Chapter 15: Transitioning

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David's Pov
I drove silently the rest of the way so Max could sleep after the long day he's had. I almost felt a bit bad when we pulled into the driveway and I knew I had to wake him up. I parked the car and turned around to face the backseat where Max was sitting. I reached my arm over and gently shook him awake.

"Wake up Max," I said. "We're here."

Max slowly blinked awake and sat up before stretching out his limbs.

"What?" he yawned.

I smiled softly with slight excitement and answered, "We're here. Welcome to your new home!"

Max rubbed his eyes and gave a slight, tired smile. I quickly shut off the car and got out, Max doing the same right after. We both grabbed our things (though I would have to make a second trip later) and walked up to the front door. I took out my keys again and searched for the correct one before unlocking the door and opening it. My house was somewhat small, but it was cozy. There were three bedrooms, one bathroom, one garage, and a basement. At the time, I really needed it because of my issues with controlling the wolf on full moons. I had been getting kind of tired of replacing torn up furniture and other broken items, nor did I have the funds to keep doing so.

We stepped inside the house and Max started to look around the room. The living room was spacious, having tan walls and a light-colored carpet. To the left was the hallway that connected to the two bedrooms and one bathroom. Straight ahead from the front door and right behind the living room was the kitchen and the breakfast bar and window that connected to it, sort of like something you'd see in a restaurant.

"It's not much," I said to Max. "But it is home."

Max nodded and continued to look around for a few moments. He was smiling slightly but mostly looked tired. I set my things down on to the floor carefully and gently put a hand on Max's shoulder. He looked up at me, holding Mr. Honeynuts right in his arm.

"Why don't I show you to your bedroom so you can go to sleep? It's been a long, exhausting day for you," I said. Max nodded again and let me lead him to the bedroom which was the first room on the left of the hallway. Normally, it was a guest room-if I even had company to stay in it-but now it would become Max's own room since there are no other bedrooms besides mine in the house. It was fairly spacious with blue walls and a light carpet, dark brown furniture, a twin bed with blue bedding, and a small closet. Max's eyes widened when he stepped inside and saw the room. I smiled softly at this and gently ruffled Max's hair, even though he immediately pushed my hand away as an automatic reflex.

"Here's your room, kiddo. We can unpack some more tomorrow but for now, you need to get some rest. It's been a long day," I said. Max yawned and nodded. He set his bag down on the ground and walked over to the bed before crawling into it. He hugged Mr. Honeynuts tightly in his arms as he almost buried himself under the blankets. I turned off the light and was about to walk out of the bedroom when I heard Max behind me.

"Hey, David?" he asked softly. I hummed in response as I looked back towards him.

"Thank you..."

I grinned on the inside but kept a small smile on my face on the outside.

"You're welcome, Max," I said. I turned around and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind me quietly. I then quickly took a glance at my wristwatch to see that it was pretty late, so, I went back to the car and grabbed the rest of my things before going to bed myself.

The next morning, I woke up early as always and decided to make breakfast for both Max and I. By the time I am done cooking pancakes and bacon, Max had woke up and was walking into the living room. I smiled at him through the window in the wall.

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