Chat with Cathy

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Cathy clenched her fists while she bit her lip and blinked back tears.

It had only been three months since the boys had been sent into the maze and the amount of deaths she'd seen over the monitors was concerning.

Every month they'd send a new subject into the maze to join the others. Of course, their memories were swiped clean. The only thing they knew about themselves were the names WICKED had given them.

"Who did we lose?" Thomas asked as he placed his hand on her shoulder, giving her a light squeeze.

"Stephen" Cathy mumbled "He tried to climb down the box"

Thomas and Cathy watched as the other boys dragged the lifeless body of Stephen away from the box. There was blood everywhere and half of the dead boy's body was missing. He saw Newt, Minho and few other familiar faces including Winston.

"Arrite" Thomas spun Cathy's chair around till her her back was facing the monitors "That's enough for today"

"This isn't right" she whispered, afraid someone would hear her "this isn't fair to them"

"I know" Thomas held her hands while he sat in a chair across her 

"why did they want me to forget them?"

Thomas knew who she was talking about.

"You were really close to them Cat. Newt, Minho and Winston" the boy squeezed her hands a bit "you didn't want to send them into the maze. You were against this whole idea because you cared about them"

He paused.

"I'm guessing you're still confused about that kiss in the hallway?"

Cathy nodded.

"You both got really close in the few months that you guys spent together. Like really really close" He smiled "You had these silly nicknames for each other and you seemed to be the only person Newt trusted in here. And Teresa once helped you sneak out to meet him in the middle of the night"

He paused again.

"That boy really loved you. And you were pretty smitten with him too" 

"Oh" Cathy didn't know what else to say. How could she forget someone who she was in love with? "did i-"


Both kids turned to the doorway where Ava stood. She stood there in her usual white attire with her hair tied up in a bun.

The girl stood up and Thomas gave her hands one last squeeze before hesitently letting go.

"Bye Cat" he muttered while giving her a sad smile.

"So sad to see me leave?" She chuckled as she ruffled his hair "catch ya later T boy"

Thomas stood up and pulled her in for a tight hug which caught her by surprise. Still confused, she hugged him back and patted his arm in a 'you okay bud?' sort of way before walking toward Ava.

"We need to talk" the woman said with a smile "follow me to my office"

Cathy walked behind the older lady in silence. This was pretty normal at this point. Ava would sometimes show up and ask for Cathy before leading her to her office to talk about how the boys were doing in the maze.

As soon as Ava shut her office door Cathy began taking.

"So yesterday the boys finished building the 'homesteads', that's what they're calling it. They finally figured out that if they send a note in the box we send them the requested supplies" Cathy pulled out a small notepad from her coat pocket "They asked for some bread, notebooks with pens and pencils, shoes to fit uh, Zart? and some more tools. As for today, we lost Stephen. he tried to-"

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