Chapter 9: Full Night

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David's Pov
I smiled softly at Max as he peacefully fell asleep. He was a small wolf pup with very fluffy black fur for his wolf form and I thought it was both fitting and pretty cute. Then again, almost any puppy is cute. I still felt terrible about biting him but he handled it really well. He even had managed to have full control on the first try and I couldn't say I wasn't impressed and proud. I looked over at Gwen, who was smiling slightly.

"I've gotta say, I'm surprised. He did really good for his first time transforming," she said. I nodded my head in agreement.

"I'm proud of him. Once sunrise hits tomorrow he won't have to face this again for another month," I said to Gwen. She gave me a sad look.

"David...Camp is going to be over for the summer by the end of the week...What are we going to tell his parents? We can't just hand him over and say 'Hey here's your kid, he's a werewolf now'!"

My ears folded backward sadly. Tomorrow was Wednesday and Camp would end on Friday. At the mention of Max's parents, the marks and bruises I saw on him earlier flashed back to my mind.

"Gwen," I said, "maybe we shouldn't let Max's parents take him back this year."

"David, what the hell are you talking about? We have to give him back to his parents contractually."

"Earlier while you were running activities I saw cuts and bruises littered all over his chest and shoulders, and you remember parents day as well as I do. Gwen...I think Max is being abused by them..."

Gwen frowned, crossing her arms over her chest as she glanced to Max.

"Even if that's true," she sighed. "We have no way to prove it. What can we do about it?"

I didn't answer for a few moments. I looked over to Max and stayed silent before looking back to Gwen.

"I want to adopt him, Gwen," I told her. She widened her eyes in surprise.

"David that's fucking crazy! What makes you think they'll just hand him over to you?!"

"I don't care if I have to get a black eye and a broken bone for them to let me adopt him! He deserves a better home...I-I want to be there for him and give him that."

Gwen sighed softly, "Are you sure about this though? I'm not saying you'd be a bad parent for Max. I think you'd actually make a really good parent, but do you really want to take all of that on by yourself?"

I nodded my head, my ears perking back up with determination.

"I'm sure. I've been thinking this through since parents day," I said. "Max said it himself, his parents don't care. When I saw those bruises though, it was the last straw for me and I decided for sure."

Gwen nodded and we left the conversation at that. I could tell, she wasn't mad at all that I was making this decision. In fact, she was actually happy for me, but she was just helping me out as a friend and was making sure I was certain about this huge choice. I do get in over my head sometimes but I was pretty certain on this one. All that was left was up to Max. I really wanted to give him all the love and care he deserves but it is his call. He may not want me as a parent or even want to leave his own parents despite what's happening. I just had to let Max decide when I ask him. If he does say no, it's like the saying if you love them you have to let them go.

I suddenly heard a soft whine next to me. I looked over beside me to see that Max was curled in on himself and shaking. My ears drooped back down at the sight. It was too warm in the cabin and outside for him to be cold, especially with his fur, so he must've been having a nightmare. Plus, his scent changed slightly to show he was feeling scared. I stood up and walked over to Max. I then laid back down beside him, curling around his small form. He soon calmed down and even nuzzled against me slightly. I smiled and my tail swayed slowly against the bed. Gwen smiled softly from the other side of the room.

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