudly, repositioning to fit the shape of a dog's. I screamed and tears welled up in my eyes before easily flowing down my face despite my eyes being shut from the intense pain. My headache was gone now but everything else just hurt more. I sniffled softly and opened my eyes again. I noticed that everything around me seemed to have gotten bigger, including my clothes even. I couldn't really see the changes happening to me anymore because of it so I kept looking around. I noticed David was mostly wolf by now, save for his face and I assumed I was too. Something seemed to be off though, I just couldn't place what.

Pressure started to build up right above my ass followed by agonizing pain. Oh no...I quickly looked behind me to see that a fluffy black tail was slowly forming, pushing out from my tail bone. Of. Fucking. Course. I whined softly and buried my face back into David's, now fluffed up, chest. The pain seemed to be dulling down, leaving most of my body sore except for my face. The pain became about ten times worse there and my eyes snapped shut again. My face started to push out after my nose darkened to black and rounded and I screamed in agony, tears quickly falling down my face again. At the same time, my vocal cords were changing too so my scream became broken and animalistic.

Eventually, my transformation stopped once my snout was formed. I whimpered softly and fell down onto the bed, exhausted and extremely sore. I felt too hot. It felt like a blanket was wrapped around my entire body. I suddenly felt something slip off of me and I opened my eyes in surprise. David had carefully taken off my now too big shirt using his teeth before doing the same with my jeans. He dropped them next to the pile of my spare clothes on the floor. I relaxed and closed my eyes again, feeling better now that the extra layers of warmth were gone.

"Go ahead and sleep, Max. It's been a long night for you and you look exhausted," I heard David suddenly say in my head. I was confused about how he had spoken in my head but I was too tired to question it at the moment. I yawned softly and let myself slowly drift off to sleep.

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