Chapter 12: Max?

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David's Pov
Gwen started to clean up the major gashes Daniel had landed on me and all of the campers, save for Max, raised their hands at the same time. Oh boy. I pointed to Nikki so she could ask her question. She surprisingly didn't ask about the most pressing thing the other campers were probably going to.

"Why was Daniel back?" She questioned.

"Well...To be upfront with you all, he was here to try to...kill all of you again," I answered uneasily. A strong stinging feeling came from my back as Gwen cleaned the deep wound there that started between my shoulder blades and went all the way down to the small of my back. I flinched and hissed softly in pain. That was going to take a while to heal.

"Sorry," Gwen said. I smiled slightly and waved it off.

"It's ok," I replied. I then looked back to the campers and they had their hands raised again. I took a moment to decide before pointing to Nerris.

"Are you a Druid?" She asked. "Or some sort of shapeshifter?"

I chuckled softly. "No, not quite. I'm a werewolf, actually."

That started a buzz through the group. Some of the kids 'ooo'd and 'awww'd while some of the others said "Oh" but none of them seemed the slightest bit scared. Not even space kid, who had shouted "Woah!" A huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders from this and I smiled slightly. I had been so worried that the kids would be scared of me if they ever saw but they weren't at all. Instead, they thought it was cool and they were intrigued. They were also really curious as it seemed to bring up a lot more questions. I was in for a long day.

Eventually, I did answer everyone's question and Gwen bandaged up all of my wounds. I had made sure that everyone understood to keep this at camp though. Ered even promised that she'd make sure her dads would keep myself, and Max, though I didn't name him specifically, safe. Apparently, they kept track of monsters in the area anyway and had been watching me. Now that I had temporarily stopped a very much wanted fugitive and saved their daughter as well as everyone else at camp, they'd keep us under protection.

Neil, on the other hand, was a bit freaked out because science doesn't exactly explain lycanthropy but once I explained it was like having a food allergy, he calmed down. Some people touch a nut and they swell up, I have moonlight shine on me and I turn into a wolf. Nikki was probably the most excited with the news, seeing as she now had an 'animal buddy' as she put it to actually play with her, unlike the squirrels and Muack. She had even tried to convince me to bite her and turn her too but I, of course, said no. That would be a disaster having a were-puppy Nikki on the grounds.

After everyone's questions were answered, Gwen sent them out of the cabin so I could rest for a bit. Shockingly, no one really wanted to leave. They all complained and tried to convince Gwen to let them stay for a bit longer. Gwen wasn't so easily swayed though and they all reluctantly left. Well, all except for Max. I looked at him with surprise as he stayed behind from the group and walked over to me.

"Hey, what's wrong? Do you need anything?" I asked. He nodded and got onto the bed.

"Yeah..." he trailed off. He then suddenly wrapped his arms around my neck tightly and buried his head into my shoulder. I froze for a moment in shock and looked to Gwen. She was just as surprised and shocked as I was. "Don't ever scare me like that again, asshole...I thought Daniel was going to fucking kill you..!"

Finally, I unfroze and slowly wrapped my arms around Max. I smiled softly and gently hugged him. I would've hugged tighter but I was afraid all my cuts would start to hurt worse if I did that.

"Don't worry, Max," I said. "I'm not going anywhere. Not for a long time."

Max nodded and quickly pulled away, trying to go back to his normal, angry and cynical appearance. He got off of the bed and went to leave the cabin.

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