Chapter 3: David's Secret

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Max's Pov

My eyes were fixed somewhat fearfully at David. He continued to shake on the bed, but something was happening. His teeth started to grow out and point, getting sharp, and his nails did the same. I widened my eyes and reeled back against the frame of Gwen's bed.

"What the fuck?!", I yelled. Gwen glanced back to me.

"Calm down Max," she said, "everything is fine. This is just completely normal." I glared at her for a moment.

"Normal?! How the hell is any of this normal?!"

I looked back to David, small cracks and pops filling the small room. He was shaking violently and making pained sounds as his ears stretched and pointed. I grimaced a little.

"Ok, fine, this isn't normal at all" Gwen responded. "But everything is fine and he'll explain everything in the morning..."

David's hands began to slowly change to paws similar to a dog's. It was slightly horrifying but I couldn't tear my eyes away. But as I kept watching, realization hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Oh it's pretty fucking clear what's going on here," I said. "But it doesn't make any sense. Werewolves don't exist. They're just in fairytales and other bullshit like that!" Gwen rolled her eyes.

"Got any other explanation for this then?"

I reluctantly shook my head and went back to quietly watching David. At this point, he was definitely looking more wolf than human with reddish-brown fur that matched his hair completely covering him except for his face. His pointed ears somehow fixed to the top of his head and his nose darkened to black and became more dog-like before the fur spread over his face.

David suddenly bit down harshly on the pillow next to him. A sickening crack followed with his legs snapping to match the rest of his wolf-ish form. I grimaced even more and hid behind Gwen slightly as embarrassing as it was. A fluffy tail quickly formed just below David's back with lots of pops. Finally, his face began to push out to make a snout while David screamed into the pillow through the whole thing. His vocal cords changed at the same time, making his voice broken and terrifyingly animalistic.

Everything seemed to stop and stand still for a moment. Gwen eased up a bit and I peaked from behind her to see David lying there, fully transformed, panting and seemingly exhausted. He looked like he was about to pass out any minute ad I don't blame him after what just happened...I shoved my hands into my hoodie pocket and slowly made my way over to David. Gwen followed as I jumped up onto the bed.

"You doing ok there David?" she asked. He didn't answer for a few seconds because, well, he can't talk for one, but he was also getting his breathing under control and slowing it down. When he did, he gave a slight nod and Gwen gave a small smile. I looked over at David and he looked a lot different than what I expected for a werewolf.

I was kind of expecting the giant, beast-like Hollywood version of werewolves when I figured it out. Instead, he looked like a real wolf if not just a tiny bit larger and he still acted like David instead of some vicious monster. At least it seemed so. My attention snapped back when Gwen started to ask questions again.

"Do you have a good grip on control?" she said. I furrowed my brow in confusion. Control? What was that supposed to mean? David responded with a few tilts of his head to each side like a yes and no gesture. Gwen frowned slightly.

"Will it be enough for you to stay? Especially with Max around...?"

David's ears drooped back and he laid his head on his paws. He stared down for a while in thought. Gwen sighed softly.

"Look, David, I know you don't want to think about it but we can't take any chances..." she said, her arms crossed over her chest. David nodded and huffed softly before jumping off of the bed. He carefully stepped out of all of his clothes, which were surprisingly still intact, except for his trademark bandanna.

He walked over to the cabin door where Gwen followed shortly behind. She opened the door and David trotted out. I jumped off the bed and looked out the window in curiosity. He walked over to the tree line of the woods before sprinting off out of sight and away from the camp. Gwen shut the door to the cabin and locked it, sighing softly. She walked away from the door and sat down at the desk while I furrowed my eyebrows with confusion.

"What just happened..?" I asked, looking over at her. Gwen turned her head, glancing out the window for a moment, before looking back at me and responding.

"You've seen werewolf movies, right?"

I nodded.

"Well, it kinda likes in those movies. The only difference is that David can fight back what he calls 'the wolf'. He either has control of it and himself or doesn't. When he doesn't or there's a chance he'll lose control, he goes into the woods to be as far away from the camp as possible so he doesn't hurt anyone..."

Well, at least that makes sense...I looked down at the ground, staying silent. Sure, David was annoying and unbearable at times but he didn't deserve to be a fucking werewolf..! Gwen frowned slightly and got up from the desk. She walked over and gently put a hand on my shoulder, making me flinch and look up at her in surprise. She didn't seem to notice the flinch and instead, she just talked to me.

"Hey, I know you've probably got a shit ton of questions, but you've got to sleep. It's been a long and very weird night," she said. For once, I didn't argue and nodded my head. She was right too. I hadn't realized how tired I actually was until now.

"It's too dangerous for you to head back to your tent so you'll stay here for the night. You can sleep in David's bed," Gwen continued. I nodded again.

"Ok," I said. Yawning softly, I hesitantly crawled into David's bed. Gwen blew out the candles around the room and turned off the light to the cabin before getting into her own bed across the room.

"Goodnight Max," she said. "Try to get some sleep."

"Night Gwen..." I mumbled in response. I slowly turned over onto my side and looked out the window that was next to the bed. I stared at the tree line for a while, it being lighten up by the bright night. As much as I hated to admit it, I was actually kind of worried about David. I knew everything was fine but I couldn't help but feel worried for some reason. Like something bad was going to happen. But, who knows how long and how many times he's done this without any of the campers knowing. He's got it handled...I hope...

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