Hey Squirt!

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"Rise and shine big boy!"

"Oh can you PLEASE let me sleep!'

"Since you asked so nicely, I'll reply nicely too. No."

It had been twenty minutes since Cathy got to Newt's room and the boy refused to wake up. She'd been seeing the boy for almost five days now and this was the first time he'd slept in.

Cathy knew she couldn't go and shake the daylights out of him so all she could do was yell and tug at his blanket.

"Wake up!" She yelled again "I'm bored"

"Guess what sweetheart? I don't care!" Newt sleepily snapped "and don't worry, you can smile over the fact that I called you sweetheart. My eyes are shut anyway"

"If you don't wake up..I'll start singing!" Cathy yelled. She didn't know why she said that. She never sang out loud in front of people so she honestly didn't even know how she sounded.

"Good" Newt mumbled "If the flare doesn't kill me, at least your singing will. Either way, I'm getting out of this hell hole"

Frustrated, Cathy jumped on his bed as she began to sing.

Hey-yo, nanana
I said hey-yo, I'm all good
I'ma do my own thing
I'ma do me
I'ma do my own thing-

"I'll be honest, you're not that bad" Newt interrupted as he rubbed his eyes and sat up "if you weren't yelling the song, I'd probably fall right back to sleep"

"Thanks?" Cathy said unsure if it was a compliment or not "so what do you want to do today?"

"Get out of this place" Newt mumbled as he climbed out of bed and walked over to his small little washroom to brush.

"Alright, I'll add that to the impossible bucket list" the girl rolled her eyes "and now back to the bucket list of actual possibilities"

She waited patiently for the boy to finish brushing his teeth and wash his face.

Newt walked out, his shirt now in his hand and not draped over him, his hair still a wild mess. Cathy looked away to avoid staring at him shirtless.

"Hey squirt!" Newt called out holding up two hoodies "blue or white?"

Cathy didn't know why he was asking her opinion on the colour. Maybe he just wanted her to see him shirtless so he could make fun of her blushing. Either way, Cathy turned toward him and pointed out toward the white hoodie. Newt smiled before pulling the item of clothing over his head. He then turned toward a small mirror and ran his fingers through his hair, making it stick up.

"Trying to pull off Minho's hair style?" Cathy smirked

"Pfft No" Newt quickly messed up his hair again to convince her that he wasn't.

"You missed breakfast" Cathy reminded "turns out you flashed you're middle finger at the guy who came to wake you up"

"It was either that or my alarm clock going flying at his face" Newt shrugged "I think I was nice to him"

"Right" Cathy rolled her eyes, again "so, you have your medical check again today and then we both have the rest of the day to ourselves"

"Oh joy" Newt mocked "a whole day with you squirt! Should I stand up and dance a jig?"

"As entertaining as that would be," Cathy sassed "I'll pass, I'm not ready to see your terrible dancing just yet"

"Do they have any movies here?" Newt asked even though he sort if knew the answer.

"No" Cathy replied "unless you consider 'a visual representation of atomic structure: volume I' a movie"

Newt groaned loudly as he fell back onto his pillow. Cathy looked down at her watch before getting up from his bed.

"We gotta get you to the infirmary" she said as she walked toward the door "get up you baby". Newt half heartedly got up and followed her.

"Did you just call me baby?" Newt smirked.

"Did I just see you blushing?" Cathy grinned "and no, I didn't mean 'baby' as in..I mean I.."

Newt laughed at her inability to explain in what context she meant to call him that.

All these years of studying advanced and complicated things which were way beyond the caliber of kids her age and here she was, unable to explain to the boy that she didn't mean to flirt.

Or did she?

As soon as they reached the infirmary, the doctor assigned to Newt ushered him to his bed. He asked Newt a couple of questions and checked his pulse and heartbeat for some reason.

Cathy stood by door, thinking about how this poor, sweet boy had gone through so much but still managed to smile and laugh in front of her. It wasn't fair, whatever happened to him and it certainly wasn't fair that he was just another part of this operation or trials that this organisation was going to carry out.

The sound of the doctor's 'sit still!' Brought Cathy back to reality. She turned to see Newt off the bed and running toward her, the doctor behind him with a siringe in his hand.
Newt halted only once he was standing behind Cathy.

"What's wrong?" She asked looking at the two men.

"He won't sit still" the doctor said, frustrated "I need his blood sample. It's part of the check up"

Cathy sighed before holdout her palm in which the doctor placed the siringe. She was a trained medic so the doc had no hesitation with her taking over.

Cathy walked over toward Newt's bed, the boy meekly following her.

"It's not going to hurt you" Cathy assured "and I won't even touch you. Here, you can put this sleeve up yourself"

The boy rolled up his sleeve, his eyes not leaving her's. He watched as the girl removed the guard off the needle.
She picked up a piece of cotton and applied who knows what to it and handed it to him, telling him to press it over his arm after she was done taking his blood.

She very cautiously placed the needle over his skin, not piercing it yet. She looked up unto his eyes.

"It'll help if you don't look"

The boy turned away from his hand and looked at her instead. For some reason he found some sort of assurance when he locked gazes with her.

"How do you spell your name?" Cathy asked.

Odd Newt thought why would she want me to spell my name? Doesn't she know how to spell it herself?

"It's spelt N-E-W- ow. Oh"

He looked down at his arm where the needle was only few seconds ago. He quickly pressed the cotton swab over where he'd felt the needle pick him. She'd already drawn his blood when he was distracted while spelling is name. She transfered his blood to a small test tube and closed it off.

"Wasn't too bad now huh?" The girl smiled "you feeling alright peaches?"

"Peaches?" Newt smiled cheekily

"That's what you're completion turns to when you blush" Cathy smirked as she walked over to a basin to wash her hands "peach. And what's up with you calling me squirt"

"I dunno" the boy shrugged "I mean, you're small and well, short so 'squirt' seemed fitting"

"I'm not short" Cathy argued as she wiped her hands for her jeans, walking out with Newt following "I'm 5'7"

"Well you're still shorter than me" Newt shrugged "so squirt it is"

"I prefer 'love' over that" Cathy smiled

"And I prefer 'baby' over peaches" Newt stated.

Both looked at each other and burst into fits of giggles.

Maybe he isn't so hard to 'babysit' after all

"You talking about Newt?"

"Stop listening to my thoughts you creep"


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