Chapter 14: Thinking About the Past

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Quick An: The picture above is not mine and all the love should go to the artist here at

David's Pov
Max and I sat in silence while we quietly rode through the night on the empty road. I lived in the city so it was going to take a little bit before we'd get to my house. Max was watching out the window but suddenly spoke up.

"Why'd you do that?" He asked. I furrowed my brow, confused, and glanced at Max.

"Do what, kiddo?" I replied.

"Why the hell did you just stand there and let my dad beat you up like that? You could have easily taken him down in a couple of seconds with your werewolf super strength or whatever you call it!" He exclaimed. I let the swear slide this time and sighed softly.

"Max...Sometimes it's better to stand there and take it than to fight and give someone what they want...Your dad wanted a scene, he wanted to cause something drastic to happen. I didn't want things to escalate any more than it had, so, I stood there and took a few punches."

He seemed to believe my answer and nodded. It wasn't entirely the truth and I felt bad for lying to Max but I don't think he'd quite understand why I didn't like using my powers. Especially my strength and the shifting. While being able to change to my wolf form at will is nice, what isn't as nice is getting emotional and accidentally transforming. I've gotten better at controlling that over time but I still can't forget what happened because of it. It seemed silly that I couldn't get over something that happened years ago and have it affect me so much but here I was. I thought for a moment before I decided that maybe it's time to move on. I tried to remember that night to see if I could let it go. To see if I could finally stop believing that I'm a monster.


It was a few years ago, almost two years after I was turned. A simple night out before the full moon phase the next day was all I wanted but it always proved to be a difficult task. By now I had a better handle on my..."condition" but I still got sensitive and had trouble with control this close to "my time of the month" as my boyfriend at the time liked to teasingly refer to it. Long before I had met Bonquisha, I was in what others would call a perfect relationship with Jay. He was tall, being around 5' 11", and he had black hair cut into a slight fringe. He mostly wore printed t-shirts and jeans but he was as sweet as a person could get and he was dorky like me on top of it all. I couldn't really ask for anything more when I was first turned and he stood by my side lovingly.

During full moons, he would stay up with me almost all night until we'd either fall asleep or until I'd turn back to normal. Sometimes we would start a movie marathon and wrap ourselves together in a blanket despite it being difficult to cuddle together in my wolf form. Even while I would transform he'd hold me in a tight hug and comfort me all the way through it. I loved him so much and was lucky that he loved me back just as much. I just wished it lasted longer.

Jay and I always had a tradition of going out the night before a full moon phase so I could have a fun night before going through heck the next three. This time we had decided to go to a bar I don't remember the name of. I felt uneasy about going to a bar since neither of us really drank that often but I always liked to let Jay do what he wanted too especially since he did so much for me. We went to the bar and had a good time together for a few hours. I didn't drink since we planned for me to drive us back but Jay had a few rounds and he didn't seem drunk by the time we decided to leave. The place was starting to get crowded and loud so we didn't really want to stay.

"Let's head out of here and go somewhere else," Jay yelled to me above the people and the music. I nodded in response and we left the bar. We walked into the parking lot and to my car but I saw someone walk up to Jay from the corner of my eye as I pulled out my keys. The person was obviously drunk to the point I could definitely smell-albeit with a more sensitive nose-the alcohol on him on the other side of the car. He put his hands on Jay's hips causing Jay to jump in surprise.

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