Chapter 4: Questions

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Max's Pov
I eventually fell asleep staring out the window. The next morning, I regretted it when the sun began to shine directly on my face. I stirred and got up with a quiet groan before looking around the cabin. Gwen was still asleep in her bed and the cabin was quiet except for noise seemingly coming from outside. It was still too early for any other campers to be up since it was just after dawn. So who the hell was awake?

I carefully climbed out of David's bed and looked out the window and through the screen of the cabin door to see if I could spot anybody. No one was there and it looked like everyone was still in their tents. The noise quieted down and I heard a door open behind me. I turned around to see David standing there, completely back to normal with his attire and everything.

"Oh! You're awake..." he said. The normally cheery counselor looked completely exhausted and drained. He was holding one of his balled up bandannas in his hand and when I looked closer I could see small blood spots on it. In an instant, I was a bit intimated (though I didn't want to admit it) and was reminded of last night.

"David..? What happened last night..?" I asked quietly. David sighed softly, not even trying to be his cheery self.

"Look, Max, I'm...sorry you had to see that last night..." he said, "You were never meant to find out and neither are any of the other campers." I gently furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"But why..? I honestly thought it was pretty cool once I got over the initial shock."

David shook his head, looking at me sternly.

"I know, but you can't tell anyone about this..! It could put me and, most importantly, all of you guys in serious danger...And getting you and the other campers hurt absolutely the last thing I want to do."

"Wait, why the fuck would we all get hurt? Gwen said you go pretty far into the woods when you lose control, or whatever."

"If anyone else finds out, the government could potentially come after me. Since Ered's dads work for the government it makes it even more possible. They...don't take too kindly to...'monsters' like me Max." David said, using air quotes when he said monster.

"Ok, but that still doesn't answer all of my questions. Why would we get hurt?"

"If they can't find me, they'll come after anyone who knows me. They won't be afraid to...use immoral methods to try to get answers that I guarantee you all don't know."

I widened my eyes a bit. This was definitely a bit scary now. David's look softened up and he gently put a hand on my shoulder, kneeling down so he was at eye level with me.

"Look, Max, I'm sorry if I scared you there...I just can't let any of you get hurt! Besides, there's a very low chance of them coming for me. Just as long we are careful about it and don't tell anyone, we'll be a-ok!" he said. He gave a soft, reassuring smile. It actually made me feel a bit better as I nodded.

"Your secret's safe with me, but why are these people after you in the first place?" I asked.

"It's because I'm a 'monster'. Someone out of the ordinary. Inhuman. All names they use to describe us. It's the fear of the unknown for the most part. They don't understand and are scared by people like me so they try to make everything...natural again."

"They fucking off you guys?!" I exclaimed in shock. David frowned and nodded, sighing softly.

"But why the hell would they do that?! You've never done anything wrong! So what, you can turn into a wolf?! You're completely in control majority of the time and tame when you're not!"

"Well," David said, "they don't really see that. As I said, it's the fear of the unknown. We're unnatural to them, so, they call us monsters and try to get rid of us."

"That's complete bullshit. They're the fucking monsters killing innocent people like that." I said angrily.

"Language, and, I know...But there's not really anything we can do about it. I just have to keep things the way they are and we'll be fine. They don't really have any reason to come for me since I don't cause any public disturbance and I haven't, well, killed anyone."

I grimaced slightly at the thought of that. David? Killing someone? It didn't seem possible at all. But, there was the bloody bandanna he was still holding.

"If that's the case, then why's your bandanna all bloody?" I asked, a little timidly. David glanced to said bandanna in his hand and chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

"That's...because I forgot to eat enough yesterday. I hunted a few small things while I was out in the woods."

I relaxed and eased up. That was way better than David of all people killing a person. David looked at his wristwatch and then back to me. He gave a signature cheery smile and stood up from where he was kneeling on the floor.

"It's still pretty early to have any of the other campers awake. Let's head over to the mess hall. I can start making breakfast and you can have some coffee. How does that sound?"

I nodded and smirked.

"Sounds good dog breath," I said teasingly. David laughed softly and walked to the door of the cabin while I followed behind. As promised, we both quietly walked into the mess hall. David went to the kitchen while I made a pot of coffee. Once it was ready, I made a mug and sat down at one of the tables. Other campers started to slowly pour in after a while. Gwen must've woken them up since David was finishing up breakfast.

Neil and Nikki soon joined me at the table before we got breakfast.

"So, where were you last night? You didn't come back to the tent after the squirrel attack." Neil asked while we stood in line. I gently shrugged my shoulders and calmly responded.

"I got caught by David so the dumbass made me stay there for the night in case the squirrels came back."

Neil nodded, buying the lie. It was weird, not being able to tell them about what happened. Nikki would've been so excited and would probably try to play with David in his wolf form. Neil would've probably freaked out since science doesn't really explain lycanthropy. I internally chuckled. He would definitely lose a shit ton of sleep trying to figure it out like Harrison's magic. It was going to be really hard to not tell them but I had to. It was too risky and I don't want to be tortured by some weird government people. It was just better to not say anything.

After breakfast, David and Gwen started the morning activities. The first one was hiking so we all reluctantly went onto the trail. I got bored so I started to watch David as he rambled on about different plants. As I watched him, I realized that a lot of things made more sense now the more I thought about it.

The weird unnatural strength he has for his build, the high energy, and the weird loyalty he has to Campbell and the camp. All of it was explainable now since he was a werewolf. Super strength, dog-like qualities, and quick healing were all typical werewolf things. I guess he really was one when you stopped to think about it. The rest of the day passed by pretty slowly. Activities were boring as usual so that didn't help. Eventually, all of the campers were sent to bed though so it seemed worth it. I slipped off my hoodie and crawled onto my cot, soon falling asleep.

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